“So where are we headed?” Caspian asked as I pulled my phone out to peek at my schedule. Continuously pulling out the crumpled schedule was no longer working for me.
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“It looks like I have gym.” Hopefully, we wouldn’t be partaking in any physical activity today.
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“Me too!” Jamie said as she smiled widely and collected her belongings. Thank God we would have this class together.
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“Well ladies, it looks like we all have gym together.” Amanda had jewelry class so we would be escorting her there first. Amanda actually didn’t seem bothered that Caspian and I shared most of our classes together, but why would she? She was one of the most gorgeous people I had ever seen. I’m sure she had more confidence and self-awareness than anyone I’ve ever met.
After dropping Amanda off we headed for the gym and made it in time.
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A middle-aged woman made her way to the middle of the gym and began to speak. “Today we will be assigning lockers to each of you. We will share the combination with you, but you cannot share it with others. If something were to get stolen from your locker the school is not liable.” She droned on and on about what to expect from the class this year and shared some of the exercises we would participate in. “Every class before we begin the main activity, you will run two laps around the track outside.” A loud wave of “boos” and “eww” made its way around the gym. I hated running in my human form too so I couldn’t blame them. I didn’t like being sweaty and red-faced either. A few minutes later two lines were formed in the gymnasium. One line was for guys and the other was for girls. Caspian split up from us and Jamie and I made our way to the tortuously long line. We chatted mostly about how my first day was going and about the show tonight.
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“I think I might wear my Versace eyelash lace top with some high-waisted shorts from Brandy and Steve Maddens.”
I wracked my brain trying to figure out what could pass as “club chic” from my somewhat empty closet as she kept throwing out ideas. I had some sundresses that might be passable.
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“So Lacey and I will come over around 7’o clock, right?”
I was more excited for this show than I was letting on. A chance to see a cool place in the big city with some new girlfriends was exactly what I needed. This would let me clear my head, my spirit, and most importantly my heart which was overwhelmed by the emotions I had felt today.
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“That’s perfect. Did y’all want to get ready together then too?” I would need some serious help to swap my known sundresses for something a bit more appropriate for the venue tonight. Also, my makeup game was not my strong suit. Hopefully, Jamie and Lacey could work some serious black magic.
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“Absolutely. I need opinions out the wazoo on what outfits look best. I know you’ll probably need help finding something to wear.” Well, she definitely read my mind, and by the looks of it my changed demeanor at her brazen remark. I wasn’t offended at all, just shocked by the flippant tone. In the south, if you’re younger than forty and have any kind of attitude they’ll give you a run for your money.
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“Sorry girl. That’s the New York charm of not having a filter. But seriously I’m like God when it comes to fashion.” Honestly, she was right. She had managed to make private school clothes look super trendy. Her tie was loosened around her neck and knotted in a way that was super appealing and her ensemble of leather bracelets with corresponding leather necklaces looked amazing. She swapped the sheer black tights for white fishnets and gross black flats for stiletto heels. This girl deserves a trophy for best dressed.
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“My mom is out of town with the High Council so it should just be us tonight along with our hand lady, Greta.”
“My parents left late last night for the council's gathering. I wonder what ‘pressing’ matters are at hand.” The council was in charge of making decisions over the most pressing issues for our kind as well as the humans. There have been a number of times where the council gathers because they can’t decide on the colors for Solstice Solemnize, the winter ball. Apparently, the color scheme was crucial for authentication purposes.
Finally, we were assigned our lockers as well as given our combination locks. It took most of the class period for everyone to make it through the line and by the time we were all assigned it was time to leave. P.E. was thankfully the last class of the day and I was beyond exhausted.
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“Brooke, I'll meet you at your place in about 30. Sound good?” Dangit I completely forgot that we were going to start working on the paper today. I nodded my head as I frantically bent over to retrieve my phone that decided to flounder out of my hand. As I grabbed my phone and began to stand back up I heard some lewd remarks behind me. I turned around and saw a few guys boring their hungry eyes into my backside. What the hell? I gulped uncontrollably as I remembered that I opted not to wear underwear with my sheer tights. Everyone who saw me bend over got a great look at my ass and pantiless crack. I hadn’t intended to turn anyone on and it seemed that I’d done the very opposite. I pulled my skirt down as much as I could, fighting for modesty after giving so much of it away. Jamie didn’t seem to notice what had happened as she posed for her Snapchat photo. I pulled my gaze from her to Caspian's direction in fear that he had seen a little slice of me too. Looking at his face I had my answer. His lips were slightly parted as he swiped his tongue across his upper lip slowly. He ran his fingers through his hair and looked away quickly in something resembling shame? Maybe because he caught me staring at him staring at my backside. You and me both buddy. I bet I’ve made one of the most memorable first impressions at this school so far. Yay for making friends, amiright?
