well, yesterday was some shit. marie is, like i said, bipolar. so after being pissy all day, she out of nowhere made me bracelets and wanted to put them on me. yep... gonna go sing fake love now. this girl told marie yesterday that she'll be obsequious for marie, which means she basically told marie that she's ready and willing to obey and serve her. bitch, that's my gf, tf -_- WHY YOU SAD?! I DUNNO NAN MOLLA! US-EOBWA! SALANGHAE MALHAEBWA! *screaming* now i'm stressed out because i can't figure out what bts is doing in the dna video~! well, idk what to do anymore. what to do...hmmmmmmmmmmm! idk.
wellllllllllllllllllll! lemme just be an idiot real quick while crying to bts.
okay, so the worst movie i've ever seen was this one called snatched. i think that's one of the worst, at least. so girl over here, she's conceited basically and always talks about herself in the first part of the movie. then her boyfriend breaks up with her because his music career was "taking off" and he wanted different pussy. yeah, the shit was weird. but her and her boyfriend were supposed to go on a trip to south america and shit. but no one else wanted to go with her so she took her mom. and basically she was being a stupid, blonde girl and she got kidnapped with her mom and ya da ya da ya da.
uhmmmm...the day i left home was april 15th, 2020 and it's coming close to a year since i've been home and seen my dogs. if my step-mom was still alive it'd be a year since i've seen her too but she's gone ;-;
uhm, so the other day, i lowkey tried to steal a poptart from the store because i wanted it. i'm on my fucking period, dammit. i needed it. and mfka, i got caught trying to shove it in my pants. i'm so fucking stupid lmao.
the hardest thing i've been through was....hmmmm! idk, i go through a lot of shit. i mean, considering the state has custody over me ._.
nine things i can't handle are...XD i'm gonna sound so fucking mean right now but...one; when women have huge ass upper bodies and tiny frail ass lower bodies. that shit disgusts me >.< two; UGLY FEET, OMFGGGGGG! three; people are problematic. four; people who do too damn much. five; when people have chubby fingers (lmao wtf is wrong with me). six; holes in places where there shouldn't be holes. i have a phobia of holes and shit. seven; diseases. eight; when people tell me about their sexual experiences. nine; snakes. all of that shit is gross to me.
two excruciatingly embarrassing moments are when i sang in the talent show when i was in fifth grade, and i was singing in front of my crush and when i got caught with that poptart -.-
if i had a mfkn celebrity dinner party, bitch, i'd invite bts, billie eilish, twice, blackpink, itzy (thank you nico for helping me stan them), conceited, dc young fly, stray kids, txt, enhypen, pop smoke (if he was still alive) and all them better get along because if mfka's start arguing or throwing shade, idgaf i will yell at them. and i bet you it'd be the black rappers that i invited that would argue with the koreans >:
sooooo, today guys, we're going to be learning how to post something i have no idea what it is actually. ohhhh, how to make chitlings. ew, these fucking stink. how do i make these? wtf am i supposed to do with them? ewww, wtf! we're supposed it this on thanksgiving? oh, hell nahhhh! get tf out. so, uhm, first you'd want to cook them i guess and then put them on a plate, i guess. take a picture, i think and then post it to instagram....idk what to do, omfg.
hmph. my first kiss. it was last year with this boy i was dating. i was walking him to his english class because my design class was right next to his english class. also i had his english teacher that year too. uhm, so i drug him out of the class and we hugged. and then i was like 'where my kiss at?' and he smirked and pushed me into a corner and kissed me. so then we started kissing a lot. holy fuck, i kinda miss his kisses....but i mean, marie is good at kissing too though sooooooooo :]
the day i started doing whatever tf this is, i was thinking about how idiotic i am and how i can maybe make people's day by be my stupid self but ya know, i'm not funny so it's fine *crying*
the hardest decision i've ever made was if i was going to stay with marie after all the shit that's happened in this amount of time we've been together. her "best friend" gorgeous liked her and tried to break us up. bunny likes me and is trying to break us up. my fairy godmother doesn't want us together. marie is leaving soon and going back home. all that shit and more...
seven things i've learned from being my age...hmph. *loading answers bc i'm stupid af* one; never write hate note to old ass foster parents. two; if your conscience is guilty, tell on yourself (that's what i do and everything goes smoothly). three; tell the truth. four; don't do drugs. five; be a virgin happily. six; kpop is the shit. seven; relationships are fucking hard.
