“No, not this aisle. No, no dolls. Keep going. No, no, no.” Pupil was getting agitated. Erika was having a blast. She had no idea what he was looking for but thoroughly enjoyed driving him nuts.
Suddenly he was jumping up and down in the cart and pointing down an aisle. “Here, here, this one.”
It was the aisle with the cheap toys. The plastic animals, wind up robots, and stuffed animals.
“This aisle? Why?”
“Fill cart, no talk. I need Army men. Fill cart with the little plastic soldiers.”
Erika shrugs and starts to pull the bags of green army men off the pegs. Pupil looks at her, “Not just green, get tan too. You racist.”
She looked at him, shocked. “No...”
“Then take all. Get tanks to, no matter color, size or material.” He said as he started tossing them into the cart. He leaned out and grabbed a plastic tiger and took a plastic saddle off a horse and tucked them into his bag when Erika wasn’t looking. He looked back at her, she was starting to put tank and jeep models in the cart. “No, put those back. Not ask for that, bad girl.”
“Why not? It’s war stuff.”
“You want to spend hours gluing this crap together?”
“Uh noooo.”
“Then put back silly.”
Erika started to put them back, neatly on the shelves. Pupil rolled his eyes and saw something he wanted. He grabbed a box and put it in his bag. He wasn’t the only one grabbing things and stashing them, she grabbed an item when he wasn’t looking and tucked it into her jacket.
“Get walkie bots too. Need those, will be fun.”
She swept her arm across the shelf and dumped them into the cart. Pupil started to drum his fingers on the edge of the cart.
“What’s your deal ?”
“Can never find help here. I want to ask clerk if there more in back.”
“We are the only ones here.”
Pupil perked up like he never thought of that. “Well then we can go back and find. Good job girl.”
Erika rolled her eyes and pushed the cart to the back. They found a case of army men and related items. They also found a box of robots and a small box of rubber monsters.
“Ohhh, I never thought of these, let’s go back out and get more. So much fun we will have.”
They went back to that aisle and found more, as they were filling the cart Pupil noticed something.
“How long sun been rising in the west ?”
“It doesn’t, you know that.”
Pupil answered by pointing over Erika’s shoulder. She turned and looked.
“If not the sun then we in trouble.”
Just then the front glass door shattered, a squad of scouts came pouring in. They looked like Anoles, carrying golden tridents and small lasers. They wore light armor, rumored to be made from human skin. A few drones came in behind them. These floated silently through the air, with a laser array that shot out and scanned the area below them.
“Uh oh.”
“Uh oh!” Erika whispered, “Is that all you got.”
“Wanted to say more, but potty mouth you already have.” He said to her as he looked around. “Quick, hand me that bunny.”
Erika reluctantly turned to the stuffed animal bin and pulled out a little fluffy bunny. “What the hell you gonna do with that ?”
“Just gimme!” he hissed at her.
Erika flipped it to him. “Thank you.” He said and turned to face the front of the store just as one came into view.
“Take that!!” Pupil yelled as he threw the bunny. It hit the scout in the chest and fell harmlessly to the floor in front of it. The scout looked confused and kicked the bunny to the side and drew his trident.
“Well that was great. Hope you have something better in mind......” her sarcasm stopped short when things changed drastically.
The scout stopped before it could call out to the others. It put its hand on its shoulder to wipe away something wet. It shook it’s hand to fling the water away and then looked up at a twelve foot tall red eyed angry rabbit. Drool dripped from its mouth and its front teeth were enormous. Before the scout could react the rabbit opened its mouth and chomped down on the lizard to the waist. It lifted it’s head and shook it back and forth until the legs flew off and sailed across the store and landed in the pet department.
“Clean up at aisle 9.” Pupil laughed hysterically. He suddenly stopped and began sniffing the air. He looked at Erika. “You hear that ?”
Erika looked at him, not sure if she should laugh or be terrified.
“ Hand me bear, hand me bear.” Pupil said, clapping his hands together and bouncing up and down in the cart. Erika handed him a teddy bear and he tossed it over the shelves to the next aisle. It landed and squeaked. Pupil looked at Erika. “Some idiot put dog toy in kid toy aisle.”
From the next aisle the two lizards talked to each other in their language. The talking soon change to reptilian screams as the bear began to rip them to shreds.
Another one came running down the aisle behind them. Pupil looked at Erika and said “You’re turn, make it happen.”
Erika picked up one of those balls that was a face you could squeeze and goop comes out and nailed that lizard right in the head. It stopped and looked at the thing, clearly not amused it drew it’s laser pistol and took aim.
Pupil was laughing delightfully at Erika’s choice. He couldn’t breath when he saw it grow and breath out onto the scout and the look on it’s face was enough to get Erika chuckling.
While these two were being entertained, the bear and bunny were also busy, thrashing and killing the rest.
The scout slowly turned to see a big purple face with green goop poring out of every hole. When this thing licked it’s lips the scout dropped it’s laser and stood frozen in terror. To the delight of Pupil the head grew bigger and soon dwarfed the scout. It swallowed him whole and took off to finish the job.
Pupil turned to face Erika, grinning from ear to ear. The grin was gone in seconds. “Quick, hand me that toy laser gun, and arm yourself too.”
Erika complied and turned to see what Pupil was looking at. The drones were closing in, one fired a laser blast that went over their heads. Pupil raised his toy gun and shot a projectile that left a green swirly trail behind it. The drone exploded. Erika popped off two shots with her red laser blasts and knocked out two more. The one that remained tried to retreat out the front door to escape and report back to the rest. Erika chased after it and took aim, but it went behind a wall and was almost out, when a giant bunny swatted it down.
“Seeeeee, “ yelled Pupil. “FUN!!!”