It was twenty after ten when Lorna got to Woodland Park. She had left her car a street away and walked there, just as Bill’s note specified, and it made her feel like a prostitute parading her patch. She sat on the bench under the park sign, bathed in light from the street lamp beside her, and thought she must have resembled minced meat on display in a butcher shop. She wondered if making his mistress feel cheap was Bill’s way of justifying what he was doing to his wife. At twenty to eleven, he hadn’t arrived. At eleven fifteen, it rained.
All The Mechanic needed tonight was a warm, well-used body, and it didn’t take long for him to find a slapper suitable for the purpose. Given the urgency of the situation, he forwent the formalities for a change and told the horror show of a girl his intentions without even buying her a drink.
‘You’re a stunner.’ He leaned in and nibbled her ear, reaching around and cupping one of her bottom cheeks as he did so. ‘Do you fancy going somewhere, just me and you?’
They were leaving the pub and heading for the woodland three minutes later. Her hand on his crotch the entire way, and every now and then she gave it a gentle squeeze. He pushed his foot down on the accelerator.
Samantha scurried down the street, sticking to the shadows. She prayed she hadn’t missed anything.