I rubbed my bottom as the strong hand lifted me, "I'm fine, I'm so sorry. I was lost in thought." He chuckled, "it's alright." After my eyes adjusted to the brightness of his torch I realized that it was Kain, one of the royal guards out on patrol. "Have fun at the market?" He motioned his hand for me to walk forward, I complied and he followed beside me. "There was a small incident," I rubbed the back of my neck. He smirked, "I know, a small gargoyle came to warn me to make sure he didn't cause more trouble after he left. He also told me that you were in the middle of it so I thought I would walk you home if I ran into you." I raised one eyebrow curiously, "that's very sweet of you, but I can turn into a mountain lion and maul anyone who attacks me." He shrugged, "I know, but there would be no reason to attack you if you're walking with a guard. Besides I also need to place an order with Azalin, these night shifts make it impossible to get daily tasks done." I pulled out a magic quill that Azalin enchanted to never run out of ink and a piece of parchment, "what do you need?" We stopped so I could write, "well my mom has her usual illness again, my brother broke his arm climbing a tree, my sister needs something to prevent pregnancy, and my dad has a wart." My eyes were wide after I finished writing it all down, "that's a big order. So you specifically do not need anything?" He patted himself to make sure he wasn't hurt anywhere, "no, I think I'm fine for now." I put my things back in my bag and continued walking, "I'll give this to him first thing in the morning. I'll drop it all by your house once it's done."
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We waved goodbye to each other once I reached the house, "goodnight Kain." When I stepped through the doorway I noticed that Azalin was sleeping at his desk, I tiptoed over to him. I gently rocked his shoulder, "Azalin, this isn't a very comfortable place to sleep." He groaned, "I fell asleep waiting for you to come home." I kissed him on the forehead, "I'm sorry that I kept you waiting. Let's go to bed." He started to trudge up the stairs, "what kept you?" I didn't want to tell him that I had problems with Nox, but I don't want to keep it from him, "I'll tell you in the morning love." He grumbled, "fine." I rubbed his shoulder as I followed him, "you will live with the suspense until the morning." "No, I'll get no sleep because I will be dreaming of the possibilities, " he grumbled again. I kissed his cheek as we laid down on the bed, "I can only say that it's not what you're thinking." He nuzzled my shoulder as he got comfortable, "good."
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I rolled over to find the other half of the bed empty and the sun high in the sky, "why did Azalin let me sleep in?" I rubbed my eyes and pulled my robe on, I made my way down the stairs when I heard a voice, it was Uqia. I heaved a sigh of dread, "why is she here again?" When my foot touched the bottom step I was greeted with a cup of coffee in my hand, "ah Gray, you're finally awake. I couldn't imagine why Azalin lets you be so lazy." Why in the nine hells did she just shove a cup of coffee in my hands, insult me, and insult Azalin in our house? "I'll have you know that I am usually up before he is, " I sniffed the coffee with the senses of a dog, I have to make sure that she didn't put anything in it. Alice was standing in the kitchen giving me a death glare, "come here." I shuffled into the kitchen, "what?" Alice turned her back to Uqia, "she showed up here unannounced with a letter from the king stating that Azalin has to give her a chance to court him or he will be arrested." I shook my head, "there is no law saying a warlock has to marry a witch. How did she even get this letter?" Alice shrugged, "she claims that the king is her cousin." I squinted my eyes at her, that's impossible, the king has no relatives with magic. I couldn't call her out on it, I have no proof that he has no magic blood relatives. Could this situation get any worse? "We might have to move if that's the case, " I finally sipped the coffee but then spat it back out, "She put cinnamon in it, and we can't move. You would be stuck here." I dumped the cup into a bucket, I hate cinnamon.
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Azalin was nervously sitting on the couch, I know he is angry because this is stopping him from working. I remembered that list Kain needed, I retrieved it from my bag and looked at it. I should give it to him now to get Uqia to leave. I walked over to them and cleared my throat, "Azalin, I forgot to tell you that Kain gave me a list of medicines that he needs." Azalin took the paper from my hand, "thank you, Gray, I really should get started on my work." He left the couch and went over to his workstation to start. Uqia sipped her tea and then spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, "I would never let my familiar talk to me like that."