The temple that sat in the very center of the village was a large singular room. There were no windows and no door. Even the inside was made of stone. The only thing not made of gold was a large gold ring hanging on a stone pillar against the wall opposite the doorway.
Candles were lit beneath it on a small stone table. There were offerings piled in the center.
The freezing air was fought off by not magic but a fire blazing in a pit in the center of the room.
According to Gala and the elders, the fire had been burning since before the Night elves settled in Star Forest long ago. The temple was so ancient that no one knew who built it and why it was built.
The ring, which was bigger than an average adult human, was just as old as the temple, if not older.
Kail's gaze was stuck to the ring. He felt a sense of familiarity and knew that it belonged to him. He couldn't explain why as he felt drawn to it. He took slow steps up to the pillar. It was like he was in a trance. If someone were to call for him, he would not hear them.
He did not even hear the caw of the raven standing in the doorway. It jumped and flew to Kail's shoulder. The God of Death was curious about why Kail was in the temple. Kail did not react to the raven landing on his shoulder.
Upon reaching the pillar, he held out his hand towards the ring. The ring began to shine with a bright golden light. The raven quickly flew off of Kail when his mana began to fill the air in a violent explosion of power.
The fire almost went out by the powerful wind created but managed to continue burning.
"Let's name the child Kail if it is a boy." A woman's voice he'd never heard echoed in the room.
"Kail? I like it. Yes, let's go with that." A man responded to her, his voice full of excitement.
The ring lifted off of the pillar and moved to where his outstretched right arm was through it. It began to shrink and was almost instantly now around his arm just below the shoulder as a band.
It had even gone through his clothes to wrap comfortably around his arm.
After it was over, Kail snapped out of his trance. He knew what happened and stood there for a moment, trying to process why he had done what he did.
The raven, having hidden behind the pillar, flew to his shoulder. It seemed excited as it bobbed its head.
Kail looked at it in confusion before shaking his head in wonderment. He turned and headed out of the temple, fighting the sleep that threatened to make him fall.
The party was still ongoing but he paid it no mind when he returned to the mansion. He made his way up to the second level and to one of the rooms assigned to him. He collapsed on the bed, not bothering to change. He was asleep before he even hit the bed.
He opened his eyes to the sound of running footsteps. He found himself beside the blood pond in the world that the God of Death was trapped in.
Said god was running towards Kail, excitement lighting up his face. He came to a stop in front of Kail. "Kail, you found a remnant of the first Goddess of Light!"
"Huh?" was all Kail could say. He was still a bit out of it from what happened in the temple.
"That band!" The god pointed at Kail's arm. "That was one of Azrelbella's enchanted items! It allowed her to teleport anywhere and she used it to get an upper hand in battle."
Kail could feel the band on his arm. A warm power was emanating from it, seeping into his mana pool.
The God of Death was unable to contain his excitement. "Those voices that spoke while you were getting it. They belonged to Azrelbella and Lucifer. Kail, you might be a descendent of the two!"
Kail stared at the god, his mouth open. He could not hide the shock he felt. A descendent? That would explain why the demon king had blessed him in his previous life. But how was that even possible? Especially here in this new life?
What about the reason why he shared a name with their child? Did they mingle with humans and that was why he was a descendant?
There were so many questions running through Kail's mind that he had no idea on what to ask first. He doubted that the god before him would even be able to answer. After all, it was just a speculation right now.
"That band is designed to only be activated by those of her bloodline," the God of Death said as a faraway look came to his red eyes. "Oh, I miss the days we fought together. She was always amazing when she fought. Almost no one could best her."
He quickly refocused. "Kail, you should practice using it as soon as you have a chance. It is normally activated with the light element but you should be able to use it regardless since the band chose you."
"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it out. It will come in handy when it comes time to fight my brother," Kail said as the world around him began to fade.
The God of Death still had a bright smile. "You should look for her other heirlooms!" With that, he was gone and Kail slipped into a dreamless sleep.
Kail woke late in the afternoon. He felt fully rested and even felt like his body was bursting with energy. It seemed the band also boosted his stamina.
After changing into some robes left by a maid last night, he headed out to search for the others. The dark blue robes were enchanted with warming magic and fought off the cold air when he stepped out into the snowy world.
Snow had been moved from the paths and some of the Uyghur sect members were having a snowball fight. Their laughter made Kail want to join. He was about to walk towards them when he heard his name being called from behind.
He turned around and saw Gala stepping out. He had a gentle smile. "Glad to see you're awake. Did you rest well?"
Kail smiled as they bowed in greeting. "Yes, I slept very well. Thank you."
"I have a question about something that happened last night," Gala said, a knowing expression showing up on his handsome face. "You wouldn't happen to know about the missing holy item from the temple, would you?"
Kail flinched and let out a nervous laugh. "About that, it chose me as its owner." He wasn't going to lie to the leader since the band had been under the protection of the Night elves for a long time.
Gala chuckled. "I had a feeling. There is an ancient duty passed down from the first leader of the Uyghur sect. We were to watch over the holy item till someone came to claim it. If the item chose that person, then our people must make sure to protect that person."
"But the Night elves are of the darkness element? Why would you protect something of the light element?" Kail asked though he had a hunch it was because the band belonged to the first Goddess of Light.
Gala looked up at the clear sky. "Truthfully, I don't know. The first leader never left any records of why. Only that we must no matter what. I always suspected he perhaps knew of its origin. The story passed down through generations is that he was someone who had lived a very long time. Long enough to have lived through the ancient eras that have been lost to time."
Kail looked up at the sky as well. He couldn't help but wonder if perhaps this mysterious ancient leader was a god. He had yet to meet any elven gods and Izabella had said all of them were human. Perhaps he was an unknown god? Was that possible?
He would have to ask the next time he had a chance to speak with one of the divine.
The two looked at each other again. "Kail, Nova told me you are able to speak the gods. Perhaps you may know of the God of Memories?"
"No, I don't. I've never even heard mention of him," Kail replied with a shake of his head.
"It is not surprising. He is a minor god, after all. He is known to be a hermit. Even his followers and speakers do not get to interact with him often."
Kail's mind wandered briefly to the knowledge linked to Gala's words. Each god had their own followers. Among those followers were people blessed by the gods to speak for them. They were called Speakers. Almost every god had at least one or two.
Speakers were spoken to by the gods via dreams or face to face and the Speakers would then tell the rest of the followers what was said by the gods. This allowed for easy interactions between the living and the divine.
"The God of Memories, huh?" Kail murmured to himself. Perhaps this god would know about the memories linked to the ancient leader and the band.
Gala smiled. "I will send someone out to find one of his speakers. If we can discover why the first leader wanted our people to protect the band, we may learn why it chose you."
Kail didn't bother telling him that he already knew why it chose him. He didn't want to miss out on a chance of meeting another god. Especially one with the possible ability to see into the past.
After the God of Death had told him that he was a possible descendant of the Goddess of Light, he felt like he was on the verge of discovering a long lost secret. If this God of Memories could see into the past, he might just find out what that secret is.