❤️Gabriela's POV
"Are you sure you guys will be good over there by yourselves? I can come if you want."
"No it's okay, we've got everything handled over here, it's your day off go get some rest, you looked tired the last time I saw you," Anne replied over the phone.
"Go have fun! Shake some ass in a club!"
I giggle at Eric's remark in the background.
"Will do!" I said smiling. "Okay then, I'll be here at home if ya'll need me okay?"
"We won't. Bye now!"
"Bye Anne." I sigh as I hang up the phone.
I then climb out of bed and trudge to the kitchen to grab myself a bottle of water and as soon as I got back my phone rings. It was Cole. I wonder what he wants.
"Hey Cole, what's up?"
"Nothing really, kind of bored actually, this might sound super weird since I only met you once and it was for business reasons but would you like to go out tonight? It doesn't have to be a date it can be just as friends. I'm only doing this for my dad just to get him off my back. He has this black and white gala thing he does every year and every year I show up with no date."
"Umm, sure I guess I could do that, a gala sounds nice."
"Really? Thank you, I owe you one."
"Haha good. now, what time is this thing at?"
"It starts at 9 so you have a while, sorry for asking a little late by the way I don't have any female friends and I didn't know who to call."
It's fine, I was just sketching anyway, I didn't have any plans."
"Well, now you do. It'll be fun I promise."
"As long as there's food I'm good."
"Ah, a woman after my own heart."
"Ha, okay, what color will you be wearing?"
"All black, I don't look good in white."
"Well, are we matching or should I do the opposite and wear all white?"
"Hmm, that's up to you I guess, I'm sure you'll look good in anything."
"How sweet, well now I have to go look through my closet."
"Have fun with that Barbie, don't get lost in there."
I giggle over the phone and we say our goodbyes. God! what is wrong with me and all this flirting back and forth. Cole is a very interesting person so far from what I know He's done some time in the military which makes him really intimidating and mysterious. I shouldn't even be near this man whatsoever yet he just has this stare that makes me want to follow him if he'd let me. Now here I am going to a gala with him. What happened to me wanting to stay home and relax? I shake my head at myself and walk to my closet and into my section of black. I take a long stare at it and finally start to rummage through. Too Short, too poofy, not poofy enough. I was bound to give up on the black until my eyes caught the bundle of black from a dress I've never worn. It was strapless and had a decolletage neckline and the main dress stopped mid-thigh. The rest of the dress was made out of many layers of glittery tule into ruffles and it swept down to the floor. I made this dress years ago but never seemed to find anywhere to wear it. Well now is the chance. I grab the dress and sprawl it on my bed. I then walk over to my dressing table and opened my drawers, looking for black undergarments, and black accessories. Then I'm back in my closet to look for a pair of black heels and I end up choosing the ones with the ties that go up to my mid-calf. Gabriela for once was going to look super hot. That was rare. I sigh, satisfied with my choices, and stare at the alarm clock on my bedside table. It read 6:41 pm. I still had around three hours to kill. I just decided to take my sketches to the kitchen island and continue there.
❤️Cole's POV
I look at my watch for the third time in the past twelve minutes. I've been waiting in my car for about twenty. I wasn't supposed to be here so early but I couldn't help myself. I know my dad was all bent up about this but I'm kind of glad he made me ask. Gabriela is an interesting person and I could say that I didn't want to be near her but I'd be lying to myself. But then again I have had a crush on Kia Rogers for a while now. I don't know, maybe Gabriela will take my mind off of her. I stare at my watch again and realize that it's now 9:25 pm. She texted me already saying that she'd be out in a few. I get out of my car and was about to ring the doorbell but the door opens before I get the chance to.
"I'm ready! Sorry I had to make sure Jenny was taken care of for the night."
"You look beautiful," I say as I hand her a corsage.
"Thank you." She then laughs. "Are we going to prom?"
I see what she means and I chuckle. "Just wanted to do something nice."
"It's sweet, thank you."
"Your welcome. Let's get to the gala before my father thinks I've abandoned him."
