I don’t know why that word unhinged me so much but it rattled me. He liked Amanda so much that he felt like he was under her spell? Well, I guess that ruled out any question as to whether or not he had feelings for me. They did seem like the perfect couple. Caspian with his perfectly blond curly hair and cozy hazel eyes and Amanda with her voluminous red velvet cupcake hair and soft brown eyes. It almost wasn’t fair how spectacularly they complemented one another. Shifting myself on my chair I was suddenly hot and uncomfortable. I was also very aware of how dry my mouth was. Standing up quickly I shook the table violently. Caspians eyes were now fixated on me.
“Sorry, I was just going to get a glass of tea.” Turning around quickly and padding into the kitchen I let the cool air from the fridge hit my face. I heard footsteps trail in behind me. Slowly grabbing the glass pitcher I set it on the counter.
“Hey is everything okay? You seem… different.” He searched my face for some sort of clarity and I’m sure I resembled none.
“Everything’s great. Want some tea?” I grabbed two glass cups and they clinked loudly as they made contact with the quartz countertop.
“Brook stop,” he grabbed my hand to turn me around, “What’s going on with you?” His eyes pleaded with mine as I looked over his handsome face. All I could feel was bitterness.
“The move, the new school, the new faces. It’s a lot to take in.” I relaxed against the countertop and let my hands slowly fall out of his. I blew a hot breath of frustration from my lungs.
“I don’t know. I just thought that when I came back you and I would still be best friends and now everything has changed.” His eyebrows drew together, surely confused. He took my hand once again in his.
“The only thing that’s changed is that you have a wickedly adorable subtle southern accent.” My heart thumped forcefully in my chest at his compliment. My mom told me that southern accents were totally cute but totally unnecessary. She’d been trying to drop hers since we moved here. Something about coming across as a country bumpkin?
“That’s not the only thing that’s changed.” My eyes filled with water but I refused to let the floodgates open and betray me. I didn’t want him to see me cry. I couldn’t. He would know how I felt about him and that was the last thing I wanted.
“Are you talking about Amanda? Brook, I know you guys will be great friends. She’s amazing.” Amazing, yeah that was the issue. I was totally in this crush alone. Amanda was literally a supermodel with appreciable genes. I probably looked like sliced deli ham next to filet mignon.
“You’re right.” The tears evaporate as I buckled my big girl pants and pulled them up further. Caspian was taken and there was a school full of hot guys to distract me. All I needed was to meet them, mingle, and enjoy myself. The doorbell startled me as Caspian looked at me again with the same confusion.
“Who’s that?” He followed me into the main foyer as I buzzed the elevator letting in Lacey and Jamie.
“Hey girl!” Lacey squealed pulling me into a hug. It felt nice to have made friends so quickly here. I had built-in friends no matter where I went thanks to our ‘cohort.’
“Do you guys want to go upstairs and get ready? Caspian was just heading out.” Lacey and Jamie looked at each other and giggled. Jamie blushed deeply but I couldn’t tell why.
“Don’t let me interrupt you guys. I’ll see you guys maybe later tonight? If not on Monday.” Caspian ducked into the elevator and cast one more glance at me before I turned away to face Lacey and Jamie.
“Okay spill.” Jamie set her stuff down on the crocodile leather couch. Lacey sat beside her waiting for me to answer.
“Spill what? Caspian and I were working on our history paper together. You know the one due on Monday?” I must have looked so smitten with Caspian. I couldn’t help how I felt around him but I tried to push those emotions down. I was a pretty good actress too.
“Mhmmmm. Looked like more than that if you ask me…” Jamie chided and Lacey shook her head in agreement. It was more than that...on my part at least.
“We’re just friends.” I rolled my eyes as they followed me up the grand staircase to my room and placed their belongings on my bed. Lacey pulled out her Chuck Taylor’s, a short leather skirt, and white fringed top. Jamie on the other hand pulled out ripped fishnets, red velvet pants, and a grey cropped top. I was completely out of my element.
