“Bring her here.”A fair and skinny woman told Waron and he complied. Fate was now lying on a fairly thin single bed and Waron was unfastening her armor.
“Look at the size of that dent!” Tara took the armor from Waron and eyed it with surprise. “Rachael, are you sure you weren’t trying to break her bones?”
Waron gave Rachael another stern look and she lifted her hand in defense. “Didn’t you tell she was a good fighter? I thought she would be able to take it.”
“”Ah. So, it was you. I am not even surprised. It’s just like you to bring your newly wedded wife into the camp and make your soldiers beat the shit out of her.”
Waron exhaled at Tara’s mocking. He had no way of countering the allegations thrown at him because inside his heart he had the same feeling as well. He did think himself that he was responsible for what happened to Fate.
He is never going to show that though, this side of his that had feelings. He was the future king of Rhize and people regard him as the cold hearted beast, that’s exactly what he needs them to keep thinking. He can never give up this image of his otherwise there will be no fear and respect in the eyes of people for him.
“Prince Waron.” Martis came and stood at the door and Waron looked at Tara.
“Go on. That’s definitely more important than your wife. I will make sure she stays fine.” Tara spoke through gritted teeth and Waron somewhat reluctantly left the room.
Fate opened her eyes when she felt her stomach growl in hunger. Looking around her she noticed a white spacious, well lit room which had the smell of disinfectants and medicine. Her armor was neatly kept on a stool at a distance.
She tried to get up but a piercing pain ran through her ribs. She dipped back into the mattress with a painful “Argh”.
“You need to lie down longer to heal properly.” Fate looked at the tall, shoulder length silver haired woman who walked towards her with crossed hands.
“That armor took a lot of the hit which was coming for your ribs and so they didn’t break but you have hit your head on the fence.” Fate’s fingers went up to her head instantly. She felt a small patch of bandage there and a sudden headache crept in.
Tara came closer to Fate and gave her a pitiful look. “I am sorry you had to go through all this, my condolences my lady.”
This was exactly what Fate has gone through all this years. Fate knows that look which her people had often given her but this time she felt really bad for it.
She didn’t want people in Rhize to treat her in the same way people in Panalov did. She came here as a princess and wanted that dignity to stay intact.
“I am fine actually. These small injuries doesn’t hurt or matter much to me, I am used to them.” Fate was doing her best in hiding her pain but Tara’s look of sorryness remained the same.
‘Grrrrr’ another growl erupted from Fate’s stomach and she awkwardly smiled at Tara. “I will get someone to bring a meal for you my lady” with a smile Tara turned and left the room while Fate’s face flushed red.
Whole day Waron stayed busy in attending meetings and discussing future of Rhize with the ministers but the thought of Fate never left him. At times he spaced out in between heated debates but soon recovered.
‘This won’t do’ he thought to himself, ‘I have to go and see if Valyne is okay.’
As soon as he got out of his scheduled works he hurried towards the infirmary but there was no sign of Fate there. Worriedly he walked to Tara’s cabin and banged his hands on the table. “Where is she? Did you send her back to the palace?”
“Are you scared she will go and tell about your doings to king Jarred? You kind of deserve a good spanking, no?”
“Come on Tara. Will you just stop taunting me and speak about her whereabouts.”
“Or what? Will you break my table and show how dangerous you are? Or maybe it will be my neck.” Tara was glad that she could make a few minutes of Waron’s life worse. “She went to the training camp. Rachael came to meet her and your wife just walked out with her. She was still in pain when I saw her walking but convinced me by telling that she needed fresh air.”
The next second Waron was out of Tara’s cabin. ‘What the hell did she think she was doing? She should have stayed here and rested but instead she went to the camp and that too with the person who was responsible to put her in the hospital.
When he put his foot on the training camp he felt certain cheeriness in the air. Loud ‘ha ha’ was heard from a distance and he could see a crowd being formed.
“What is happening here?” Waron broke through the crowd to see a laughing Fate sitting in the middle. After Fate Martis was the second person on whom his eyes fell.
“Would you explain to me what all of you are doing here? Don’t you have to practice?”
“It’s already after sunset, the practicing hours are over. Princess Valyne is entertaining us here with some funny stories from Panalov.” Martis spoke on behalf of everyone and earned a deadly glare from Waron.
“Would you like to join us my lord?” Fate asked Waron in an innocent voice but Waron took that as slyness.
“No, thank you. It’s late; you should be back in the palace and not here ‘entertaining’ these low-lives.” That statement wiped off the happiness from the crowds face and everybody slowly dispersed.
Waron turned and walked towards the palace and Fate with a hanging head followed behind him as fast as she could while grabbing her hurting ribs.