Words: 5,745318Please respect copyright.PENANAbdTd53jwXH
Dean x Reader318Please respect copyright.PENANAlH23AbEzkQ
Warnings: none! fluffy Dean fluff!318Please respect copyright.PENANARM4KpLqrKQ
Summary Dean x Reader based on the episode where Dean LARPs with Charlie. Dean sees Y/N in the outfit and gets flustered. Fluff while they LARP!318Please respect copyright.PENANA1Brbo6SSMD
and anonymous: “Can you do a Dean x Artist! Reader?? I love your fanfics and this would be amazing! Please and thank you!”318Please respect copyright.PENANAQW2EGVCkDa
A/N: Charlie is frickin’ fun as hell to write. I need to write more of her! Hope you guys enjoy this. I’m sort of in love with this one-shot.
318Please respect copyright.PENANAFbpCCaSB3q
”Did Charlie say why she needed us to come up? I mean, how did she sound?”
”I don’t know, Sam, she sounded like Charlie,” Dean said with a trace of annoyance in his voice, in reality, because he was worrying. He adjusted his hands on the steering wheel, grasping it far tighter than need be. “And I already told you she wouldn’t say. I tried to squeeze it out of her but she wasn’t having it!”
Sam sighed and creased appeared between his eyebrows. “I just hope everything is alright. She’s been through enough to last a lifetime,” he finished.
”Yeah,” Dean agreed gruffly. “Well, whatever it is we’re there for her. She knows that.”
The boys continued the rest of the drive-in silence, except for the noise of the road and the same old rock tapes Dean had blaring on repeat. Each of them was mulling over what could possibly cause Charlie to call them and urge them to head up and meet her.
It was mid-summer, and with the windows down in the Impala, the classic rock roaring, and the road stretching out ahead, an unbroken ribbon leaping for the horizon, the scene was one that would be anyone else’s summer vacation, a road trip that would create memories to last a lifetime. But for Sam and Dean, this was the norm, another unremarkable day pounding the pavement and whirring over too many miles to count. At least they knew there was a friendly face waiting on the other end for once. That was a rarity these days.
Finally, as the sun was beginning to sink behind the hills and trees in the west, Dean slowed the Impala and made the turn off the highway and into the expansive parking lot. They had to drive up and down several rows, and Dean’s annoyance with finding an available parking space was nearing the road-rage stage when at last they spotted an open slot near the edge of an empty field.
Sam and Dean both climbed out, taking in the scene ahead. Torches were blazing in the distance and the sound of music, flutes, and string instruments was drifting over the roofs of the rows on rows of cars and guiding them towards the entrance. Dean took a deep breath in, admitting inwardly that he could understand why this was such a big deal for so many people. It was a world they could escape into, where they could choose who to be, and where the problems they encountered were ones with simple solutions, with fake battles that they chose to fight. They weren’t just thrown into fights unwillingly or stuck cleaning up people’s messes. When they wanted to turn it all off, they could. And there was something about the cool evening air settling in the low places after a hot day, and the buzzing of energy and excitement, and the sound of laughter and raucous voices, and the smell of—
”Turkey legs.” Dean turned and looked at Sam. “I’m getting one of those,” he said seriously.
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother. “Can we at least find Charlie first please?”
”Obviously, Sam. You think I was going to choose food over—yeah, alright, I heard it. Never mind! Don’t answer that,” Dean said, adjusting his jacket and glancing back at the Impala. “You think Baby will be okay there?”
Sam let out a breathy snort of laughter and shook his head. “I’m sure the car will be fine. Now come on. Charlie still queen?”
”Yup. Far as I know,” Dean said, following Sam across the lot. “She said she’d most likely be in her ‘royal quarters’ when we got here,” Dean said with a small smile.
”Right,” Sam said. “Well let’s start there.”
The Winchester brothers made their way steadily through the crowds, looking for Charlie’s tent once they had passed through the gates announcing that they were entering the kingdom of Moondoor. They didn’t blend in. Both of them were tall, well built, and wearing jeans and their usual street clothes. The looks of disapproval and confusion from the peasants and soldiers and orcs were blatant and impossible not to notice.
