Words: 2,259523Please respect copyright.PENANAt97Ocj9Nd9
Demon!Dean x Reader523Please respect copyright.PENANA7uzTwr9KhU
Warnings: None really!
523Please respect copyright.PENANA0ZFbc851hY
Dean stretched his arms up over his head and you shifted beside him in the bed, looking up at his green eyes. “Goddamn…” he let out a gruff laugh. He looked down at you and curled you into him again, his fingers landing lightly on your lower back.
You smiled up at him. “Well… now what?” you asked.
“Hmm. I could go for a nice, hot shower,” he said. He raised his eyebrows at you. “Care to join me?” he asked with a broad grin.
You laughed at him and adjusted the pillow beneath your head, sliding your arms underneath. “Maybe next time,” you laughed. “I’m just gonna relax for a few more.”
“Suit yourself! I’ll miss you in there,” he said, giving you one last fiery look before tossing the sheets off and planting his feet on the floor. He headed into the bathroom and you watched him turn on the water and disappear behind the shower curtain.
You waited an extra minute or two and as Dean was humming in the shower, you slipped out of the bed, gathered your clothes… and you were gone.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Sam startled, shooting straight up in his bed.
Bang. Bang. Bang. The sound reverberated through the entire building. It was traveling down the hallway and through the walls… echoing in the vents even.
He grabbed his pistol off the nightstand and his feet hit the cold tile floor. He was wide awake. He corned out into the hallway, clearing each direction before he rushed toward the sound.
Cas and Crowley intercepted him in the front room of the bunker. They were both staring up the metal staircase toward the heavy, metal door to outside.
”What is that?” Sam asked, his gun still pointed up in the direction of the sound.
Cas’s eyes were narrowed and veiled in a heavy shadow. He didn’t take his eyes off the door.
Crowley was surprisingly stoic, though Sam guessed he was internally worrying about his own skin. He was powerless with the demon cuffs still on his wrist.
The last echoes had faded away and the trio continued to stare at the door. Sam’s heart was pounding in his chest. He was waiting with bated breath for the whole wall to crack open, or for the floor beneath them to drop out—something.
But instead… a cell phone ring cracked through the silence.
Sam looked incredulously at Crowley.
”Crowley, what did you do?” Sam demanded.
The King of Hell looked affronted. “What did I do?! When could I possibly have arranged anything?! Feathers and I are basically bosom buddies at this point! When would I have the time and means to plot!? And what am I meant to have planned?!” His cell phone continued to ring. Sam admitted that the demon actually looked disconcerted.
”So, you’re saying your cell phone ringing after whatever the hell that was is a coincidence?” Sam asked. Another ring.
”I’m quite sure it’s not a coincidence, but I didn’t bloody well arrange it,” Crowley snarled back.
Cas had been watching this exchange with serious concentration but now he plunged his hand into the demon’s jacket pocket and grabbed the ringing phone.
“Hey–! I’m really not interested in you like that, Castiel!” Crowley objected.
Sam rolled his eyes. The angel answered the call and put it on speakerphone.
”Hello,” he said.
There was a crackle of static. “Knock knock.”
Cas’s eyes shot up to meet Sam’s, which were wide and frantic. “Dean?”
“Are you going to let me in or do you really want to test out the home base against a Knight of Hell?” Dean’s voice asked.
Sam’s mouth fell open and his mind was whirring. “Uhh—what—why are you here? What do you want?”
There was a heavy sigh. “Open the goddamn door. I’m not here to murder you.”
Cas’s cobalt eyes squinted at the phone, puzzled. “Then why are you here?”
“Oh, I can’t decide on which suit to buy and I want Crowley’s opinion,” he said sarcastically. “I’m here about Y/N! What the hell do you think?” His irritation was growing.
Sam looked frantically at Cas and Crowley who both looked at a loss. Finally, he just went for it. “Okay. Uhh… okay. Hang on. I’ll—I’ll come let you in.”
