No Plagiarism!0lox6LdKZ2o7EfyNV1ZYposted on PENANA Chapter Five8964 copyright protection297PENANA3wtcQCAUmh 維尼
'Where's the beds?', Andy asked Chris.8964 copyright protection297PENANA6ana1c2NxM 維尼
'In cabin 2, with Debbie', she answered.8964 copyright protection297PENANAu4paTsDAJn 維尼
'There's no beds'.8964 copyright protection297PENANAZCXHgDyvPF 維尼
'No. Just hammocks', Chris said.8964 copyright protection297PENANAFxkTTUuSIN 維尼
And he smiled.8964 copyright protection297PENANAK1gsjPquH3 維尼
***8964 copyright protection297PENANAXU2A6dmW2G 維尼
Shelly saw Vera. 8964 copyright protection297PENANAAOgNQxCnDI 維尼
'We've got to know each other. I like you a lot...'.8964 copyright protection297PENANAHyq56VKbOS 維尼
'Shelly. I don't like you because of your stupid pranks. You see that, don't you'. 8964 copyright protection297PENANA80peVbsu9v 維尼
And she stormed off towards the bridge, leaving him to stoke the burning fires, and thinking he would leave tomorrow.8964 copyright protection297PENANAJ1VSSvJBnz 維尼
***8964 copyright protection297PENANARySXKz3Qod 維尼
Fox, Loco, and Ali appeared at the camp.8964 copyright protection297PENANA8n9fxLdL4X 維尼
Ali started to siphon off gas from Rick's van. 8964 copyright protection297PENANAMbLpSnOur7 維尼
'Will they be hurt?', Fox asked Ali.8964 copyright protection297PENANA7m3peQj6p8 維尼
'No, babe', Ali answered.8964 copyright protection297PENANAF7irTJqdDH 維尼
She jumped across the bench, and headed to the same barn that Barry and Claudette died in back in 1958. 8964 copyright protection297PENANAs6gTCuIMdo 維尼
301Please respect copyright.PENANACN65F89h8L
8964 copyright protection297PENANAUOuiCtrRH5 維尼
Fox waited.8964 copyright protection297PENANADDYGGWJt4G 維尼
She saw a pitchfork.8964 copyright protection297PENANAlObiOLZd7b 維尼
'Jesus!'.8964 copyright protection297PENANA31szDRvV4P 維尼
She saw someone throwing bales of hay.8964 copyright protection297PENANAgTmDylVyDO 維尼
She went up to the attic via the brown colored ladder.8964 copyright protection297PENANAGOb8x8zlAX 維尼
To her surprise she saw a piece of rope.8964 copyright protection297PENANAvMO3F2m2af 維尼
She swung in the air.8964 copyright protection297PENANAOkdmqSm5px 維尼
301Please respect copyright.PENANAydmZyguoHe
8964 copyright protection297PENANAa0snCCizbO 維尼
Loco was ordered to find Fox.8964 copyright protection297PENANAZGSyZjBMd7 維尼
He grabbed the gas can.301Please respect copyright.PENANAqvxFZP7M3s
8964 copyright protection297PENANAj1gxtxiuEK 維尼
'Fox! Where're you?'.8964 copyright protection297PENANAkK1hqg7Sdx 維尼
He saw her.8964 copyright protection297PENANAbm0okUTUxe 維尼
'Ali will be pissed off'.8964 copyright protection297PENANAkHL5z3SvRV 維尼
He ducked his head, and placed the can on the ground.301Please respect copyright.PENANAgdzQ2mcNDr
8964 copyright protection297PENANAkmPmNzKloH 維尼
Fox was missing!8964 copyright protection297PENANAOaoJbNqNf5 維尼
301Please respect copyright.PENANAu8mIyVWVEu
8964 copyright protection297PENANAHxikMkhdfL 維尼
Loco went inside.8964 copyright protection297PENANA3DLWloWFNh 維尼
When he went up the ladder, he saw her body.8964 copyright protection297PENANAqHpO8N3IA2 維尼
Jason Voorhees attacked him.8964 copyright protection297PENANAFZ6kqlz5gL 維尼
The horror of Friday the 13th had returned.8964 copyright protection297PENANAYXjBkpcHtl 維尼
***8964 copyright protection297PENANAIGtT6OPhpg 維尼
Ali noticed everyone was gone.8964 copyright protection297PENANAITyJmXvkNs 維尼
He reached the open barn.8964 copyright protection297PENANAJQ7SjRTVef 維尼
'Loco! Fox!'.8964 copyright protection297PENANAfMVozSFyyU 維尼
He had enough of this.8964 copyright protection297PENANA7Hbo04IFNJ 維尼
He saw Jason Voorhees.8964 copyright protection297PENANA5tfpuvcVel 維尼
After a fight, the killer grabbed one of the masks that Shelly had in his magic bag; it was a hockey mask. 8964 copyright protection297PENANAd1fwAC4ArL 維尼
He put it on, and was happy to wear it. 8964 copyright protection297PENANAIkTa61Cypn 維尼
It was better than a potato sack.8964 copyright protection297PENANAbcbcUrw46F 維尼
Page 6.8964 copyright protection297PENANAZOViF1sa5d 維尼
301Please respect copyright.PENANAYfnqfMmR4Y
8964 copyright protection297PENANA3W9YDFEpof 維尼