(Violets pov)
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Okay, so when we first met…. That was a good day, not really but here it goes. I woke up at six o'clock in the morning, got dressed did my hair and then went down stairs and ate breakfast. Then I went to ask my mother if she could take me to school. This is how our conversation went.
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“Hey ma, can you take me to school please? I’m having some car trouble.” I smiled I really didn’t want her to take me but I didn’t want to fuck my car up either. “No, I bought a perfectly good car. Now you will drive it or you will walk.” She was almost yelling at me. I just nodded
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“Okay mom.”
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I walked to school, it wasn't very fun and I was late to class. I got yelled at, which nearly caused me to have a panic attack. But you know you have to be brave.
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So I went to sit by Elijah, but at this time I really didn’t know him. I introduced myself since I hadn’t been here very long and figured he had forgotten my name. “Hey, I’m-” I started but was cut off “Violet I know, I remember.” I smiled to myself.
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He remembered me, I was a bit shocked even the people who considered me their friends didn’t remember my name half the time. “We have at least six classes with each other,” he said.
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“Oh I guess I don’t pay attention very much.” I looked down at my desk. I hated that he said that, because it made me feel bad, just because I didn’t remember him but he remembered me. “Hmm.” It was a sad sound, I wondered why. “WAIT!” I kind of said that a bit loudly. “You’re the quarterback thats always hanging out with um whats her name?”
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He stared for a moment, “Mel?” he said, confused. “Yeah, her.” I may have said her a bit ruder than I meant but she was faker than fuck. “She seems nice…” I said to make up for how rude I was. “Yeah I guess.”
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“Would you two like to share your conversation with the class?” I looked at the teacher. She was an older woman about my mom's age, with dark brown hair that had little strands of grey. She wore a greyish green cardigan and a flower patterned dress.
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“No ma’am. We were just talking about the problem.” I smiled at her, it was a fake smile but a smile nonetheless. When I walked out of class Elijah was close behind me.
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He wasn’t attractive but he wasn’t exactly not attractive either. Blonde hair and his eyes seemed to have a red tint to them. He was wearing a vintage looking green sweater and blue jeans. His black converse were dirty, but he still looked good.
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I was appalled at how put together he looked when he probably put less effort into his outfit than I did. But if I thought about it he always looked so put together no matter what. He was hiding something I could tell, but I just didn’t know what. I pray that it wasn’t that obvious to tell that I was hiding something.
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Then again isn’t every highschooler hiding something? I walked into my history class with him right beside me. I sat down in my classic seat at the back of the class.
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He sat with Mel, and her friends. He seemed sad still, I got up when we were doing our group work. I got put with them but did most of that work. “Hey, uh I finished it.” I adjusted my glasses and smiled at them, handing Mel the paper. She snatched it from my hand, I furrowed my brows.
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“You didn’t have to yank it, you could’ve ripped the paper.” I walked back to my desk, and sat on the edge of it. She was rude to me, so very rude. I hated her because she knocked my books out of my hands multiple times a day.
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“Why are you even friends with that whore, blondie?” Melanie asked
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I thought to myself for a moment. “I’m not the one who slept with half the football team…” I said nonchalantly. She was pissed. “ Well um…” Melanie just stormed out. “Well it must’ve been true if she stormed off like that,” I said with a slight laugh. It was just rumored, I was just joking but I can’t say I don’t believe it now.
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Time Jump to the next period
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“Violet to the principal's offices, Violet to the principal's offices.” I got up and started to walk out the door to the office “Well fuck…”
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh” is all you heard when I left. “Quit it kids and quiet down” the teacher said.
I walked into the office “Hi, are you Violet”
“Um… Yes”
“Just have a seat” I sat down. “Might I ask why I’m here?” I’m panicking slightly like what the fuck could I have done. “I really don’t know and don’t care either.” Welp, guess that means it's bad... Mel walks out. “Fuck you” but the lady at the front desk didn’t hear “I-I okay… I wouldn’t in a million years. I’d probably kill myself before I’d fuck her.” I stood up “Hello,”
The door opens “Violet come here” Welp here goes nothing. “Now do you know why you're here?” I thought to myself because someone accused me of being a school shooter or something. “No…” is what I said instead
“Well Melanie said that you called her a very derogatory term.” He said “Well only after she called me a whore… You can call her boyfriend Elijah Lewis.” I only threw his name out there because he would vouch for me.
I’ve only known him for a couple of days but I knew he would. “Why did she call you that term?” I took a deep breath. “Cause I’m friends with her boyfriend and she thinks he's into me or something which he isn't.” but I knew that was a lie. He was so obvious about it.
