Bea yawned as she prepared coffee. "Come on, you stubborn old pot," She muttered, hitting the coffee maker lightly. "You made a decent cup yesterday, you can make two today." She yawned again, stretching, wincing at her sore muscles. After she had finished her phone call with Scarlet, she had gone back inside the bedroom and did it again with Dandelion. They had romped about on her bed, rolled unto the floor, and proceeded to do it on the floor. At some point, Dandelion had had the outrageous idea of doing it against her dresser. Bea had been worried, but it turned out that her worries had been ungrounded. The dresser had shaken with the force of their love-making, Dandelion effortlessly holding Bea's bottom half as he pounded her. Dandelion had fallen asleep soon after, but Bea had laid awake, studying every detail of Dandelion's sleeping form, making a note to write a sonnet about him in her free time. "Morning Bea," Dandelion's voice brought her back to the present. He hugged her from behind, resting his hands on her hips, and his chin on the top of her head. "Whatcha making?" He asked, and she frowned. "I was making coffee," She explained, listening to the coffee maker as it spluttered and clanked. "But it looks like the coffee maker won't cooperate." She huffed, leaning into Dandelion's embrace. Dandelion chuckled, kissing the top of her head. "Well, since the coffee maker isn't cooperating with you," Bea yelped as Dandelion picked her up suddenly, holding her bridal style. "Why don't we go out for coffee?" Bea pondered the offer. "Can we go shopping for clothes too?" She asked, and Dandelion nodded. "Sure, why not?" He put Bea back on the floor. "Let's freshen up, and meet in the driveway in..." Bea glanced at the clock that hung on the kitchen wall. "20 minutes." Dandelion nodded, going into the living room, where his overnight bag sat in Bea's reading chair. He picked it up and grinned at Bea. "I'll go get changed in the bathroom. See you in 20 minutes."
20 minutes later, Dandelion and Bea were on the road. "You've got an aux cord, right Dan D?" She asked, digging through his armrest. Dandelion nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah. You wanna play music?" Bea nodded, grabbing her phone and hooking it up. "Yep! You don't if I play some Japanese tunes, right?" He chuckled, as Bea scrolled through her playlist, and picked a song. The sounds of a girl singing an upbeat, Japanese song, played through the speakers. "What song is this?" Dandelion asked, glancing at Bea from the corner of his eye. She was bopping her head to the beat, mouthing the words. Bea grinned, blue eyes sparkling happily. "Freely Tomorrow, by Mitchie M, sung by Hatsune Miku." She explained, starting to shoot off rapid-fire facts about Hatsune Miku. "...And there're other Vocoloids, but Miku's my favorite." She finished, as Dandelion pulled into the parking lot of the coffee place. "So, let me get this straight," Dandelion began, as the two walked into the coffee shop. "Hatsune Miku's not a real person, but people use her voice for their music, and she's popular?" Bea nodded, taking in the surroundings of the old-fashioned coffee shop. A beige crayon stood at the counter, cleaning it in an unhurried manner. His gaze landed on Bea and Dandelion, and he smiled. "Dandelion?" He glanced at the beige crayon, giving him a wide grin. "Beige? Hey man, how's it been?" Dandelion walked up to the counter, chattering excitedly. Bea followed him. "...And this is Bea! She's, my...girlfriend." Dandelion blushed, and Beige and Bea shook hands. "Nice to meet you, Bea." Bea beamed, shaking Beige's hand. "Nice to meet you too!" Beige smiled and walked around the other side of the counter. "Now, what would you two like to drink?" Beige asked, gesturing to the menu. "I want the usual," Dandelion said, and Beige nodded. "A classic coffee, with four creams and three-and-a-half sugars?" Beige listed, and Dandelion blinked in amazement. "You still remember?" Beige nodded and turned to Bea. "And you?" Bea looked at the menu, and back at Beige. "What would you recommend for me, Beige?" Beige drummed his fingers along the desk, humming to himself. "For you Bea, I would recommend Iced Vanilla Latte, with Sprinkles." Bea stroked her chin. "What kind of sprinkles?" Beige leaned over the counter, and whispered; "For you, blue sprinkles." Bea nodded. "Okay!" Dandelion watched Bea as she sipped her cool drink. "How's your latte?" He asked, blowing lightly on his own coffee. She smiled. "It's really good. The sprinkles were a nice touch." She glanced at his coffee. "Can I try your coffee?" Dandelion pushed the cup across the table, and Bea pushed hers to the other side. She sipped daintily at the hot beverage. "How is it?" He asked, and she made a face. "Bitter." She smiled. "How's my drink?" He grinned. "A bit sweet for my liking, but the sprinkles add a nice touch." Bea glanced at the clock. "Ready to go?" Dandelion asked, and she nodded. Bea sat outside the dressing room, holding a small bundle of clothes. Dandelion stepped out of the dressing room, wearing a t-shirt with a wolf on it, and skinny black jeans. "How do I look?" Bea stared at Dandelion and gave him thumbs-up. "You look great!"
"Oh! Hey Scarlet," Bea smiled, speaking loudly over the creaking of the bed as Dandelion did her. "Hey, Bea! What's that loud noise in the background?" She asked, and Bea laughed. "Oh, you know how it is, Scar." She replied, and Scarlet chuckled. "Anyways, how're you and Rod?" Bea asked, referring to Goldenrod, Scarlet's new boyfriend. "Oh, Rod and I are alright. We went to the library, and he got me a keyhole sweater." Scarlet said with a giggle."I'll wear it tomorrow." Bea breathed a sigh as Dandelion rolled off of her, and unto his side, closing his eyes. "G'night Bea." He murmured, closing his eyes.