”There. You think?” Sam asked pointing to a tent that was much taller than the others and had a red and gold flag waving from the highest peak of the canvas.
”Yup. I think so,” Dean agreed. The boys made their way over and were stopped by a guard at the entrance.
He looked them up and down and frowned at their laced boots and flannel shirts. “If you do not have one already you will need to schedule an audience with the queen and come back later, my good—sirs…”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Well, the queen called for us. So, I’m pretty sure she’ll see us.”
His eyes traveled again over their clothes. ”I find that highly unlikely. And I’m afraid that since I have no knowledge of—“
”Alright. What’s your name?” Dean asked, the edge in his voice growing.
”I am Articus. A member of Her Royal Highness’ guard and—“
”Alright, Artie,” Dean said, stepping forward and putting a heavy hand on the guy’s shoulder.
”It’s not—It’s Articus… not Artie,” he said. He had broken out of his strong, lofty character voice, wilting under Dean’s heavy hand.
”Dean,” Sam said warningly, feeling a little bad for the guy. He didn’t have any clue who they were and Sam couldn’t really blame him for trying to stop too obvious outsiders from barging in.
Dean waved him off. “I’ve got it, Sammy.” He turned back to the guard. “If you don’t move and let us through to see the Queen, she’s going to find pieces of—“
”What’s going on?” A new voice joined in, pleasant and sweet. “Is there a problem?” You emerged through the tent flap.
Dean immediately dropped his hand from Artie’s shoulder and cleared his throat, taking a moment and looking you up and down as subtly as he could manage. “We’re supposed to see the queen but someone is being a little difficult.”
”I’m doing my job!” Artie’s lofty voice had returned.
You smiled as you looked at the boys. “At ease, Articus.” You turned back to Sam and Dean. “You must be the Winchester brothers. Come on, in.” You held back the entrance to the flap and the two tall brothers ducked inside, leaving Artie looking a little disgruntled.
”You can wait here. I’ll get Charlie,” you said with a smile, heading farther into the tent.
As you left Sam turned to examine the interior of the tent, which was richly decorated and certainly looked fit for a queen, though on closer examination the gold candlesticks were plastic, the fur rugs were fake, and the candles were lit with LED bulbs instead of real flames. Smart when you were lighting them inside a canvas tent.
Dean, however, was staring after you and smiled a little to himself as he watched you slip through the flaps that led into a second partition of the tent. He adjusted the fit of his jacket, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck as he watched the rustling of the tent settle after your departure.
”Dean,” Sam said. “Dean. Hey,” he nudged his brother to get his attention. Dean spun around, a little startled out of his gaze after you. “Look at this,” Sam said with a wide smile. He was pointing up at a large portrait hung from one of the tent supports. “She looks great. You think they just edited a picture to make it look like a painting or—“
”100% real portrait, on canvas in oil, bitches.”
Sam and Dean turned to see Charlie standing at the other end of the tent with a wide grin on her face. They returned the wide smile and she rushed over to them.
”Holy mac’n’cheese. Thanks for coming you guys!” She grabbed each of them in an extra tight hug.
”Whoa,” Dean laughed, squeezing her back. “Don’t tell Artie we hugged the queen. He might send us to the stocks.”
Charlie shook her head, an amused smile on her face. “Did he give you a hard time? He gets a little too into his duties sometimes.”
”It was no problem,” Sam said. “God, it’s great to see you. You look like you’re enjoying life?”
Charlie’s smile glowed. “I really am.” She heaved a contented sigh. “It’s been totally great.”
”And this is something,” Sam said, pointing again at the oil portrait of Charlie. “Very elegant,” he said giving her an amused smile and letting out a light laugh.
Charlie laughed. ”It wasn’t my idea. I was pretty embarrassed about it at first but—now I think it’s kind of totally badass,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at it.
”That’s because it is totally badass,” you said, stepping back into the room. “Having her standing on a dragon-hide rug really completed the picture.”
”I didn’t even notice that at first,” Sam said with a laugh, raising his eyebrows at the painting in amusement.