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(Elijah pov) Start of day
Welp another day another bottle thrown at my door. “GET UP” guess it's time for school “Since you want to sleep in, you're going to have to walk to school” I was used to this “Can’t I just take the bus?” I asked “No and while you're up get me another beer”
“Yes sir.” Guess I won’t have breakfast, I mean who needs it anyways I don’t or at least not yet. I walked to school alone again. I don’t have anyone who could come pick me up so yeah... I got to class late and they asked why I was late. I said “I missed the bus and my dad was at work.”
In class Mel passed me a note, “Violet is weird unlike you thought xoxo Mel.” Uhh Mel is so mean. Then Mel said something to Violet and Violet said and I quote “ I’m not the one who slept with half the football team… ” Mel just sat there and then just stomped out. Wow that made the whole class laugh
“Quit it and quiet down” but that didn’t help at all. Violet looked up and saw me staring at her. It made her blush. So she just put her nose deeper into her book. She’s so shy but so cute. “Ringgggggggg” welp guess that’s the end of that.
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Time skip to lunch
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When I walked in I saw violet in her usual corner. Then I saw the apple fly by and hit her square in the face “HaHa '' then I saw Mel laughing and pointing at her. That’s it. I walked up to her and said. “You know what people can change but apparently you can’t”
“AAAAAAAAAAAA '' Mel just lunged at Violet and started scratching. Kicking, and punching, her. I ran over there and with little to no effort I pulled her off of Violet and to the ground where I pinned her. Violet was crying and Mel was screaming bloody murder. The school resource officer saw what had happened and came to take her to the police station where she would be booked.
That's what happened to the people who fought. Her parents would be called and they would be booked. When the resource officer was talking to her I was trying to calm Violet down.
Me talking to Violet did little to calm her down. I picked her up and carried her to the nurse's office. The nurse said she should be fine but her sobbing says otherwise.
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“So I was given a pass so I can stay with you for the rest of the day.”I said to her “I just want to say thanks.” “No problem” then she grabbed my arm.
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(Axle pov) Start of day
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When I woke up it was my parents yelling at the tv. They were probably watching old election tapes. I pulled on one of my hoodies and walked out my bedroom “Hey, mom, dad. I’m leaving.”
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“Ok, have a great day.” They said with zero emotion.
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“Well that was fun.” I caught the bus and surprisingly the people who were normally there before me weren’t there today. “Hey Mrs. Murphy, are Elijah and Violet here?” I ask by the third period because they weren’t in any classes. “They haven’t been here all day.” Welp that answers that.
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“Oh so now y’all decided to show up” I say with a smirk “We missed the bus.” They both missed the bus but Vi typically drives. “Yeah, we did” I don’t get why they don’t get together. I mean look at how cute they are. “Stop with the chit chat and get to your seats”
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Violet sat alone and Elijah sat with MEL. She is just. Uh, I can’t put it into words but everyone knows at least one person like this. She’s sooo annoying and she’s the captain of the cheerleading team. So yeah she’s popular and thinks she’s better than everyone.
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The only person she likes is Elijah, who is the quarterback of the football team. And even with him I don’t think she actually likes him, I feel as though he's just another pawn to add to her chess board. She hates Violet and so everyone who likes her which is everyone then hates her too but Elijah doesn’t act how you think the quarterback.
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He’s really nice and caring and It’s ovi that he likes Violet. I don’t get why he’s still dating Mel, I mean he doesn’t like her, maybe he’s hoping she’ll change but we all know she won’t. If she did it would be a literal miracle if she did. Like I would get respect from my parents type of miracle. She’s, argh, God, I don’t understand her prejudice against everyone who is nice to her.
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Though she has the most influences in the whole school so if she doesn’t like you no one will except for Violet. Elijah is the kindest person in the world and he’s dating the devil. But I have no room to talk about his life. I’m just waiting for him to leave her, his life would be a hell of a lot better, but ya know he would be black listed and mostly everyone would probably hate him. Usually I wouldn’t care about stuff like this but I care about them which is why I wrote a little letter to Mel.
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She didn’t like it. She said whoever that was she’ll find out. So yeah, not excited about that. She has found out but she precinct. All the note talked about was that she should be a little nicer that’s all but as you can tell she doesn’t like that. She doesn’t like anything unless it's Louboutin and gucci.What rich white girl doesn’t care about that?
Lunch time rolled around and I sat by the window with some other people that I don’t actually know they’re honestly just there and they talk to me sometimes but I don’t really listen or relate to them. I saw Violet and Elijah walking out of the lunchroom and started to get up but I didn't. I just finished my lunch and then headed to history.I took extra notes so they wouldn’t be behind in class, they came in around the end of the class.
“The hell happened at lunch I saw you leave?” I asked as soon as they sat down. They went on to explain how Melanie's good girl rep would be diminished because she was sitting down at the county
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