Somehow, the castle scares me, the basement especially, and the upstairs. The energy up there feels sadistic and the energy in the basement is just plain negative.
“What do you think, Darko?” Zak asks me. My mouth was wide open in surprise but my stomach was full of nervous butterflies.
“Would I need a camera like you guys?” I asked.
“Not unless you want one,” he smiles.
“Okay cool.” I nodded, looking around a little. Suddenly, Aaron was signalling that he was about to roll. So I stopped for a moment.
“This is a very special episode of Ghost Adventures,” Zak says into Aaron’s camera. “We will be investigating for the first time with Jay’s niece, Dawn Darko Wasley. Say hello Dawn.”
“Hi,” I smiled and waved. “ You guys can just call me Darko if you want. I am so excited to do this for the first time, and especially with my favorite crew on the planet.”
“Thanks, Darko,” Zak acknowledges. But suddenly I felt cold, and I shivered. Something was here. “You okay?”
“We’re not alone, Zak,” I say. I felt a hand on my shoulder whose grip keeps tightening. I twist around to see nothing behind me. The grasp tightened again. “Let go of me, let go of me.” I said, trying to swipe it off. But it didn’t.
“Darko?” Aaron asked.
“Something’s squeezing my shoulder.” I say, twisting out of it. The hand finally let go. “It’s gone.” I sigh in relief.
“Wow, are you alright?” Zak asked.
“I don’t know,” I say. “But the energy upstairs feels very sadistic, and the basement’s aura feels just plain negative.”
“Wait… You’ve never been upstairs or in the basement,” Aaron said. I nodded.
“I know, I just… I don’t know,” I say.
The evening of the day of the lockdown was here, and I was going to participate in the sword fight between Aaron, Zak and my Uncle.
Zak and Jay start a stand off before they begin to fight. Billy was the one filming it, every once in a few seconds turning to face Aaron who was running down the gravel driveway towards them with two swords in slow motion. I couldn’t help but chuckle at it. I was ready. As we rehearsed, they would let me win against them and Aaron too.
Aaron finally comes into view in the Zak and Jay shot, and ‘stabs’ them both with his two swords. I did tell him earlier not to go easy on me since I was in fencing. When I came into view, I held up my fake sword.
“En garde, Aaron,” I smirked. His eyes widened, and he swung his swords at me, which I blocked with ease. I decided to go off script with my moves, which was an option for me. The headache kicked in and I gave a barely visible wince, which Aaron noticed. Finally, I won the sword fight, and Aaron and Billy pulled me aside when Jay and Zak didn’t notice.
“You okay, Darko?” Aaron asked. My ears began to ring and I shook my head. It was worse.
“Dawn?” Billy questioned. It was barely audible for me. I place my hands on my ears and temples. It doesn’t stop for at least two minutes. I sigh when it finally does.
“Are you sure you’re up for tonight, Dawn?” Aaron asked. I nodded.
“Of course, I just don’t like the upstairs and basement. Remember the ‘demon’ thing Zak caught on his spirit box? It scares me a little. But otherwise, I’ll be fine.” I explained. “I also need to call my best friend and tell him I’ll be going in, in about ten minutes.”
“Alright, we’ll leave you to it,” Billy says. “Just shoot me a text if anything happens.” I pull out my phone.
“You got it, Bill,” I smile, opening up facetime.
“Hey, Darko, what’s up?” Bryce asked.
“Lockdown starts in ten minutes and you won’t be able to communicate with me until 6:00 in the morning,” I tell him.
“Wow, really?”
“Yeah, I had another headache just a couple minutes ago,” I say. He frowns.
“Was it worse?” He asked. I nodded. “Jeez, you might want to get that checked out, D, I don’t want you to get majorly hurt.”
“I can’t now, Bryce, besides, I don’t want the crew to freak out,” I say.
“Right, can I see the castle?”
“Yeah!” I exclaim, turning so he could see the Pythian Castle behind me.
“Wow! Did you get any weird feelings from that place?” He says. I nodded.
“The upstairs has some sadistic feeling to it and no one else feels it. The basement is freaky, man, like Zak got a spirit that answered what was down there with ‘demon’,” I explained. “It’s probably just another spirit messing with us.”
“I agree,” Bryce nods.
“Dawn, come on, lockdown in 3!” Zak called from the front doors. I turn to face him.
“Got it, Zak!” I called back. “I got to go, Bryce, talk to you tomorrow morning.”
“Right, stay safe, D,” he says, hanging up. I nod and rush to the rest of the crew, putting my phone on silent.
“Right, let’s do this thing,” I say.
Zak decided to lock Uncle Jay in one of the cells in the basement, and me in the one next to him.
“You guys will keep an eye on me right?” I asked Aaron and Billy.
“Of course we will,” Billy tells me, ruffling my hair. I straighten my leather jacket and step into the cell.
“See you later, Speedy,” Aaron chuckles as Zak locks me in.
“It’s so dark in here it makes my eyes uncomfortable,” I mentioned.
“Really?” Zak asked from the other side of the door. It was barely audible.
“Yeah, but I’ll be fine,” I answered, taking a deep breath.296Please respect copyright.PENANAZoBpWvn2Zw