Dean and Sam turned to face you again as you walked over to stand next to Charlie. Dean stood up suddenly straighter. This did not go unnoticed by Charlie or Sam.
”Oh, this is so great,” Charlie bubbled with excitement. “All my favorite people in one place! Ok. Ok. Official introductions! This is the Sam and Dean Winchester. Brothers and complete heroes. Seriously. They’ve saved like a billion people, including me several times. Also the world,” she said—pausing for a moment and letting a far-off look take over in her eyes.
Sam smirked in amusement and a little embarrassment. “Uhh… Charlie?”
”Right. Sorry… that just still gets me every time. Anyway. Sam, Dean. This is Y/N. Although, I prefer to call her Juliet,” Charlie said with a smile at you.
”Shut up, Charlie!” you said, your cheeks turning a little pink, and letting out an embarrassed laugh.
”She now rivals me for the number of marriage proposals received on a daily basis here in Moondoor, hence the nickname. Apparently, she’s still looking for the perfect Romeo though,” Charlie teased you. “I tried to convince her to marry me so we could reign Moondoor together but she refused. Completely weak-sauce if you ask me. Together we would have been unstoppable.”
Sam laughed and Dean smiled at both you and Charlie.
”In any case, Juliet is Captain of the Royal Guard, royal artist, AND, obviously, official BFF.”
”Great to meet you,” Sam said, grabbing your hand warmly.
”You too,” you smiled at the brothers. “I’ve heard so much about you. I feel like I know you already. It’ll be great to actually get to know you.”
”Wait. Royal artist?” Dean asked. “Did you paint that?” Dean asked, incredulous, as he jabbed a thumb over his shoulder at the portrait of Charlie.
You smiled a little abashedly. “Yeah. I did.”
Dean’s eyebrows raised. “Holy shit. That’s incredible. You painted this all by hand?”
You laughed. “Yup. I really did. Although we cheated a little bit. Charlie didn’t sit for the portrait-like they used to traditionally. We have digital cameras now so that seemed easier…”
”Y/N is an incredible artist. You should see her original non-Moondoor art. It’s amazeballs,” Charlie said.
”Shush, Charlie,” you said, feeling your cheeks color a little.
”It’s true! Don’t be so modest. You are talented!” Charlie turned back to Sam and Dean. “We met here LARPing. Jules does almost all of the scenery, set-piece, and props painting for Moondoor. We just clicked perfectly.”
”That’s great,” Sam said, smiling at the two of you. “It’s really good to meet you.”
Dean’s eyes were wandering over your face and you caught him looking at you when you turned your eyes in his direction. He cleared his throat abruptly and looked back at Charlie. “So, this is all great, but why did you call us up here? Is everything ok? Are you having fairy problems again?”
”Oh thank God, no,” Charlie said, shaking her head. “My Jubilee celebration is this weekend and I just really wanted you guys to be here with me,” Charlie said, a little sheepish because she wasn’t sure how the boys would take to it, worried they would think it was a waste of their time when they should be off killing things.
Dean smiled and shook his head at her. Sam laughed. “Why didn’t you just tell us that? We were worried sick on the drive up!” Sam said.
”I didn’t know if you would come if I told you it was just to hang out…”
”Charlie. Come on. Of course, we would,” Dean said seriously. “You should know better than that by now, kid.”
Charlie smiled. “I was probably over-thinking it. You’re right. But I’m really glad you’re here.”
”We’re happy to be here. This will be so much better than what we’re usually doing,” Sam said, turning to look at Dean, who nodded in agreement.
”Yeah, from what I hear, you guys really deserve a break,” you added. There was a silent beat where everyone was lost in their own thoughts before you broke it again. “Ok. I’m gonna go change so we can make the rounds.,” you said to Charlie. “I just got here a little bit ago after work so I’m still in normal person clothes obviously. I’ll be back.” And you dashed off into the back of the tent again. Again Dean watching you leave and continued spacing out in that general direction even after the tent flap had slid back into place.
Sam and Charlie both looked at him with small smirks. Eventually, Dean felt both their eyes on him. “What?”