“Okay B, what are we working with?” Jamie opened my closet doors and gasped at the bareness. After a few minutes of pawing through my clothes, she settled on a cute summer dress that I had only worn once. It was a dark blue dress with a sweetheart neckline. She then pulled out some beige booties to go with it. I never would have thought to put the two together, but she managed to make an outfit out of thin air. After getting dressed I decided to style my day-old curls with my handy dandy dry shampoo. I put the smallest amount of coconut oil in to add some shine and softness. I touched up my makeup and looked myself over in the mirror.
“Someone looks like a Luna,” Lacey said as she laced up her shoes.
“Looks like I worked some serious magic on ya,” Jamie added with a wink.
“Y’all look amazing. And thank you for putting together,” I waved myself over “this. I don’t know how you did it.” I didn’t have girlfriends back home so I was still getting used to having female support around me. It was nice. Back home I mostly just kept to myself since my school wasn’t very inclusive with our kind.
“Guys the Uber is here. Let’s bounce.” Jamie announced as she gave her hair a quick run-through with her fingers. I felt nervous but super excited.
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The line outside was long and went all the way around the building. Thankfully our names were on some sort of list and we didn’t have to wait to get in. The black marbled building was said to be one of the biggest venues in town. It definitely lived up to that expectation. Michael Jackson's famous red jacket was in a glass case suspended on the wall as well as his white glove. Many other famous people’s faces were scattered throughout the large room along with some of their possessions. One of Elvis’s guitars hung on a red painted wall and a quote sat directly below it. “ Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away.” This was apparently the restaurant side of the building. The show was being held downstairs in a more ‘intimate’ setting Jamie yelled over the loud chatter. We slowly made our way down the stairs in our already too high heels. The bright lights from upstairs faded and the area downstairs was lowly lit with lights. There was a band on stage already. They were all clearly human. They each stood about five foot nine. The male werewolves were no less than six foot five. That was one of the distinctive features that set them apart from human males other than the curly hair and perfect complexion of their skin. Lacey and Jamie both walked confidently into the bar section of the downstairs area. Their vibrant curls danced with each step they took. It didn’t take long for most of the guys in this place had their eyes glued to their long legs. I looked very out of place. My outfit could barely pass as ‘sexy.' I noticed some guys eyeing me but it was nothing compared to the attention Lacey and Jamie were receiving. I walked to the bar as confidently as I could muster and spotted the bartender. He finished making a drink before heading over in my direction.
“Hey gorgeous, what can I get for you?” His smile was wide and revealed a row of perfectly white teeth. He would fit into a Colgate commercial seamlessly. His curly, dirty blond hair and wildly green eyes that resembled emeralds. A cage of butterflies had escaped into my stomach and I felt the blood rush into my cheeks.
“What do you recommend?” Trying my best to be flirty I returned his smile and cocked my head to the side. His eyes left my face and began working their way around the rest of my body. I could feel myself getting hot with nervousness.
“For a little thing like you? Sex on the beach.” He winked as he worked to prepare my drink. I looked around the room and spotted Jamie and Lacey talking to random guys. They seemed to be enjoying themselves.
“There you are. Give it a taste for me?” He handed me the glass and waited for my reaction as I sipped the fruity concoction. I could taste hints of peach and orange as I held it in my mouth before swallowing.
“That," I said while holding his blistering gaze, "Is delicious.” I wasn’t trying to be as forward as I was but it was fun. I wasn’t tied down and I didn’t owe anyone anything. It was exciting being wanted by strangers knowing I would never see them again.
“Can I have a taste?” I lifted up my glass and held it in his direction. He shook his head and motioned for me to come closer. Confused, I followed his directions and was inches away from his face. He brought his hand up to cup my cheek and looked into my eyes and down at my lips. Before I knew what was happening his lips were on mine moving in perfect harmony. I could only get so close with there being a bar in the way but he tasted so good. He sucked on my lip before he pulled away. I felt dizzy with pleasure and had to grab onto the counter to keep my knees from buckling. What just happened? I brought my eyes up to his and it looked like he wasn’t finished with me.
