Well would you look at that. 100 Views. Remember when I said that I'd post a torrent of story ideas when this one reached 100? No, because only 6 of you read that? Well too fuckin' bad because I'm doing it anyway. What's that? Since my views count as one, there's only 93? Well it's too fuckin' late now, the ball has already started rolling.
It is a shame that I didn't get as much constructive feedback as I had hoped for, with only two comments. Thanks to "STANAN IS MY FATHER" for the feedback, I'll take it to heart.
What? There's only 1 comment? Well, I'll just have to mention my most helpful commenter then. This guy was supremely helpful in influencing how the rest of my writing will play out. He mad insightful observations and highly constructive edits, unfortunately his essay-length comment was removed because I had to report his username. Sorry about that, xXPussySlayer69Xx. I'll remember you always.
Honestly, I had this whole thing planned out from the moment I wrote Issue 7. So I would appreciate it if you checked out the other story concepts and don't steal them. Intellectual property and all that.