Chapter 2: The Hero
I looked at him with a mocking grin. He was a brown-haired teenaged boy, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. His eye color was light green, just like mine. His blood only matched half of mine. Yes, he was a half-breed. One that could survive either on human food or blood –but I’m sure everyone knows what side he chose. What an imbecile.
“Well, well, you finally show up. You were a bit late for my first victim.”
“Ted,” the woman said.
“Don’t worry, Julie. Nawm will not be harming you.” Ted wasn’t his real name. But it didn’t matter, because he was going to die anyway.
“Well, ‘Ted.’ We’ll just see about that.” I pushed the woman out of the way and darted at him. I threw a left hook. Ted blocked it and knocked me back with his own.
“What’s the matter Nawm? You used to be a lot tougher. Don’t tell me you’re getting rusty.”
“I’ll show you rusty.” I charged some heat into my palms and lurched after him. He dodged my first two fireballs; however, I managed to hit him with the third. I chuckled when his back hit the ground.
“Do you think that just because some old lady tells you that I’m destined to be defeated by you, I’m supposed to lose by the minute we fight? I came to this time era for a reason. And that bastard, Okawn sent you after me.”
The woman, Julie looked confused. I snapped my fingers, creating an intense sound. Ted attempted to get up but fell to his feet covering his ears. The super high-pitched sound knocked the woman unconscious.
I walked over to Ted and kicked him to his back. “It seems like the hero has just failed.” I gathered more heat into my hands and took aim. When I concentrated, the heat formed into a fireball. It was so bright, when I unleashed it, I couldn’t see the hero’s body. When the light cleared, Ted was nowhere to be found.
I finally took down the hero, after all of these years! I had only one purpose in this time and the hero wasn’t going to stop me. I turned to the woman. She was still unconscious. I started to walk toward her but suddenly a large beam of green light shot from nowhere, halting me where I stood.
“Don’t even think about it.” Ted stood on the rooftop. I clenched my first together. This annoying half-breed just didn’t know when to die. I felt like my last attack was just ripped off.
“You don’t know when to fall, do you?” I said.
“Nawm, evil will never prevail over good.” Ted’s eyes began to glow. I knew what was coming and hated this so much. Why did heroes get sudden ‘special powers,’ or ridiculous boosts?
I snarled.
“I already know what’s coming. This is getting old, so until next time, farewell half-breed.”
From that point, I leapt onto the rooftop and fled.
I banged my first against a table of the abandoned funeral home. I couldn’t take this any longer. I never win! I had always lost. The hero even wins in this period: modern times.
The dark gem was located somewhere in this city and of course finding it in this time period without any dragon problems made it easier. Back in my own era, angels, trying to purify it, guarded it. However, the gem was too dark to become good, containing infinite evilness. It was the key of my victory. Only one pest stood in my way and that was Adius, or ‘Ted.”
I opened a coffin and lay inside. I couldn’t do this alone. Adius had the ability to sense whenever I opened a time wave and I knew he was after the time gem I possessed.
I couldn’t win this. I could never win. No. I was destined to lose this battle. But that was….if I remained a loner.
I sat up. Maybe there was a way I could trick destiny. I couldn’t beat the hero alone –but if I could gather some allies, he’d be finished in no time. I was going to need a dragon keeper. Of course, I’d have to leave this period and return home. The dark gem will be mine and I had a plan to retrieve it.