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After my walk of shame through the school and courtyard, I trudged into the apartment through the doors of the elevator and into the main foyer. The constant emptiness and quiet since we moved here is something I’ll never get used to. The cold marble floors and empty walls made me shiver while it was a cozy 75℉ inside. Making it to my room and dropping my bag onto the ground around my desk I checked my phone for any notifications. There were a few.
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*Two Messages from Mom*
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Opening her messages I read them quickly. She let me know she had made it to the Grand Den Loft where the meeting would be held for the next few days. It was a common meeting place for the council disguised as a luxury hotel. My phone began to chime as I set it down on my bed.
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*One New Message*
I’m here :)
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I read the message from Caspian and felt instant butterflies in my midsection. I would be sure to douse them with a big cup of reality if they kept up. Going down the main stairs and to the front of the elevator I buzzed him up. I prayed to every God that he wouldn't bring up what happened earlier. It was mortifying and I didn’t want to relive it, especially with him.
“Hey, sorry Mandy and I got coffee after school. I didn’t expect it to take nearly an hour.” He took his coat and scarf off and set them on the hook beside the door.
“That’s okay. We won’t have a ton of time to work on the paper though. Is that okay?” I started walking towards the kitchen and he followed closely behind me. I pulled on some veggies and crackers for us to snack on while we worked. I chose glasses from one of the cupboards and poured both of us a healthy dose of sweet tea. Greta’s tea was so delicious you’d think it was the water of life.
“Thanks, Rookie. I totally understand. My fault for being late.” He shoved two carrots into his mouth, licking the hummus off his finger. I felt myself ogling him and gave myself a mental slap. This was proving to be impossible. Being so close to him. The proximity, the attraction, the chemistry was all too much for me. I needed to get a grip.
“No worries, Casper. Coffee can be quite demanding.” That sounded somewhat controlled and natural. No way would he think I had feral thoughts running amok inside my crazed mind.
“Actually, it was the captivating conversation that kept me.” He smirked wildly as he took a handful of crackers from the plate placing one on his tongue and crunching loudly. I looked down briefly as I remembered it was a coffee date he had been on with his girlfriend. Damn him for being so attractive. Damn her for being so likable. Damn me for not having my emotions in check.
Clearing my throat I said, “I think we should get started on this paper before it gets too late. I just need to run upstairs and grab my bag.” Turning towards the staircase I made my way to the top and into my room. Grabbing my backpack I considered spraying a few spritzes of my Heavenly perfume that quite literally smelled like heaven. No, we’re here to write a paper. Nothing else, I reminded myself. Going against my better judgment I grabbed the geometrical glass bottle and dabbled it on my wrists and neck. I ran my fingers through my hair and touched up my concealer. Can you spell desperate? Clearly, I couldn’t and carried no shame as I walked down the stairs and into the main foyer. Heavenly, trailed behind me, in front of me, and all around as I made my way to the dining room table. Setting my belongings onto the surface I snuck a quick glance at Caspian who was already looking at me. The nerves in my body were working overtime today surely.
“I’m thinking maybe we should start on the reading then do a quick outline. What do ya think?” Unzipping my pencil bag and opening my notebook I ripped out a piece of paper and slid it across the table's surface.
“Brooke, maybe this wasn’t the best idea.” Oh no. He totally knew what I was doing. The perfume must have been as obvious as it smelled. What was I doing? Chasing after a taken guy. A man nonetheless. Who’s girlfriend seemed nice, charming, and trustworthy, something I was clearly taking advantage of.
“You’re right. Maybe we should work on our papers separately.” I felt completely moronic for thinking he could be interested in me. Puberty was kind to him, but maybe he didn’t think the same of me.
“Wait, what?” His expression showed nothing but confusion. “I was going to say it’s getting late and maybe we could pick this up again tomorrow.” He surprised me by laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I wasn’t one to get easily embarrassed but geez.
Humor colored his attractive features making him even more striking. Watching his face contort with laughter and confusion made me laugh with him.
“You’ve been acting so strange lately, Brooke. Is everything alright?” He seemed to sober up quickly, waiting for my response. I fiddled with my pencil, certain that he knew I had a huge crush on him. Gigantic one might argue. Mustering up the courage to ask and pulling up my girl pants I answered him.
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“Are you and Amanda serious?” There. I said what I had been dying to ask since I saw them walking hand in hand earlier today. I heard that they were off and on but the fact that they were “on” made me think that maybe they were becoming something more. I looked at his face, scared for what I might find there.
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“Why are you asking?” Was he actually surprised? Was he being defensive about his relationship, upset that I had questioned its integrity? What’s that saying about throwing caution to the wind? I feel like that applies here.
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“I don’t know. Typical curiosity I guess.” I was such a coward. There was no way I could express this deep hunger I had for him. It was dangerous and alluring all at the same time.
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“Is that really why you’re asking?” He probed me to explain, but I couldn’t.
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“Of course it is. Why?” Nonchalant should be my middle name. But I really did want to know.
He sighed heavily and looked around the room. His head dropped back as if the answer were on the ceiling.
“It’s hard to explain. I feel… spellbound almost.”
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