Twelve years later...
Penny's pov
I'm just sitting on the couch, when suddenly, I feel contractions. I sigh. I get up and disappear. I appear behind the hospital and turn into my human self. I start walking over to the emergency room and collapse midway from the contractions. I try getting up and fall back down. I sigh and look back up. Paramedics are coming over. They help me up and into the hospital.
An hour later, I'm holding a new little baby. I smile.
"I'll name you Little Pennywise." I kiss his forehead.
Suddenly, the door opens. "Miss, we're afraid we're going to have to take him in for a little while. He doesn't seem to be normal."
I hug him close. "No. You aren't touching him." I pull the blanket away and hold him close to me. I disappear and reappear behind the doctor with a surgery knife.
She turns around and gasps. "H-how did you--"
I smile as I transform. "Say goodbye." I stab her with the knife and disappear. I appear in the Neibolt well house and go to the cellar. I go over to a box and dig through it. I find the things I'm looking for and make Little Pennywise an outfit. I do his makeup and put the outfit on him. He wriggles and cries. I pick him up and snuggle him. "Shh. Daddy's going to love you."
I head down the well carefully and go to Pennywise's sewer home. I find him sitting on his stage, chin in his stained, gloved hands. I walk over to him and stand in front of him. He looks up at me and I smile.
"New family member." I put Little Pennywise in his lap and sit beside him. "Isn't he adorable?"
Pennywise picks him up and holds him close. "He looks a lot like me."
"Just like Little Penny looked a lot like me."
Little Pennywise cries out and his eyes peep open. They continue to open and close again. He opens them again, but this time all the way. He giggles and touches Pennywise's nose.
I smile. "He's so adorable."
"He's got some big eyes."
"Makes him just that much more adorable."
Pennywise smiles.
"And this time, we're not leaving him alone." I touch Little Pennywise's tiny hand. "I'm not risking that again. Just not happening."
One year later...
I sit down on the porch beside Pennywise and watch Little Pennywise, who just learned to walk, chase after a firefly. I watch as another one appears and he looks between them, confused. And then I realize that Pennywise is making them appear.
"Pennywise, seriously?"
He looks at me. "What?"
"Why are you making those appear?"
"Well, he's having fun. Isn't that a good thing?"
I sigh. "Well, yeah, but--Oh, forget it. Never mind." I look back at Little Pennywise and see him in the road. I gasp as I see a bigger arm reach out to him. "NO!!" I get up and run to him. I run in between the man and Little Pennywise. "You leave him alone!" I turn around and pick Little Pennywise up. I walk up the walkway and back to the porch. I sit down and set Little Pennywise in my lap.
"You must be very protective."
"I told you, Pennywise. I'm not going to let him go missing like his older sister."
Later, at sundown, I get up to go search for Little Pennywise and can't find him.
"Where is he?"
"I don't know." I walk past the fence and a few feet down the road. Pennywise is behind me. I turn around and snuggle close to him. "I feel like a bad mother. I let both of them down." I sigh. "I'm going to head inside."
I turn and head to the opening in the fence. I go up the walkway and go inside the house with Pennywise right behind me.