"Mark are you sure you don't want to spend time with Tommy? I don't want to come in between your friendship." He chuckled, mans just chuckled at me. "Yes I'm sure, he was dodgy before but knowing what I know now I don't want to be around those types of people."
Ranboo and I walked into school with his arm around my shoulder I couldn't put my finger on it but something about him just made me feel comfortable. I went drop some of my books into my locker just to have someone slam my locker door closed. "So you've already replaced me with someone new?"
I looked up to see the man I've been avoiding, I don't think he even realises who Mark is. "Tommy can you calm down she hasn't replaced anyone." Tommy looked over to Mark with a weird expression knowing he's heard this voice somewhere.
"Thomas you know Ranboo don't you?" Before either of the tall teens could say anything I disappeared into an empty classroom. I couldn't handle being around Tommy knowing I'll never be good enough for him it hurt. Before I knew it I was having a panic attack and couldn't remember what exactly my therapist taught me to do when this happens.
I couldn't bring myself to breathe seeing Toomy made my whole body go into panic mode. I felt like I had no sense of control left. As my vision became blurry the only sense I had left was hearing an touch.
I felt a soft touch pull me into their chest. "It's okay (Name) I'm right here and as long as I'm here he won't even come close to being near you." As I heard Ranboo's comforting words I was able to quickly regain my senses. I looked up to see a very worried Ranboo when he saw my teary face he pulled me in even closer.
I went to take in my surroundings seeing it's just me and Mark here by ourselves. I let out a sigh of relief seeing that Tommy didn't follow Mark. "How'd you know where I was?" He stared into my eyes before answering.
"You looked panicked when Tommy showed up so I managed to escape Tommy and I figured you wouldn't want to be where other people were bound to be so I checked every empty classroom." Mark was just so good with words and I didn't know what I did to deserve him but I knew one thing I wasn't going to let him go.
"Now come on you have to show me to English before we're late." Mark and I made our way to our English class and he took a seat next to me which was usually Tommy's seat. Which meant he had to find another seat.
"Alright, class we have a new student joining us today. Mark, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" Everyone turned their attention towards Ranboo as he stood up. "Hi, I'm Mark, I'm new? what else do you want from me." Some of the girls giggled at his introduction showing that he was going to be popular among the girls.
The teacher let him sit down when the door burst open. "Sorry, I'm late miss." Tommy's eyes met with mine and then wandered over to Mark. He looked pissed that someone had claimed that seat before him.
Mark could see me silently panicking so he did what any good friend would do and placed his hand on mine. This made Tommy lose it, Tommy made his way to the back of the class so he could be seated behind Mark. The rest of class was quite boring Ranboo looked like he was getting really into his school work which was a good sign.
When it was signalling time for lunch we left before Tommy could say anything we headed straight for the cafeteria. Mark went to go pay for his food when I sat at my usual table. I didn't feel like eating so I just had my bottle of water.
Tommy and Catherine decided to place themselves across from me. I needed Mark right now he became my source of comfort in such a short amount of time. "(Name) I think we have a few things left unsaid." I chuckled at his words. "Thomas you and I have nothing to talk about. I meant what I said, I want nothing to do with you. I actually can't wait for you to have your heart broken by my sister, funny thing is when your not looking she's off flirting with other guys."
After my little outburst, I couldn't help but sigh like a dog. I saw Mark come back with two trays which left me confused. He placed one in front of me and the other one next to me where he'd be sitting.
He didn't know about my eating habits so he couldn't possibly know I was starving myself. "Mark, why'd you get food for me?" Catherine was the first to break the silence. "I don't know if you noticed this but my dear sister is too fat to eat that." Mark and Tommy looked at my sister shocked that she would say something like that.
"If she's fat then what are you? no offence but you're not fooling anyone those things you call curves are just rolls of fat." I was beyond shocked by what Mark said he didn't seem like the type to say something mean.
I couldn't help but laugh, Mark was different from other guys he had a weird way of trying to cheer me up but it worked. "You made enemies with the wrong girl." Mark raised his eyebrow as if silently saying 'and I should care why?'. Catherine stormed off with a tall Tommy trailing behind him.
"You are by far the funniest guy I have ever met, no one has ever had the balls to say any of the stuff to my sister like ever." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, a small gesture but a sweet one at that. I think I found my new home within Mark.