HI~! okay, anyways.
most used word(s) or phrase(s): holy shet. woah, calm down, Jamal, don't pull out the nine. that's hot (facts, bro. i say that's hot so much that this one time i was upset..people were like "she's not okay and back to normal until she says 'that's hot'").
how long does it take for me to get ready: that's weird as fuck but, uhm, it really depends on what i'm doing that day and how i'm feeling that day.
do i have much of an ego: hm? idk. i don't think so. maybe a little bit. holy shet, stop coming for me.
do i suck or bite lollipops: 👁️👄👁️....heh heh, which one you want me to do- omg, ew, ew, ew. omg, i bite lollipops. i am so disgusting. gonna go throw up now.
do i talk to myself: why tf-- no, not anymore.
do i sing to myself: idk, wtf do you mean.
am i good singer: hmmm...i would like to say... YES BITCHES~ AHAHAA
biggest fear: death or the dark
am i a gossip: idek anymore
best dramatic movie i've ever seen: i don't watch movies, tf? i'm weird. i watch shows.
do i like long or short hair: both, i guess?
can i name all 50 states of Amurica: hell nah.
favourite school subject: i hate school. but english :}
extrovert and introvert: apparently, i'm both of them but i forgot what it's caleed when you're both...ambivert, probably. eh, i'm too lazy to look it up right now.
have i ever been scuba diving: this is so weird to ask. no, motherfucker.
what makes me nervous: hm...idk
am i scared of the dark: no, wtf? yes, bitch, of course i am.
do i correct people when they make mistakes: i really dgaf with people make mistakes.
am i ticklish: i wish a bitch would try to tickle me. so your answer is, yes.
have i ever been in a position of authority: idk
have i ever drunken underage: is drunken a word?
have i ever done drugs: nope, aha. i'm a good kid.
who was my first real crush: my ex. he was my neighbor but fuck him. he can suck my 12 inch.
how many peircings do i have: two. dumb bitch.
can i roll my R's: yes.
how fast can i type: pretty fast.
how fast can i run: idk. decent, i guess?
20 nosy ass questions
how old am i? - 7091827984173461208736412873687 i am 92, who's asking, yeh fuckin' pehdophile, mate. that shet is gruss.
what is my gender? - i am gender fluid, mother fuckers~
do i have a pet? - hah. do i have a pet? bitch, i have two crocodiles, a unicorn, a duck, three panda bears, eight dinosaurs, a tiger, nine leopards, sixteen lions, and two dogs.
3 things on my wishlist? - love, my bestfriend to come live with me, for bts to come surprise me and meet me.
my current obsession? - i thought we established what my obsession was already? it's k-pop, dammit.
my favourite game? - i don't play games.
one song i like singing? - i sing too many songs, i can't choose just one, fucker.
do i have a crush/lover? - idk...do i? *jungshookth*
how would i confess? - me: bye-- *walks out the door*
something i regret doing? - i regret a lot of things, and idk how to say them. just-- agh!
what is my sexual orietation? - pervert~ *singing, jungkook style*
my favourite food? - ice cream~! yeddd, omg!
when was my first crush? - omg, this is going to be disgusting but i was obsessed with justin beiber once upon a time. icky. that was in, like, 1st grade or something.
am i s or m? - should i be scared for my mental health?
what's my ideal date plan? - fuck the shit out of me. no, bitch. i think about that when a mfka actually takes me out on a date.
something i can't stop doing? - being a bad child. nah, i'm playing. idk, i do a lot.
what do i do when i'm sad? - i run to bangtan sonyeondan, what do i look like i do? i cry and listen to bts, duh.
something i'd like to try out? - sex. no, i'm playing. having a serious relationship with someone.
selfie without makeup? - ahaha, you thought, bitch, you thought. nope. not i. i shall not put my face on here. that's weird.
something i want to hear from my followers? - i don't have followers. i have like nine of them but who gives a shit? not me.
more stupid questions to answer
who was the last person i held hands with? - my- i don't share my business like that-- oof...
