Hi. My name is Fiona Adams and unfortunately, what I am about to narrate is all true. This story would leave a permanent scar on you no matter what you are and who you are. So if you feel that you want to know the story of how a once peaceful and productive town like Sapphireview town, home for all, became a territory of fear to all occupants, READ ON. But do not say I didn’t warn you.
It all started on the night of the first day of the summer holiday. When everyone had retired to the comfort of their beds and had drifted to their fairytale land. The only sounds to be heard were the hooting of the owls in the nearby trees, the whistling of the wind, and the sounds of the trees dancing in the moonlight. It was one of those perfect nights in a perfect town filled with perfect people.
On that perfect night, a shadow loomed in the darkness waiting to cause havoc. When the clock struck twelve and the silence was broken by the gongs of the clock tower. That was when the trouble began. A mysterious person ran out from behind the wine warehouse, towards the smiths’ mansion and broke into the building. After a few minutes, the sound of a gunshot echoed throughout the town then the person ran out of the mansion.
At that point, the sound of the gunshot had awakened the small town. Fear gripped everyone’s eyes, the sirens were heard and the pure innocence of the night was defiled. The person who shot the gun was unknown. The reason the person would break into the smiths’ mansion was also unknown. What was known for sure was that the small town of Sapphireview which was once peaceful and quiet would not be the same again.