We got home quite late for dinner, to meet a very worried and anxious Miss Briggs. Our caretaker had been waiting for us for over two hours and was thinking of ringing Evelyn`s parents to inform them of our unknown whereabouts. As usual, we had to lie to her that we went to an interview with one of the residents. When we were asked whether we wanted a late-night dinner by Miss Briggs, we declined. Our appetites had been lost beyond retrieval that horrible night.
As we took our flights up the wooden steps to our bedroom, we heard Miss Briggs mutter “I wonder what you would be doing interviewing any residents for?”
“Our real fear has only just begun,” I whispered immediately we stepped into the bedroom and shut the door. “Miss Briggs has started to suspect our ‘research project’” I added making motions with my fingers.
“That is not the real problem at the moment,” Evelyn stressed as she stared at me in awe.
“Like how can that be bothering you right now Fiona?” Iris asked a slight tone of irritation starting to rise.
“We can deal with her later. Trust me.” Evelyn replied as she waved the issue away with one swipe of her palm. “What we need to be thinking about is what we saw in that car.”
“What did you guys see?” Vivienne asked inquisitively.
“We won’t have seen anything if you guys had just listened to Viv and me, and walked away from that car when we told you to” I shrugged accusingly as I took a seat on the couch.
“Well… at least we found what we did. This proves all our suspicion true.” Iris said rolling her eyes.
“What did you guys FIND?” Vivienne hissed again staring at us constantly. “And what does it PROVE?”
To be sincere, I didn’t want to be the one to tell this to Vivienne. She scares easily and she would just literally jump far away from our mission when she hears what happened back there. Hopefully, and unfortunately, my other two besties sensed this and we stared accusingly at one another with the responsibility. Typically, Iris took the bull by the horns.
“Well, we found a gun back in Adrian’s uncle's car.” she said and quickly added, “don’t freak out ok?”
“What?” she screamed. Luckily for us, Evelyn covered her mouth and hushed her on time. Then she started whisper-screaming about how we have gotten ourselves into a whole lot of trouble, we might even die, ya-ria-ria. The usual.
We calmed her down and assured her that nothing of the sort will happen. This if you would agree with me, was a VERY difficult task for us. We decided that it wouldn’t be fair to report him without getting the rigid evidence. Then Iris had an AMAZING idea. She said, “One thing that is very common about criminals that I have read about in books is that when asked unexpected questions, they crack very easy like pistachio nuts.”
“So… you are suggesting…?” Evelyn inquired, nodding in understanding.
“I am suggesting that we go and give him some of our ‘research interview’” she concluded with a devious smile on her face. “You know what I mean? Do you know? You know?”
“Ohh... I get it.” I said after a while of thinking.
“Good idea, but the issue is that he may recognize us from tonight.” Evelyn assumed.
“Yeah, and his guard might be up,” Vivienne added.
“Then we disguise ourselves.” I said in conclusion “it isn’t going to be that difficult will it?”
“And I have the perfect outfits,” Evelyn told us. “And concerning Miss Briggs, I am going to work right away guys.” She added as she picked up her phone and begun to dial her parents' number.
“As usual, I am going to say this is a bad idea.” She said as she grabbed her bathrobe to go for a shower in the bathroom. “But as usual, you would do it anyway.”
“You are coming Viv?” I asked her from the other side of the door.
“Yeah! I have no other choice or do I?” came her muffled reply from the bathroom.
I fell on the sofa with fatigue and almost instantaneously, my eyes shut close and I went to sleep dreaming of guns, Adrian’s uncle, and a court case. Half asleep, I could hear Evelyn crying and complaining about the caretaker; Miss Briggs. One of her many talents is acting if I hadn’t mentioned it before.