am i loud, outgoing, or shy? - yep, actually. i'm all three :D
who am i looking forward to seeing? - my bestie </3
am i easy to get along with? - yes, actually. i might seem like a crazy bitch,and i am, but i am easy to get along with.
have i ever given up on someone, but then went back to him or her? - yes. three times to be exact. well, dating-wise. freidnship-wise? i'll cut yo ass off and no more.
if i were drunk would the person i like take care of me? - i sure hope so-- but it's fine because i don't drink.
do i think i'll be in a relationship two months from now? - i hope so.
who from the opposite gender is in my mind? - their name(s): kim namjoon, kim seokjin, min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook, lee felix, etc. don't ask any questions.
does talking about sex make me uncomfy? - sometimes. it's like, i think about it a lot, (well, not really anymore) but when i write smut it makes me uncomfy...so kind of?
who was the last person i had a deep conversation with? - i call her my fairy godmother now mind your own business.
what does my most recent text say? - well, i’ll come to your room tonight, ight? just-- don't even ask.
how do i feel about abortion? - idk...
do i like big crowds of people? - i'm starting to. three years ago, my answer would be, hell no~!
do i believe in luck and miracles? - idk what to believe in anymore.
what good things happened...this summer...? - bitch, it's not summer yet, tf?
would i kiss the last person i kissed again? - no, probably not because i can't remember who was the last person i kissed. it's not because i kiss a lot of people, it's actually the opposite. i don't kiss people a lot, not even my mom.
do i think there is life on other planets? - idk... i don't focus on that type of stuff.
do i still talk to my first crush? - no. tf, he's a celebrity and i was 6.
do i like bubble bath? - i don't take baths. i skinny dip in lakes, stupid.
do i like my neighbors? - i don't fuck with my neighbors, not after what happened at my...idk what to call it because i don't even live there anymore.
what are my bad habits? - cussing, procrastinating, letting people have power over me.
where would i like to travel? - south korea.
do i have trust issues? - yes, sort of.
favourite part of my daily routine? - watching tv for like four hours.
what body part am i most uncomfy with? - i hate my body, like, my entire body.
what do i do when i wake up? - i lay in my bed for a few minutes, then i force myself to get up. then i grab my clothes and wait for people to get out the bathroom. then i sit there looking crazy for a good half hour. then i finally decide to brush my teeth and i probably don't even look at my hair. yep. there you go, weirdo.
do i wish my skin were light or darker? - sometimes i wish it was lighter because i am colored and people can be racist and because i want to be a k-pop idol. what if they don't take me because i'm too dark or i do get to go with a group, people don't like the group i would be in.
have any of my ex's told me they regret breaking up? - i don't associate with my ex's.
do i ever want to get married? - idk.
which celebrities would i like to...omg--- have a threesome with? - i'm leaving, bro. wtf is this~!? agh!.........min yoongi and van ness wu *whispers*
is my hair long enough to put into a ponytail? - yes. you callling me bald-headed? wanna die?
spell my name with my chin. - okay? akldex. damn, i suck at that.
do i play sports? - no, i'm too lazy for that shit. i used to play soccer when i was 6 and i used to be a cheerleader.
would i rather live without tv or music? - i would kill myself because i need them both.
have i ever liked someone and never told them? - yeah, of course.
what do i say during awkward silence? - "hi." with this face:
do i think age matters in a relationship? - i mean if they're like 4-6 years older than you, they gotta go unless y'all both over 18. if you're 13 dating a 17 year old, you need to get beat like weiyoung from the show, 'The Princess Weiyoung' cause they be beating her with thick ass sticks.
what is my favourite store to shop in? - maybe ragstock. yeah, ragstock or forever 21.
what do i want to do after highschool? - mfka, i'm just tryna graduate in general.
do i believe in second chances? - it honestly depends.
if i'm being extremely quiet, what does it mean? - someone is trying to kill me or i'm already dead.
do i smile at strangers? - no. well, some times.
trip to outer space or the bottom of the sea? - space, omg! never to the bottom of the sea, i would have a panic attack and probably drown and die.
