The voice that spoke to Kail was melodic and soothing. His spirit form watched as the ball of black light faded away. He then felt his body being sucked away from the darkness that surrounded his body of identical black light.
Then there was nothing. Some time passed before he finally opened his eyes. He didn't recognize anything around him. There was a strange man and woman looking down at him with bright loving eyes.
"Such a cute and tiny thing," the man said in a rough voice. "Hard to believe we made him!"
The woman laughed a bit, covered in sweat. Kail realized then that his body was small and weak. The melodic voice from before resounded in the air.
"You have been reborn, my child," the voice said. "I will guide you through this life but I cannot decide everything for you. You must burn your own path in this world. These are your new parents. Welcome to the planet of Mou. You are in the continent of Misaca. I am eager to see how you will live this life. There are a few things I should explain though."
Kail listened closely, eager to learn more about this world and the second chance he had been given.
"My sister, the Goddess of Light, is the one who made your previous life miserable. Do you know why?" The voice was full of anger.
'Because I was one of the ones able to communicate with demons?' It wasn't a hard question to answer. Kail could remember his first life easily. He could remember all the times he had been surrounded by demons and spirits of all kinds. How he could talk to and interact with them. He had even made some friends with them.
At some point, he learned that he could use demonic and spiritual powers in his daily life. Of course, he made sure to hide them so that no one would question him about it.
"Yes!" the female melodic voice yelled. Her voice came from above him. Even upon yelling, no one reacted. It seemed Kail was the only one who could hear her.
"She hated that you were born with a rare talent!" the voice continued. "You had a chance to destroy everything with your touch but you did no such thing even as you were forced to suffer tragedy after tragedy. She did not care. The only thing she cared about was the fact that you carried the blessing of the demon king of your world."
Kail remembered being told he was blessed by the demon king when he was a teenager in his first life. He hadn't believed it until now. 'I was a pretty lousy person to choose for that kind of blessing,' he thought.
"Perhaps but you still made use of it in a benevolent way. You were the first of your kind to be such a person." The voice seemed to be fully of happiness. "Which made you a prime example of the hope within despair. You pushed through everything that you suffered. But does it not make you angry that you were forced to live such a life just because of something you had no control over?"
Kail's tiny body was lifted by the man. He ignored the man's words as he thought about how he had always hated having such terrible luck in his previous life. He had always wondered why his life was like that. Why couldn't he just be happy?
Now he knew why. The small flame of anger was slowly beginning to grow.
"She has plans to ruin your life in this world as well. She no doubt already knows you've come here thanks to me," the voice added. "I can only do so much to protect you from her. Will you let her continue to deny you happiness? Will you continue to let her destroy all that you want? Remember Eric and how he had such a tragic end the day you two got together.
"Remember your parents. Remember your friends. The injuries you suffered. The traumatic events. All of it was caused by her! Will you let those same things happen in this life?" the voice demanded.
Kail's new father laughed at his angry expression. Kail simply ignored him, completely focused on the goddess speaking to him. 'I refuse to let my life be controlled again. Help me get revenge.'
"Yes! I will give you all my help, my dear child of darkness!" The voice was now ecstatic. "I will help you become the strongest warrior in this world! I will make you so powerful that the other gods will bow down to you! I will make you a god above gods!"
Kail liked the words that she spoke. He wasn't certain how such a thing could come to be but with a goddess on his side, how hard could it be?
"Rest now, my child. You have a long and difficult road ahead of you. Enjoy this time while you can." With that, the voice stopped speaking.
Kail zoned back into the world around him. He could hear someone speaking his name. 'Have I been given the same name as my previous life?'
A few weeks passed. Kail hated being so small and helpless. He missed having an adult body. He missed being independent. 'I got to make sure that I start my journey early. As soon as I'm able to walk, that is when everything will begin. I know she said to enjoy this time but I can't stand being a baby.'
He couldn't handle always being cared for. Especially when it came to being bathed and fed. 'Growing up seemed to pass by so quickly before. Now that I have an adult mentality as a baby, it is taking forever!'
Kail wished he had remembered his previous life after he had grown up a bit but it was too late to do that.
He heard the door to his bedroom open up and soon a maid entered his field of vision. She had long dark green hair and bright emerald eyes. She held a bottle in one hand. A bright smile lit up her aging face. "Good afternoon, little Kail!" she greeted before scooping him up.
"Your parents are busy today so I will be feeding you," she explained, not knowing he understood everything that she said.
The goddess had explained a while ago that the reason why he could understand the strange language the adults spoke in was thanks to her power. She had gifted him the ability to understand and speak in every language on Mou.
Learning that information had made him super happy. He had always wanted to learn more than one language in his previous life but things never went his way to allow him to do so. Thanks to her, he didn't have to put in the effort to learn each language.
As the maid fed him, Kail sensed someone behind her. It was a dark spirit. The spirit was called a dark spirit simply for the fact that it had been a dark mana user while alive. This information could be learned by simply observing the color of their spirit body.
There were seven elements: earth, sky, light, darkness, water, fire, and blood. There were three common elements: earth, water, and fire. Sky was uncommon while light, darkness and blood were rare.
Light was seen as peaceful and full of blessings. Darkness was seen as dangerous and destructive. Blood was seen as amazing and helpful. Those who were labeled as Blood Mages were given high positions in society. Often times they took any occupation that had to do with healing. Blood magic was the best treatment available because a Blood Mage could heal any affliction or wound.
But they could also use it to bring death. This form of blood magic was lost to time though. Any information about it was either locked away or destroyed a long time ago.
According to the Goddess of Darkness, this was done after a horrible event that occurred ten thousand years ago. A Blood Mage labeled as The Bloody Claw wreaked havoc across the planet during his long life. He killed millions with his powerful magic. His signature move was creating long sharp claws made of blood.
He had even conquered several kingdoms and an empire with his abilities. He was only stopped thanks to a powerful Light Mage. The Light Mage was a warrior of the Goddess of Light. The two powerful beings had dueled in an amazing and destructive battle. The battle had been extremely long since both of them had high stamina but in the end, the Light Mage won.
The story was lost to time after the rulers deemed it too dangerous to be kept in the minds of the people. With a powerful spell cast by the Light Mage, the memories were blocked in the minds of the living. All mentions of The Bloody Claw were destroyed or locked away.