The downpour started just as The Mechanic arrived at the woodland. It was a blessing. Soft earth was much easier to get a spade through.
Lorna looked up at the sound of the car approaching, ready to give its driver a thorough bollocking. But it wasn’t Bill’s car, and this one had a passenger.
Samantha got to the end of the street and ducked behind a rubbish bin. Lorna was still sitting on the bench under the sign, waiting, but she wasn’t alone.
‘You alright, love?’
‘Fine. Just waiting for someone.’
‘At this time of night? I hope he’s worth it.’
Lorna smirked. She wasn’t so sure anymore.
‘How’s this; if he hasn’t come for you by the time I get back, I’ll give you a lift home.’ His companion glared.
‘I’m sure he’ll be here soon. Thanks anyway.’
The Mechanic nodded and turned the car around, heading back the way he came. At the end of the street, he turned into an alleyway between the green grocer and the delicatessen. He put his hand on the girl’s knee and let it travel up her thigh and under her dress.
‘Do you always do that?’
‘Do what?’ He whispered in her ear while he pulled down her underpants.
‘Size up other women when you’re out with someone else.’
‘I wasn’t sizing her up.’
‘You brought me here so she wouldn’t think we was together.’
‘That’s not the case.’
‘Why not?’
The Mechanic sighed and sat up again. ‘In the first place, she’s not my girlfriend, and in the second place…’
He put both arms around her head and twisted it sideways.
‘In the second place, we’re not together.’