Charlie’s smile grew. “I like this.” She nodded and looked at Sam who was still smiling.
”What?” Dean asked again.
Charlie just continued to give him a knowing smile. “Nothing. Here,” Charlie walked over to a heavy wooden trunk and cracked it open. “Oooh, this is perfect!” She handed Dean a stack of folded clothes, a pile of cotton, soft leather, and chain mail. “Swords are over there,” she said pointing to a rack of weapons.
One corner of Dean’s mouth turned up in a smirk as he looked at them. “Awesome.”
”Hmm.” Charlie looked at Sam. “I don’t think I have any chain mail that will fit you, Sam. Oh! But this will work! It has the royal crest on it too. Nobody will mess with you in that.” She handed Sam a tunic bearing an embroidered coat of arms and a pile of other costume pieces. “Oh! Sam! I want to show you something else too! I think you’ll like this. It’s this really old book and I found a Winchester coat of arms in it…”
”Seriously? Lead the way, Charlie!”
”Nerds!” Dean called after the two of them, a smirk still on his face. Sam followed her out of the tent, leaving Dean standing there with his pile of chain mail, now staring at the rack of swords with an excited spark in his eyes.
After you had changed you strode back into the front room of the tent, surprised to see only Dean there and suddenly feeling incredibly warm as he was halfway through changing and was standing there shirtless, his strong back to you. “Oh—oh my gosh. I’m sorry!” you said, your cheeks blushing furiously. “I’m sorry, I—I’ll come back,“ you turned to leave again, pretending not to notice how your stomach was suddenly fluttering.
Dean laughed gruffly as he turned around. That didn’t help the redness in your cheeks. “It’s alright. Relax, Juliet. I’m not naked,” he said.
The color was still rising in your face and you bit your bottom lip. “Sorry,” you said again, trying your hardest not to stare at his strong arms and chest. The creases framing his hipbones just above his waistband were particularly hard not to look at and your heart was suddenly leaping much faster than it should be. One corner of Dean’s mouth turned up in a half-smile. As his eyes settled on you again now he also felt himself growing warm.
”Wow,” he said, his eyes going wide. “You look—“ he let out a small laugh and rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, annoyed that of course words were failing him right now. “You look awesome, wonderful,” he said. “I’m sure there’s a better word than that but I really am drawing a blank right now,” he said with another shy laugh, which surprised you. It was a sharp contrast to the gruff tone you had heard out of him before. His eyes were still traveling over your face and examining the gentle tendrils of your hair framing it.
You were in your Captain of the Royal Guard outfit, complete with a sword cinched at your waist, chainmail and armor, and ribbons of the royal colors woven into a wreath of braids around the crown of your head. Now you too were blushing even more furiously. “Thanks, Dean.”
He fiddled with the shirt in his hands and you watched his strong muscles moving smoothly under his skin and swallowed hard. “Juliet is a fitting nickname for you,” he said.
You laughed again as he pulled the tunic over his head. “Only Charlie calls me that.”
”Do you mind it?” he asked, his handsome face emerging through the top of the shirt, leaving his hair slightly disarrayed.
You shook your head and smiled a little. “No. Not really. I mean the meaning behind it is very sweet. And I couldn’t stop Charlie from using it if I tried.”
Dean nodded, knowing you were right about that. “Good. Juliet.” There was a beat of silence as you looked down shyly, unable to stop smiling to yourself, and you stared at the intricate design on the rug. Dean finished pulling on the remaining pieces of his outfit and cinched the leather belt around his hips before picking up and examining a sword from the rack. “So, what’s this jubilee celebration all about?” he asked, looking over the blade in his hands.
You moved farther into the room and sat down on a high-backed chair nearby. “Well, it’s mostly a big feast, lots of mead and music. Charlie plans to do a special announcement before the dancing starts up. It will probably get pretty rowdy. Things tend to be that way around here. And of course, everyone will be fawning over Charlie. But what else is new,” you laughed.
Dean was sheathing his sword and hitching it onto his belt. “Sounds like that’s the usual for you, too,” he said.
