Mason maintained his calm, “I slept like a baby.”
Amelia chocked a bit,
“Are you okay?” James asked her.
“Yes I am, I just ate too fast. That’s all.”
“You don’t have to rush you know, take your time. I don’t want mom to be on my throat.”
“You make it seem as if it’s my fault that I chocked James.”
“Then who’s fault is it? Mine?” James replied.
Mason was looking at them with a bemused look on his face,
“When did I say that James, like you, is even capable of chocking.”
James scrunched up his face, “What does that even mean?”
“Just what I said.” She mimicked his voice.
“Stop it, Amelia, you know very well that’s not how I talk or sound like,” James replied.
“Stoooop AmEliA tHaTs NoT hOw I sOUnd LiKe.”
“I forget how immature you are,” James replied.
“Say’s you who is arguing with the immature one. Doesn’t that make you more immature.”
“The problem is that I entertain the fool, you are right.”
“Maybe I should bring a boy over so that I can prove it to you that I am old enough and mature.”
“Stop it Amelia,” James replied.
“Stop what? You can have people over and I can’t.”
James sighed, “You are my baby sister okay.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Everything,” James replied.
“Well, you better start adjusting because I am not living alone like a spinster just because I am your baby sister. Or better I should go to their house.”
“I will tell mom Amelia.”
“Go ahead, James. I have plenty of dirt on you too. And you know you are the older one. You carry more weight.”
Amelia smirked when she saw that James was actually thinking about it. She knew that her words held so much weight and how much truth they had in them. She would get into trouble, but her brother would get into much bigger trouble than she would.
“Fine, we will see the day that it comes when you get this so-called boyfriend.”
“Wait you think that I can’t get one?”
James laughed, “ Oh pebbles you are as meek as they come. That’s why I wasn’t concerned about you at the party. You are as straight as they come.”
Amelia couldn’t dispute his words because he also held so much merit with his words. She knew that he was right.
Amelia tilted her head, “Let’s just drop it, James.”
James laughed outright at her, “I know you too well pebbles, remember I am your older brother.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say.”
“That’s what you always do when you lose. You retreat.”
“No, I just don’t want to waste my precious energy on you, James, you are not worth it.”
“Whatever you say pebbles.”
Mason finally spoke up, “I slept well. I was warm.”
James nudged him, “You slept like a baby and alone?” Mason laughed, “I said I slept like a baby but I never said I slept alone.”
Amelia’s eyes widened.
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