“Who dares call the queen by her name ?” a horse with wings and a single horn protruding from the center of her forehead asked. There seemed to be a theme with these animals having some sort of mark on their hindquarters.
Erika some how knew her name as well. “Princess Luna, I am Erika Ransford. Her sister.”
The queen and the horse whispered to each other. They both gave disgusted looks to Pupil. Erika noticed, and wasn’t happy.
“Eriana! What is wrong with you. Dad never would approve the way you’re looking at him.”
“Silence !” yelled Luna.
“Oh shut up,” Erika said as she approached the throne. “You listen to me little sister. It may be hard for you to hear, but dad would bust your butt just for the way you looked at him, not to mention how you’re ignoring me.”
Eriana stood up, “You, and that THING can go. How dare you speak of MY father. You don’t know him, or me, and I don’t know YOU!”
Pupil walked up at this point, next to Eriana, and reached for her hand. She recoiled from his touch and looked at him with pure disgust.
“How dare you touch me. I am the Queen.”
“Quiet silly girl.” Pupil said with as much patience as a saint. “Proof I can provide. Roll, up your sleeve, fathers bracelet you both have,”
Sure enough they both had the same bracelet.
“That doesn’t mean anything.” Eriana said with a little less conviction in her voice.
Pupil took Erika’s hand and reached for Eriana’s. Eriana yanked it away from his grasp. Pupil was growing frustrated.
“Quit being difficult child. Give me your hand.” She refused. Pupil stared up into her eyes. Slowly, her hand came from behind her back and placed into her sisters hand. A gentle breeze seemed to emanate from this embrace. No one was really sure what happened. But when the air stood still once again, the two hugged each other.
“Friends now are we?”
“What is your name ?”Eriana asked
“I am known as Pupil.”
“Like a student ?”
“Yes, exactly. Learning and, perhaps, relearning.”
“Pupil, my Ponydom is at your service.”
“Gather your troops. There are plans to finish making.”
“Come my ponies, It is time for war!” Eriana said, raising her hands into the air, as the horses cheered.
Later they were at the command post. Going over and perfecting their battle plan. As they finalized and set a time to start, three strange figures materialized out of thin air. They were tall, around seven feet. Thick, muscular bodies covered in course hair. When they spoke, their mouths didn’t move.
“Hail allies, we come in peace.”
“Doubtful, I know your kind.” Pupil said. “Through history, when your kinds path crosses ours, nothing good happens.”
The one in the center looked at Pupil. “We know we have caused humans great harm in the past. That is why we are here, to rectify our errors.”
“Sure you are, believe you I do not. Especially you Pan. You have caused all our suffering. Taking us from our dimension to this one of pain and death. You serve yourself by any means.”
“We are trying to help you. You do not know what will happen if you raise this Spire.”
“Oh, I know what will happen. Saurians be weakened. A long needed victory we will have.”
“You will also awaken the Gods.”
Some of those around Pupil heard this and got very nervous.
“That is fine by me. They hate you too.”
This bothered Pan a little bit. You could see it in his face.
“And your kind as well. It was the Human’s and the Annunaki that imprisoned them eons ago.”
“Foolish we were not. They sleep, but are aware. It is you who should be afraid of them. Gods they are not, protectors they were.”
“If they rise they will wipe out everything on this planet and beyond !” Pan was getting upset.
“You are not here for our benefit.” Pupil realized. “Protecting your own ass you are. Afraid of the karma you brought on yourself.” Pupil smiled. “Done talking we are.”
Pupil nodded to General Loki who gave a signal. Tank engines fired up, robots whirred to life, riffles were cocked, and horses stomped their hooves. It was time to raise the Spire.