The color rose in your cheeks again. “She was exaggerating.”
Dean looked at you and smiled. “I don’t believe that for a second. You must not realize how charming you are.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
Several hours later and you had made the rounds through the camp with Charlie and the boys, greeting friends and strangers alike along the way. Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
You walked next to Dean, who always seemed to arrange himself on your left side to keep himself between you and the crowd, perhaps some protective instinct from the life he lived. When the flow of all the foot traffic slowed, he would gently touch your lower back, his fingertips alighting softly and resting there until you both started to move again. Even though your chain mail the sensation was sending chills up your spine and made your breath catch in your throat every time.
Dean was admiring all the booths and intricately painted facades. “Did you paint all of this?” he asked you suddenly, looking at a particularly complex and colorful mural of stained glass on the side of one of the first aid stations.
You nodded. “Mhm.”
”This is unbelievable. You are really talented.”
”Thank you,” you said with a smile, tucking a fallen strand of hair back behind your ear looking up at the mural. “That rose window was so fun to paint.”
”I can’t even imagine how long that must have taken you,” Dean said, shaking in his head in awe and falling into stride with the flow of traffic again.
”I honestly couldn’t even tell you,” you said with a laugh. “Time seems to pass differently when I have a pencil or brush in my hand.”
Dean smiled at you, giving you a look that made you feel like he was trying to figure you out.
”Did you go to art school?” he asked you.
”I thought about it. But ultimately I couldn’t stomach the idea of someone telling me what to create, of having to conform my ideas and inspiration to what someone wanted of me. And I was worried that doing it every day, as a job, would somehow rub the magic off it… so now I still get to do it. But just for me. And for Moondoor,” you added with a laugh.
Dean nodded. “Smart. I get what you mean.” You gave him a questioning look and he continued. “About the magic wearing off when you do something day after day. Me and Sammy,” he said with a nod towards his brother, “we travel around all the time. We’ve been to all these incredible places, places that most people never even get to see, but we haven’t ever really seen any of them. Or enjoyed them,” he finished.
”You should,” you said. “I mean, you should go back and just be there.”
He smiled over at you. “Yeah. Maybe someday,” he said gruffly. “When the time is right,” he added. There was a light in his eyes that made you not want to look away.
Charlie was on your right, continually stealing glances at you and Dean when she wasn’t busy conversing with her subjects. Sam was also attracting a lot of attention and now had quite a few girls trailing after him, hoping he would notice them. He didn’t seem to know how to handle the situation and mostly just continued walking stiffly next to Charlie, refusing to look behind him.
Dean suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.
”What is it?” you asked him, your eyes scanning the scene, attempting to discern what could have halted him.
”Awesome,” he muttered, a vague smile settling on his lips.
You followed his gaze and saw that he was staring at the dueling ring. You laughed and stepped closer to him so he could hear you over the crowd. “You know they use plastic swords in there, right?”
”Don’t care. Still awesome,” he said.
You bit your bottom lip and smiled at the look on his face, radiant like a kid in a candy store. “Is it the plush dragon or the stuffed unicorn that has you smitten?” you teased him, looking at the prizes hanging on the booth.
”Shut up. Neither!” he said, watching the two opponents in the ring clumsily flailing around with the plastic swords. “It’s about the conquest,” he said.
“It would be no challenge for you, my good knight,” you said, slipping into the voice you usually used when you were LARPing, much more melodious, precise, and polite.
Dean’s shockingly green eyes snapped over to gaze at you in response. His lips were partially parted. The flowing quality of your voice took him aback. “I—I don’t care. It could still be fun,” he said, clearing his throat, and trying to recover from the spell you seemed to keep putting him under.
”Well. I think maybe you deserve a real opponent,” you said, grabbing his arm gently and leading him towards the booth with a secret smile.
”What? Juliet, what?” You ignored him and simply led the way into the ring, your sword in hand, waiting for Dean to catch up.
He gave you a skeptical look. “Y/N, I don’t think you know what you’re doing,” he said, a smug smile on his face as he grabbed a sword and joined you in the ring.
