dammit, marie is so fucking bipolar. and ik i can't say shit but damnnnn! she's mad at me just for what? i didn't even talk to bunny today and she wants to act all pissy. damn, and people wonder why i'm so fucking stressed out. my fucking gf wants me to stop talking to my only friend here. she gets so fucking jealous and mad for what? what's the mfkn reason? if she hasn't noticed, bunny has a fucking gf and is not worried about me.
marie's getting jealous for literally fucking no reason. i can understand why she's pissy at bunny but me? there's no reason for her to be mad at me. damn. she's always talking about how she doesn't gaf about no one's feelings but then tells me she cares about me. how tf can you care about me but not my feelings. omfg. i'm so tired of all this shit. this crazy bipolar shit. it's getting fucking old.
maybe i'd be okay if i was single. it sucks that i love marie and she treats me the way she does. we're complete fucking opposites. she has guns, she has money, she is more ghetto then me and i'm black. she absolutely hates asians for some reason. maybe it's jealousy because i'm always saying some asian is fine but idgaf. she's mean, she's gotten into fights, she loves ghetto music, et cetera, et cetera.
then you just have me, who's short, sweet, listens to kpop but still likes "ghetto music", who loves all people and hates them based on their personality. me whose never gotten into a fight, whose never shot a gun, who lives like i'm broke. we're so different that it's literally not fucking funny. also, lemme just take a secong to say dat han jisung from stray kids is a very sexy man UwU. but back to my bullshit.
yep, i still feel like dying :'}
welp, my back hurts. time to go listen to ateez and cry. bye~~~~