a letter to my mum...i don't have anything to say to her right now.
an anti-bucket list; i hope to never get shot or anything painful :)
the last thingy made me cry...idek atp bc i cry a lot. that was a lot of abbreviations lmao.
my earliest childhood memory is...idfk. uhm.....i tried to steal a poptart :)]
something that really pisses me off is when people talk about my height or how i act for a "mixed" girl. that shit it dead.
the worst christmas i had was when my parents were fighting and my mom got mad and threw the presents at me and my brother, basically spoiling our presents. it was terrible and it hurts to talk about.
the worst birthday i had was my 13th birthday when i had my phone and i looked pretty and my crush said i looked pretty. but then he didn't come to the party and my party was taken over by the neighborhood kids and their mom who was belly dancing to music, while i was laying on the couch texting people. yep, i was bored af.
what i'm addicted to is my hatred. idk why but i just love when my hatred grows and maybe i could kill someone. sorry, i sound like a psychopath right now but i'm not, i swear.
write my obituary...? okay, lmao. --> this was an amazingly stupid child. she always played games and joked around. she was always trying to keep people smiling. of course, she couldn't always have them laughing. she died and now she will rot in hell because of the stupid shit she said and did. amen. bye, motherfuckers.
here's a frequently asked question that i'ma get out of the way. "is, like, your mom black and your dad white? and, like, why do you act so white?" well, listen here mfka, my mom is actually white and my dad is black. AND ALSO, I DON'T ACT "WHITE", I JUST TALK PROPERLY AND I'M NOT GHETTO UNLIKE YOU WHO IS NOT EVEN HOME-TRAINED. YOU DISGUST ME >:
that time i met a complete stranger in the zumies store and we started talking about tattoo's and i made his night because i'm funny and idk why else i made his night, i just did. and then he put a tiny ponytail in his hair and he looked so cute! *dies in uwu i miss my friend*
something i lost is my virginity-- omfg, nooo! i'm just playinggggg! agh!!! something i lost is my idk. i lose a lot of stuff and i'm clumsy soooooo! namjoon much? yesh, very much namjoon.
my bad habits are pulling my hair out in naps because of stress. like my hair could be easy to run my fingers through and i'll somehow find a way to get nappy hair and pull it out. another bad habit is procrastinating...i do that a lot ._.
people think i'm either sweet, nice, a baby back bitch, etc etc or they think i'm ghetto and problematic. it depends on who meets me, when they meet/met me, and how they interpret who i am. but on the inside, i'm mean asf and anti-social but for some reason, i know a lot of people -_-
if i only had one day to live, i would spend it with my family and writing a goodbye letter.
a guide to the town i live in....hm....SO THAT RIGHT HERE IS CENTRAL HIGHSCHOOL but uhm, don't go there because it's ghetto asf and you'll probably get murdered. AND THAT IS JIMMY LEE REC AKA OXFORD REC and it's also ghetto, so, uhm, stay away from there. UHM THERE IS THAT GAS STATION, IT'S GREEN but idk what it's called because no one goes there so i'm assuming it's also ghetto. yeah, a lot of this town is ghetto. BUT THAT SPEEDWAY IS THE BEST, THEY HAVE SLUSHIES! UHM, DOWN THIS WAY IS THE BANK, WHITE CASTLE, AND AN ALDI'S~ THERE IS A POPEYE'S RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET. UHM, if you follow the right train, you should get to cubs and the hockey stadiam. there's also a mcdonalds down that way. AND IF YOU FOLLOW THE LEFT TRAIN, you should get to the rondo library and there is a wendy's down there and a bunch on beauty shops. yep, there you go.
*tiny 4 year old voice* when i grow up, i want to be a singer because my mommy can sing! *smiles like an idiot*
something i found is...nothing -.-
if i had a last meal menu i'd have (don't judge me but i will be obese when i die) brownies, ice cream, strawberry cake, chocolate, bts---*coughs, chokes and wheezes*, tacos, fagitas, kimchi, spicy korean beef noodles, mcdonalds and burger king, chipotle, and i think that's it. like i said, obese mfka.
my favourite room in the house is my room because i don't have to share with anybody and it's comfy.
gotta go do therapy -.-
also tmr i'ma spill the tea because shit went down today.