“You’re right. That was delicious.” He licked his lips and adjusted his jeans. I could see him becoming hard beneath the thin fabric. I can’t believe he just kissed me like that. It must have been the dress. But I didn’t discourage the kiss either. I was practically cheering him on.
Clearing my throat and stabilizing myself I spoke. “Right. Thank you for the drink.” I spun around quickly mortified that Lacey and Jamie had just witnessed a very steamy kiss with a mysterious man. I walked slowly towards them though it felt like it took hours for me to reach them.
“What was that?” Jamie’s eyes were wide but her smile made it seem like she approved.
“Umm, I’m not really sure.” I still felt mildly disoriented and I wasn’t all too sure what had taken place either.
“He was flirting with me so I flirted back and I guess it worked on him.” I looked back over my shoulder and saw him making another drink. Before looking away we locked eyes. The hungry look returned to his eyes and it made me wonder if I looked the same. Turning back to Lacey and Jamie I let out a nervous laugh.
“That never would have happened back home.” As I said that, the band playing finished their set and announced that Curfew would be on next.
“You’ve been here for a few days and you already made out with a random bartender. I need to take notes.” Lacey said as she finished her drink.
“Maybe he likes blondes?” She headed towards the bar and asked for another drink. I could see her flirting with the bartender as she placed her hand lightly on his bicep. He didn’t really seem to notice as he made her drink. A few moments later she returned to where we were standing.
“So does he like em dumb or what?” Jamie asked loudly as Lacey made her way back. Lacey gave Jamie a slap to the arm at her insult.
“Well… he smiled at me, made my drink, and told me to enjoy the show.” She looked down at her feet and I could tell she felt bad about it.
“Don’t stress. That guy over there has been checking you out since we got here.” Jamie pointed to a brunette guy who was standing across the room.
“Whatever. I just want to see Aiden play and leave.” She crossed her arms over her chest and turned to face the front of the stage. I shot one more glance at the bar and already saw a pair of gorgeous eyes fixed on me.
“Alright, Mercury Lounge let’s hear it for the Curfew!!” The MC announced into the mic. He applauded before walking off the stage.
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“Ooow yay! Let's go stand closer to the stage!” Lacey led both Jamie and I through the crowd and into the middle of the room. The stage was about 20 feet from where we were. Three guys (obviously werewolves) came from behind the curtains and got to their spots. The tall, muscular, blonde made his way to the drums while the other two brunettes made their way to a piano and a guitar. I wondered where Aiden was. A few seconds later I had my answer. He came out from behind the curtains and started singing and playing his guitar. Wow. For being 17 they were amazing. The guitar riffs made goosebumps appear all over my body. I started swaying with the music. I looked over to see that Lacey and Jamie were also dancing. Aiden's voice could only be compared to decadent, rich chocolate. Each note that he sang had me weak in the knees. He was dripping sweat by the end of the third song. He was incredibly sexy. Aiden announced that they were going to take a short break and be back soon. Every girl in this room looked as if they were about to pounce on him, and I couldn’t blame them. He was sexy in every way imaginable. His black shirt hugged his muscles and his tight jeans left little to the imagination. These werewolves were never disappointed with their godly looks. Lacey and Jamie said they both wanted to hit up some party after this. They informed me that a girl from school invited them and that I was welcome to join them. Jamie kept saying how infantile the night was and that she wanted to get absolutely plastered. I accepted since I had nothing better to do.
“Should we make our way out now?” Lacey yelled over the adoring women in the crowd.
“Maybe we should say bye to Aiden first,” Jamie suggested. Parting like the red sea we saw Aiden headed our way. As he neared our group one of the girls in the crowd pulled him aside and kissed his cheek. The life of a rockstar must be crazy.