Cas hung up the call and Crowley looked at Sam in disbelief. “You can’t be serious, Moose!”
“We all agreed that if we’re going to fix this we can’t do it alone. Let’s see why he’s here,” he said. “Besides, he has a point! I’m pretty sure if he really wants to get in, he’ll find a way to get in. We should probably be grateful he knocked at all!”
The handcuffs on Crowley’s wrists clinked. “It should be obvious! He wants to rip me apart atom by atom for what I did. The last time he saw me he wanted to flay me alive! You’re not letting him in here with these bloody cuffs on me. I won’t be able to do anything to defend myself!”
“What a shame,” Cas said, glaring at the demon.
Crowley huffed at Cas’s response. “Moose. Moose, be reasonable!” Crowley urged.
Sam was already climbing the metal stairs to open the door. “This whole situation is completely UNreasonable! We’re not taking the cuffs off you, and I’m opening the door!” Sam put his pistol away, but he had a hand on the hilt of his demon knife and he grabbed the doorknob. He forced out an exhale and Cas nodded in confirmation that he was ready. “Whatever happens…” Sam pulled the door open.
Dean was standing there, casually leaning against the doorframe like he was waiting to get into a crowded bar.
Sam stared at him warily and gulped at the lump in his throat. His heart was whirring asymmetrically with anxiety. Seeing Dean actually standing there, there in front of him, was like a kick in the gut.
”Hiya, Sammy,” Dean said, flashing a wide smile at his little brother. “Long time no see, kiddo.” He patted Sam on the shoulder as he strolled in past him.
Sam was suddenly numb. He watched Dean stroll down the stairs and casually walk up to Cas, planting his feet in front of him and looking the angel over.
“Hi, Cas. Gotta say it’s a little weird being able to see the wings and the whole deal you’ve got goin’ on in there.”
Cas’s expression was almost pained as he looked at Dean. Sam’s footsteps echoed down the stairs as Dean turned his eyes to Crowley, who stood there trying to conceal the fact that he was cuffed by hiding partially behind the angel.
Dean’s smirk diminished. “Crowley, Crowley, Crowley… Nice bracelets.”
“Now, Dean… now… let’s be reasonable—“
“At this point, that word is no longer in my vocabulary,” he said. “Just be glad that I haven’t quite decided how to best torture you. Whether I’m going to pluck off the limbs of your meat suit one by one like an insect or skin you alive piece by piece or perhaps turn you inside out and—“
Sam was staring wide-eyed at the visage of his brother and interrupted. “Dean—what the hell is going on? Why are you here?”
“I told you. I’m here about Y/N,” he said, turning his attention away from Crowley enough to let the King of Hell breathe a sigh of relief.
“You’re going to need to give us more details than that,” Cas said, still looking at Dean warily and with an expression that belied his pain and mistrust.
Sam caught a flash of an odd expression on Dean’s face. “…what happened?”
Dean avoided his brother’s eyes for a moment and chewed his bottom lip, wondering how best to answer that question. He tried to keep his posture broad and confident but it was going to be difficult. How much exactly should he tell them?
Sam was now even more sure. “Something did happen. What’s going on? You saw Y/N?”
This elicited a cynical laugh. “Yeah. Yeah… Oh, I saw Y/N alright,” Dean said, pulling out a nearby chair and leaning back, propping his boots up on the table.
Cas’s eyes were narrowed and intense. “What does that mean? Where is she?”
Dean pointed at Cas, “That—that I no longer know.”
Sam felt that familiar defeating, sinking feeling in his stomach. “So, why are you here? What do you know?”
Dean let out a heavy sigh and looked down at his hands clasped on his lap. The silence stretched for a long moment until he reached a hand into his coat.
Cas had an angel blade drawn in a split second.
