I walked through the dark streets of South Ridge following the faint glowing trail on the road to show the way to the town's square, away from any houses. A troll waved to me from an alley as I passed by, "Hello Gray." I gave him a small smile as I walked by. I only have four deliveries and then I can go to bed. I searched around the market for a Satyr running a fruit stand, he ordered cream for his knee joints. I spotted him with a crowd surrounding his stand. I squeezed through the crowd since I wouldn't be buying any fruit today, when I finally reached the counter I was out of breath, "you seem very busy tonight." He was making transactions as quickly as he could, "well these people have no other place to get fruit. A flame elemental destroyed three orchards yesterday. It's a good thing I grow my produce." I nodded in disbelief, the elementals always stay in their respected homes. Why would a flame elemental be so far from a volcano? It was a question I'd have to ask Azalin, right now I just need to get my deliveries done. I handed him his cream and he gave me a small sack of gold in exchange, "the extra is for your trouble with the crowd." I bounced it in my hand, "thank you." I squeezed back through the crowd and dusted myself off.
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"Now to find a harpy," I had to look upon the rooftops to find a creature that can fly. I finally spotted her a few houses down, once I got underneath the roof I waved her down. She was so happy to see me, "did you bring the powder?" I dug into my bag, "of course I did. Now Azalin said to mix two spoonfuls in your morning drink every morning until you run out. Your problem should be solved by then. If the problem hasn't gone away he said that he will make you something stronger." She hugged me with her big wings, "thank you so much." She dropped 10 gold into my hand before clumsily flying back onto the roof. I guess when a harpy starts losing her feathers it makes it hard to fly.
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I knew that my last delivery would come to find me so I took a look around the market. It had been a long time since I saw so many creatures in one place. There was a bugbear, a dwarf selling metal works, a couple of elves selling books, a few gnomes trying to get some baked goods, a gargoyle standing guard, and a group of gremlins having fun in the middle of the square. I made my way over to the gremlins because I had made them a batch of cookies, I dodged a fairy couple that was flying by. The gremlins were so happy to see me, and even happier when I gave them the cookies. Then I heard a familiar voice say, "what do you mean you don't sell your attraction pheromone? You're an incubus." Oh, gods, it was Nox talking to my last client.
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I groaned as I witnessed Nox trying to buy pheromones from my incubus client, how stubborn and annoying can one man be? Nate, the incubus, was not letting Nox get his way. Nate did sell his pheromones for a hefty price, but he knows what Nox wants it for. A familiar can only mate with another familiar by law. "If the problem is money I'm sure I have enough, " Nox held out a very large coin purse. Nate bit his lip, but then he spotted me and cleared his throat, "my answer is still no. I'm saving my pheromones to make children with human women on the next full moon." I know he is trying to make babies, he ordered a fertility pill to ingest every time he wanted to make love to a woman. Nox looked over his shoulder to see what Nate looked at, our eyes locked and he left Nate alone to grab me by the hand. He bent down on one knee, "it's not what you think, I was sent here by my master to get the pheromones. I want to win your heart on my own." I forcefully took my hand away, "I already told you no." He got inches away from my face, "you have to marry me." I didn't have the chance to respond to him because he suddenly was hit in the face with a pie. I could hear small laughter from behind me, the gremlins threw a pie at him. He slung the pie filling from his eyes, "why you little-"
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He stomped over to the gremlins and grabbed one, "how dare you interfere with the power of love!" I scowled at his words. I felt a hard and heavy hand touch my shoulder, "is there a problem here?" It was the gargoyle from earlier. He looked at Nox who was now gently setting the gremlin down. Nox was almost as white as a piece of parchment, "there is no problem at all sir." The gargoyle grumbled, "from the way those gremlins are looking at you I'd say you've caused some trouble. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."
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I watched as the gargoyle escorted Nox out of the market, he didn't seem angry like I had expected but scared. He wasn't scared of the gargoyle, is he scared of what his master will say? I turned to the incubus to complete our trade and then I proceeded home. I was lost in thought as I passed by the empty dark alleys. Why is he so desperate for me to love him? Was he trying to get the pheromones so Uqia could use them on Azalin? So many unanswered questions swirled through my head that I didn't even notice that I bumped into someone until I landed on my butt. A hand reached out to me, "I'm so sorry, are you okay?"