You grinned at him and tilted your head, planting your feet and flicking your sword playfully. “I don’t think you do,” you countered.
He raised his eyebrows at you and nodded. “Alright then, Jules.”
The smirk on Dean‘s face changed from a smug smile to one of pleasant surprise as you countered each of his strikes and easily defended your ground, not letting him advance on you. But you soon switched from defense to offense and tried to push his way. Dean, however, also easily stopped your advances and often was able to reverse your advantage.
”You are—shockingly good at this,” Dean said, blocking another one of your attacks.
”Fencing club,” you said with a smile.
The duel continued for some time. Charlie and Sam were watching from the side, both exchanging looks at the back and forth repartee between you and Dean.
Suddenly you seemed to tire and Dean jumped on the opportunity, forcing you to lose ground and then swinging broadly so that you had to jump back against the fence and block his sword with yours above your head. He kept on the pressure and you were face to face. Dean was a lot stronger than you, and you knew he wasn’t using all his strength, but he still had you pinned with your back against the fence.
”Oh Juliet,” he said, “looks like I win,” he said.
”Not quite,” you returned. You suddenly released the tension on one end of your blade and Dean was carried into the fence as you spun out of the way in the other direction. Before he could regain his footing you had your sword aimed at the back of his neck. “Concede to your loss and I will let you live. You were a worthy adversary,” you said, a huge grin on your face. The onlookers were applauding and you could see that Dean was laughing.
He held his hands up. “Alright. I can see that I’ve been beaten. You win, Juliet.”
You lowered your plastic sword and leaned on it, trying to catch your breath.
Dean turned to look at you, impressed, a wide smile on his face as well. “I usually don’t do well with losing but that… that was pretty damn fun,” he said. “And I feel like I was hustled… there’s a little more to that than just fencing club.”
”I am Captain of the Guard for a reason,” you said, grinning back at him, still panting and out of breath.
”And Juliet, my esteemed Captain of the Guard, successfully defends her own title as Dueling Champion to the surprise of no one but her mysterious, handsome challenger!” Charlie called in a loud voice.
You felt your cheeks blush again as there was another round of rowdy applause and whistles and jeers. You waved abashedly and rushed out of the ring to meet up with Charlie and Sam again, Dean keeping pace with your hurried strides.
”Spectacular duel,” Charlie said to both of you. “And as much fun as it has been wandering around, it’s time for the feast and the best party you’ve ever been to—Moondoor style,” she said, her eyes shining brightly.
Charlie linked arms with you and went on ahead as the brothers fell into step with one another just behind you.
”Y/N knows her way around a blade. I mean, it was plastic, but still,” Sam said to Dean. “You lost. You never lose.” He narrowed his eyes at Dean. “Did you let her win?”
”What? No! You know how much I love to win. She just, she was good and she caught me off guard, Sam. That’s all!”
”Yeah, she was awfully good,” Sam agreed. “Who knew Juliet was such a badass?” he said, giving Dean a knowing look and striding ahead to catch up with you and Charlie.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Charlie rose in her throne chair and the tables stretched out in front of her fell silent. “Our feast has been had, battles have been fought, and prisoners captured!”
There was a loud growling and wailing from the corner where a couple of orcs were in the stocks. Charlie silences them with a stern look.
”Now all that remains is music and making merry! But first, the special announcement you have all been waiting for, the Jubilee Ball’s Rose and Crown! This pair will serve as special appointees to my royal court, and will inherit the crown and all its burdens and blessings should I come to any harm during the course of the war with the orcs.” Charlie’s voice rang out strongly over the crowd and the silence was buzzing with anticipation, each attendee hoping they would hear their name announced in the next moment. “This pair will also begin the dancing for this evening with a solo dance together to show them—uhh—the commitment to the, err, crown and each other… or something.” Charlie cleared her throat and seemed to regain herself. “Right! The Jubilee Ball’s Rose and Crown are…” she paused for effect and you almost had to stifle a giggle behind your hand at the enraptured looks on some of the faces in the crowd. “Our very own Juliet and her own Romeo, Sir Dean Winchester!”
