Penny's pov
I stretch and sit up. Pennywise is gone. I disappear and reappear in the cellar of the Neibolt well house. I immediately notice something is different. I head up the stairs. I walk through the house and find the front door open. I walk outside and find Pennywise standing in the road in his human form, holding something. I walk down the sidewalk and stop at the entryway. He looks at me.
I gasp. "Is she--?"
He nods.
"No. No, no, no. No, not Little Penny." I turn and run to the house. I run inside and back to the cellar. I walk over to the well and lean on it. "No, please. Not Little Penny."
Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look behind me. It's Pennywise.
He hands me the doll.
"No. I don't want it." I look away.
He wraps his arms around me in a hug. He rests his head on my shoulder. He pulls me close. I feel a tear run down my cheek.
"Wh-why does this have to happen to m-me?" I sigh shakily. "Wh-why Little Penny? Why n-not someone else's ch-child?"
"I don't know. We can find this out, though. I know we can. And we will." He smiles. "Okay?"
Little Penny's pov
I scream. "Mommy! Daddy!"
"Shut up, child!"
I feel a hand near my face. I open my little eyes and see darkness. I scream and grab at my eyes. I feel something soft and yank at it. I pull it off and I can see again. I look up and see a man. He grabs me. I scream. He puts his hand over my mouth. I struggle to open my mouth and bite down on his hand. He tries to pull away. I bite harder and feel a warm sensation in my mouth. I let go and lick my little mouth. He yells.
"My hand! Oh my God! Frederick!"
I watch as another man shows up.
"What is it? What happened?" He sees the other man's hand and gasps. "Oh my God! What the hell happened?"
"That damned thing bit me!"
The new man comes over to me and grabs me by my hair. He lifts me up and I scream. He throws me across the room and I hit something hard. I fall to the floor and curl up in a ball. I peak through my legs and watch as they leave. As soon as the door shuts, I get up and crawl over to the window. I stand up and climb onto the space in front of the window. I ball up my little hand and bang on the window really hard. It doesn't work. I put my little hands against the window and bang my little head on it. I do it again, and again, and again. Finally, it starts to crack. I continue to bang my head on the window and feel it getting weaker. I rest my head on the window and look out. Not far to the ground. I bring back my head and bang against the window, smashing it. I fall out the window and onto the grass below. I roll away and get up. I giggle and run to the trees. I stop right in front of the trees and look back. I look back at the trees and continue to run.
I'm gonna go find mommy and daddy.