”Whoa, whoa! Stop!” Sam yelled. Dean looked only mildly amused and withdrew his cell phone from the interior pocket, holding it up to show the angel and his brother who instantly relaxed somewhat.
”Take it easy, fellas.” He grinned when he saw Crowley cowering behind Cas. “Come on out, Crowley. You’re definitely going to want to hear this.” Dean tapped on his screen a few times and then your voice began to ring out from the speaker.
“Dean. Do me a favor and pass this on to Crowley; if you need to find me—I’ll be running Hell.” Click.
There was a silence where the air seemed to be pulsating with everyone’s disbelief.
Sam’s eyes were wide and angry and perplexed all at once and he turned them to Dean. “Dean—what the hell happened?” he demanded. “What did you do?”
Crowley’s face was red with rage but he too seemed to sense they were all missing a large part of the story. “Yes, Dean. Tell us exactly what you did to drive Y/N RIGHT INTO HELL’S OPEN DOORS!” The metal of the cuffs on his wrists vibrated and clinked with his apoplectic outburst, but Dean simply rolled his eyes.
”What did I do? Really? Really, Crowley? If your dumbass hadn’t turned her we wouldn’t be having this goddamn problem!”
”Alright! Enough!” Sam yelled over the two demons. He shot a look of incredulity back at Dean. “Why would she suddenly decide, after months of destroying every little demon underling in her path, to take up the torch and run Hell? What the hell precipitated this!? Crowley has a point!” Sam’s mouth hung open but Dean offered nothing.
Cas noted how he was avoiding Sam’s eyes. Dean’s jaw clenched. He spoke up. “It doesn’t matter why. It matters that she’s made this decision. Now we have to move forward and figure out what we’re going to do about it.”
Sam slumped back to lean on the table and Dean seemed to be studying his clasped hands again, his phone still clutched between them.
”And we better all get used to the idea of working together,” Cas growled. “Because if that message is true, it’s going to take all of us to bring Y/N home.” Cas grabbed Crowley, who was still red-faced and glaring furiously at Dean, by the arm and began to lead him back into the bunker toward the Devil’s Trap room.
Sam watched them go, shaking his head a little to himself. He glanced over at his brother, looking so much the same but completely different. He felt suddenly sick. “I’m going to bed,” he said. “And I’ll be warding my room,” he added for good measure.
Dean laughed a little gruffly to himself. “No need, Sammy. I’ve got other priorities at the moment.” He sat there alone, spinning his phone in his hand while Sam’s footsteps faded down the hall.
At length, Cas returned sans Crowley to find Dean alone.
Dean looked up when he senses the angel standing close by. He could feel Cas’s shocking blue eyes fixated on him, and the angel’s expression was a soft frown. “What?” Dean prompted.
Cas found it painful to look at his friend so changed. “Would you like to talk about what actually happened? With Y/N?”
Dean scoffed and rolled his eyes, but Cas noted that he didn’t rebuke him.
“I know there’s something,” Cas said. “There’s something there. There has always been. And even now.”
Dean’s eyes shot up to the angel’s face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Dean…” Cas wanted so desperately to unearth that thread, that golden thread that was still woven into his heart. He felt like if he could just get a hold of it and pull it… more of the old Dean would be pulled to the surface. Even in the darkest heart, there is some strand of good, a strand of love and memory. A strand that marks a hole yearning to be filled or a desire of the purest kind. Some would call it a weakness, perhaps, but Cas saw it as Dean’s way back.
Dean averted his eyes to the floor, dropped his boots off the table, and leaned his elbows on his knees, looking down at his phone in his hand. “I—I know it was real.”
Cas waited in silence for him to continue.
“I know it was real. But then—“ and he glanced up at Cas and the angel saw the desperation in his eyes. What a shock it is to see the desperation in the eyes of a Knight of Hell—and not desperation for sex or power or violence—it was the same desperation he had seen in Dean’s eyes when he was just Dean.
He was still in there. In there with that golden thread.