Both your eyes and Dean’s went wide and you looked up at Charlie in shock and surprise. “Charlie!” you hissed at her.
She grinned at you and spoke through her teeth as she smiled down at you and applauded with the crowd. “Get out there and kick off the dancing or you will have to deal with a very grumpy me later. And if he doesn’t kiss you by the end of the night I will pay you one thousand dollars.”
”Charlie,” you started.
”Go!” she hissed back at you. Your face was burning crimson and you glanced over at Dean who was smiling sheepishly at the crowd, looking vaguely like he had been caught in a trap he didn’t want to be in.
”Dean. We’re supposed to go dance,” you whispered to him.
”Yeah. Uhh. Yeah, okay,” he cleared his throat and stood abruptly, and his hand gently found the small of your back. At that moment all the nerves and embarrassment you were feeling vanished. Suddenly it was just you and Dean and you smiled over at him a little shyly.
He guided you out onto the makeshift dance floor and the instruments started a medium tempo number, heavy on the strings. When you arrived in the center, his hand found your waist, you lightly settled your hand on his shoulder, and he gently took your other hand in his. In an instant you were floating around the dance floor, feeling completely weightless. His eyes weren’t leaving your face and a slight pink blush rose into your cheekbones again as you noted the freckles sprinkled across his nose and locked eyes with him.
”You’re shockingly good at this Sir Winchester,” you whispered.
”Maybe I hustled you this time,” he said, his lips twitching up in a quick smile.
You laughed happily. “Right. I see what you did there.”
”Just because I rarely have the occasion to doesn’t mean I can’t,” Dean whispered back, his eyes locked with yours.
Neither of you noticed that the song had ended and that others had now joined in on the dancing. Soon the gap between the two of you was closing and you were pressed closer together, your hand still held lightly in Dean’s. He was holding your gaze, studying the colors in your irises. For a long time, it was quiet and you felt like your head was growing fuzzy like you were intoxicated spite having had hardly anything to drink.
”Charlie seems to think her BFF Juliet has found her Romeo,” Dean said finally, breaking the silence.
You laughed and tore your eyes from his. “God. That was so cheesy. Forgive Charlie for that.”
Dean laughed gruffly. “Of course. But—if I were, to be honest, I uhh…” now Dean was the one averting his eyes. You on the other hand were feeling each of your heartbeats intensely and couldn’t have torn your eyes away if you tried. He cleared his throat, “Well, I—I think you’re pretty awesome.” He paused for a second, pursing his lips and fixing his gaze vaguely up towards the night sky. “There is definitely a better word for that but—I’m drawing a blank again.” He looked back down at you. “That seems to happen around you a lot. I lose duels and can’t form sentences.” He laughed to himself, allowing his eyes to drop for only a second. “But what Charlie thinks doesn’t really matter. So what does Juliet think? What does Y/N think?”
You bit your bottom lip as you looked at him. “Dean. I think you’re pretty awesome too. Like, wonderfully awesome,” you said with a goading smile, giving his hand a small squeeze.
Dean’s face lit up, light glowing in his eyes, shining out under the dark, starry sky. He was hardly daring to hope. Good things like this didn’t happen to him. It was a little too perfect. “And?” he pressed you.
Your heart was now in your throat. But you didn’t care. You went on with abandon. “And I think I want nothing more right now than for you to kiss me,” you said, rushing through it, afraid you wouldn’t get it out if you didn’t hurry.
The starry look mixed with a little bit of surprise in Dean’s eyes was your answer.
And in a moment you were swept up with Dean’s lips pressing against yours, and his fingers trailing lightly into the loose tendrils of your hair tickling at the nape of your neck, and his other hand gently resting on your hip as you pressed into him. It was a perfect moment.
You didn’t see Charlie squealing with delight and hugging Sam tightly while still bouncing up and down. And you didn’t see the fond look, the happy look on Sam’s face as he watched his brother click with a girl he really liked. It had been a long time since that had happened… But it didn’t matter that neither of you saw. Catching sight of those reactions couldn’t have added to the happiness you or Dean were feeling. You were both maxed out.
Jubilation. And Juliet.