“Oh my gosh, you were amazing up there!” Lacey gave him a quick side hug. “Who knew you could sing like that?” Jamie kissed him on the cheek and pulled away. I did my best not to fangirl over him. “Brooke, thanks for coming out tonight.” he purred into my ear. Aiden was standing a little too close, but it was extremely loud in here so Lacey and Jamie thought nothing of it. I pulled away from him. “Yeah it was fun.” he looked amused at my unimpressed response. Every girl I’d seen tonight threw themselves at him. I would not be one of them. That would be way too embarrassing. I knew guys like Aiden. He was overly confident and as Jamie stated earlier ‘he was hot and totally knew it.’ I knew better than to fall at his knees like some groupie. “You guys looked like you were taking off,” Aiden said while wiping sweat from his brow. Jamie replied to him as if it were obvious. “Oh, we got invited to Bethany's party tonight. We were gonna go over there for an hour or two and then crash at Brooke’s place.” He grinned a little too widely at that information. “A slumber party I see.” Jamie and Lacey both rolled their eyes and told him to shut up playfully. “Well, I gotta get back up there. But I’ll see you guys at school on Monday.” He winked at me before turning to leave. Jamie definitely noticed and she didn’t seem to like it. “Girl he definitely has a thing for you,” Lacey said with a lot of confidence. I figured it was nothing.
“I’m gonna go grab a bottle of water from the bar before we leave. Want anything?”
“You just want an excuse to see Mr. hottie again.” Rolling my eyes at her and feeling my extremely parched throat I managed to fight my way through the thick crowd and to the bar. After waiting for a few minutes the bartender came over to me.
“Back so soon?” He was loving the idea that I came over here just to see him. I was excited to crush his ego just a little bit.
“Actually, I was coming to get some water. I’m thirsty.” He arched an eyebrow at me in a suggestive manner. He kneeled down to pull a bottle of water from the small fridge and placed it on the counter. I grabbed a ten-dollar bill from my purse and placed it beside him.
“I’m Wren.” He smirked at me slyly before handing me the bottle of water.
“Nice to meet you… again. I’m Brooke.” He stared at my lips again and I wondered if he was thinking about kissing me again. I didn’t even know him and his kisses made me forget all about Caspian. As I grabbed the water his hand every so slightly slid past mine. I looked up at his face and saw a burning passion in his earth-shattering green eyes.
“Come with me.” He turned out of the bar and disappeared behind a red curtain. I looked over to where Lacey and Jamie were and they were surrounded by a group of guys. They seemed fine for the moment so I didn’t feel as bad leaving them for a bit. Hopefully not long. I gulped loudly.
As I moved the red curtain to the side I felt a hand grab my waist and pull me to the side. It was him. The smell of whiskey encompassed my nostrils as it did before. He pressed me against the wooden wall and placed one hand on my neck and the other on my waist. Breathing heavily I touched his muscular abdomen and moved my hands up to his shoulders. Within an instant, his head came closer and closer to my face until there were centimeters separating us. I groaned showing my impatience and it seemed to thrill him.
“Good things come to those who wait.” He whispered in my ear. He began kissing my neck, then my collarbone, working his way down to my chest. Electricity pulsed through my veins at his touch, not knowing such pleasure could exist. I could smell that he was an alpha wolf. The pheromones he was releasing sent my senses into overdrive and I was drunk on him. He returned to my face and stared down at my lips. His hand wandered around my waist up to my ribcage and continued. He kissed me with such force, such power that I felt myself losing balance. Thank God he was pressed up to me otherwise I would have collapsed. I opened my mouth to moan and his tongue took it as an invitation. He sucked and licked and fulfilled my needs. Almost. And just like that, he stopped. He placed his hands on either side of me and closed his eyes breathing heavily.
“I’m not usually so…” His handsome face contorted as we struggled to find the right word to describe his behavior.
“Energetic?” I cut him off. He dipped his head and laughed.
“Forward was the word I was going to use.” I dropped my hands to my side and felt something hard as I did. Looking down I noticed just how excited I managed to make him during our exciting time together. That was putting it lightly.
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