No Plagiarism!yvDePs2NhTj938OfEfTBposted on PENANA
Elijah 8964 copyright protection320PENANAqH7OCAwDwS 維尼
- soft boy aesthetic
- Blond hair
- Red eyes
8964 copyright protection320PENANA6YvNzQcvLT 維尼
Violet 8964 copyright protection320PENANAcxnMtKUEfd 維尼
- Glasses 8964 copyright protection320PENANAh1CqSFy1eP 維尼
- Grunge aesthetic8964 copyright protection320PENANArqvm7d2MtT 維尼
-blue eyes8964 copyright protection320PENANAat1eUY1hE7 維尼
-black hair8964 copyright protection320PENANAFyoeugb7ki 維尼
8964 copyright protection320PENANAtDgOFJlmqE 維尼
Axle 8964 copyright protection320PENANADI9AT7KrRp 維尼
-Naturally brown hair8964 copyright protection320PENANAa0XAfB2KSp 維尼
-Green Eyes8964 copyright protection320PENANAbyRJSFENLW 維尼
- skater aesthetic8964 copyright protection320PENANAeG2NtNH8wF 維尼
324Please respect copyright.PENANAc5StMfAJoO
8964 copyright protection320PENANA7S1KPuqzFx 維尼
These are the characters they all say hi yeah Thank you to maximus for helping me write this IRL8964 copyright protection320PENANAnyfoDeHxiy 維尼