"Harper! time to get up, rise and shine" Carter shouts as he comes in and opens the curtains and blinding me in the process. I groan and rollover pulling the blankets over my head. he takes the blankets off. I get out of bed and and sigh walking over to my dresser, "alright I'm up get out so I can get dressed" I insist he points at me sternly as if I'm a naughty child as he back up to the door. "I'm giving you 3 seconds or I'm comming in and carrying you out" he warns giving a lop sided smirk. I roll my eyea and shut my door then get changed into jean shorts and a tank top and put my sun glasses on my head after I fix my wavy golden blonde hair. I glance at my bed in the mirror and give myself a cheeky smirk I'll just lay down a few minutes, he would never know. I quietly flop onto my bed and close my eyes. "I'm giving you 2 seconds to get out of that bed or I'm comming in after you an carrying you down" he shouts through the door. How did he know. "You wouldnt" I say rolling my eyes not convinced. Suddenly he comes in my door quickly and picks me up and throws me over my shoulder. I squeal and kick and hit his back trying to get free. "Carter put me down now!" I demand but it's a empty threat cause I'm trying not to laugh he carries me down the stars, grabs my shoes on the way out and plots me into the passenger seat then puts my seat belt on.
We head over to Anna's cafe. We enter and Anna is comming out with a apple pie slice and heading to a table when she spots up an smiles brightly as we approach 2 stools at the counter were we regularly sit. "Hey Anna aw is that pie for me darling" Carter asks flirtatiously and winks at her as he sits down then takes his sun glasses off and smirking at her. I roll my eyes there he goes jeez it's only 7 am. She shakes her head and Laughs and heads over to the other table. "Ill be right with you guys" she throws over her shoulder setting down the pie. she comes over and takes out a pen and note pad. "Well take our usuals" I say causally.
she nods. "I can't believe you guys are leaving today im going to miss seeing you everyday" she says. "will you?" Carter perks up and lifts his eye brows. I elbow him and roll my eyes.