do i want... a roommate? - ....bitch, i already have a roommate.
what am i paranoid about? - mirrors, windows, and cameras. so basically being watched.
what was the meanest thing someone has ever said to me? - idk and idgaf.
the nicest thing someone has ever said to me? - this lady that i barely talked to, her name is Ca, right? i said she was decent at singing and she looked at me. she said my smile was really pretty and that i was beautiful.
have i done something recently that i hope no one finds out about? - there are only 4 people i don't want to know about it, but yeah.
what language do i want to learn? - korean and english.
last one, okay?
full name? - lady leilani waterton of dogde charger.
zodiac sign? - libra/virgo cusp.
3 things i love? - my family, music, idk.
my best friend? - my dead step-mom and coco </3
last song i listened to? - i'm listening to 'run' right now and i lowkey don't remember what was the last song before thing. i think it was 'i need u'. yeah, i think it was.
4 turn on's? - well, damn. heh, okay. choking me, touching me, growling at me or baring their teeth at me, being sexy~ :] i'm a good kid, i swear.
4 turn off's? - idk....
what colour-- omg... underwear am i wearing today? - pEdOpHiLe~! oMg!
how many tattoo's/peircings i have? - two peircings, zero tattoo's.
how i feel right now? - i feel bored.
something i really, really want? - to meet bts, omg--
my current relationship statues? - omg, bye--
my favourite movie(s)? - like i said, i don't really watch movies, so idk.
my favourite song(s)? - i'm not even going to answer this.
my favourite band(s)? - bts, blackpink, ateez, stray kids, twice, txt, enhypen, aespa-- wait, this is all in my bio.
3 things that upset me? - lying, people, life.
3 things that make me happy? - bts, music, food.
what i find attractive in other people? - face, body but also personailty, aura.
someone i miss? - my step-mom.
someone i love? - my brother...my family?
my relationship with my....parent..? - rocky.
my favourite holiday? - my birthday.
a confession? - i used to try to kill my cat. leave me alone. i was a serious psychopath in 1st and 2nd grade. hearing the cat choke was music to my ears. i used to strangle my cat. it's horrible that i did that and i hate talking about it. also, when babies cry, i laugh. lowkey, that shit is funny and like i said, i'm crazy. not even gonna get into the rest of my craziness.
3 things that annoy me easily? - people. uhm....people again. and, uhm....almost everything.
my favourite animal(s)? - dogs.
my pets? - LIKE I SAID~! i have two crocodiles, a unicorn, a duck, three panda bears, eight dinosaurs, a tiger, nine leopards, sixteen lions, and two dogs! nah, i'm playing. my two dogs, their names are tristan and ladybug. i got ladybug from my step-mom because my step-mom already had that dog but over the years, ladybug has been my little baby and i love her so much. i taught all of my dogs how to walk up and down stairs. btw, i've had 17 dogs in the past 4 years but that's because tristan and another dog of mine mated and then we sold that dog because tristan was horny. uhm, ladybug is 3 years old and she's my baby and she's so stupid but i love her so much. and tristan is 5 or 6 with his old ass. i've had him since i was in second grade and he was a baby then. ugh, i love tristan too even though over the years me and my brother have messed with him so much that he's quick to bite me and my brother :)
one thing i've lied about? - i've lied about skipping school. it was one time and it was one class. never again. i got my ass beat.
something that's currently worrying me? - that i'll lose even more people that mean so much to me.
an embarrassing moment? - idk.
something that's constantly on my mind? - food or bts.
habits i have? - i shall not say.
my future goals? - idk.
something i fantisize about? - don't try to come for me, tf.
what i did yesterday? - karoake and stupid shit.
something i'm talented at? - singing~!
my celebrity crushes? - all of bts. jisoo of blackpink. bang chan, felix, seungmin, i.n., changbin, han, hyunjin of stray kids. jay and jake of enhypen. van ness wu and tiffany tang from 'the princess weiyoung'. et cetera, et cetera.
do i smoke or drink? - no, sirrrrr!
anyways, i just did too much but have fun getting to know me. bye~
- alex <3