"Yes sir."
I open the passenger's side for her and wait till she sits in to help her scoop up the remaining part of her dress in the car. I walk to the other side and slip inside, driving off.
The drive was pretty quiet but I was glad it was over. I help Gabriela out of the car and I watch her every move as she looks in awe at the house in front of her.
"You live here?!"
"No my parents do, I live somewhere else now but I still have a room here."
"It's so beautiful!"
"Yeah, my dad loves big houses, mostly just to host parties."
"I can see, I feel like I'm in The Great Gatsby."
"Wait till you see the inside. Come on we're already super late."
"Yes sir!"
God, I love it when she says that. We head inside through large doors which lead to the top of the grand staircase. Everyone looks up towards us and I'm not surprised. I already know they're all staring at her.
"Why is everyone staring? Is it because we're late?" she whispers as we head down the stairs towards my father who was walking to us from the other side of the room.
"They're all staring at you. You're breathtaking." I whisper back.
"Oh, hush, this was literally at the back of my closet, I just haven't had a chance to wear it out yet."
"Well, It looks stunning."
Her thank you was interrupted by my dad embracing her into a hug.
"Darling Gabriela you look amazing I must say! Is this an original?"
"Yes, it is, it's my first time wearing it out though, I made it years ago."
"Well, good thing I told my son to invite you tonight. I hope he's been nice."
"Yes, he's been very lovely." she smiles looking up into my eyes which makes my heart do a flip.
"Well, I'll let you two have some fun, enjoy the gala, Gabriela."
"Thank you, I will."
We watch as my dad walks away and I tap her shoulder.
"Care for a dance?"
"Definitely," she says as she places her tiny hand in mine.
I take her out to the dance floor and we easily glide to some sort of piano remix version of Mariage d'amour. We stare into each other's eyes and I can't help myself but somehow I want to kiss her right here, right now. Enough, I needed to stop, I barely knew her. The music finally ended and I noticed that we were still holding hands. I didn't dare to let go and she didn't either.
"You want something to drink?"
"Sure, do you have champagne?"
"Well we have some in the kitchen, my dad just put out wine and water on the tables."
"It's okay, we can just head there, I need to sit down anyway."
I nod and take her to the kitchen. She sits down at the counter and I grab a champagne bottle and two glasses. I fill them both up and hand one over to her.
"Thank you," she says.
"You're welcome. You wanna head back after you're finished or do you want a tour of upstairs?"
"Oh definitely a tour of upstairs, this place is so beautiful."
"Okay then. Let's go." I say as I hold out my hand for her.
We head back out hand in hand to see my dad and my stepmother coming our way.
"Ah, there you are! Gabriela meet my wife Kristen."
"Lovely to meet you, Kristen!"
"Oh please! Call me Kat!"
"Will do, I love your dress! Is that Versace?"
"Why yes, it is! You must be the lovely fashion designer that my husband won't stop gushing over, you must let me stop by your shop sometime I'd love to see your designs."
"Of course, I'd love to have you."
"Great, Cole have you gotten her anything to drink?"
"Yes, I have mother. I'm about to give her a tour of the rest of the house."
"Oh good! It was nice meeting, you Gabriela!"
"Likewise," she says.
She loops her arm around mine and I lead her to a door on the side of the room.
"I thought we were going upstairs?"
"We are, there's another set of stairs here I rather not walk up the grand stairs again."
"Ah smart."
I take her hand and show her the rooms upstairs.
"You still haven't shown me your room."
"I was saving that for last. It's at the end of this hall."
"I wonder if you have old posters and things from your childhood in there," she says as she takes another sip of champagne.
"No, not really, I kind of changed the room after my mother died. Seeing all the things I had in there just reminded me of her for some reason."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's okay. Here we are."
I open the door and stand inside, waiting for her to step inside. I close the door behind us as she looks around in awe.
"This room is so you," she says downing the rest of her drink.
"Does that mean I'm plain?"
"This room might be plain but the colors all match and it's so organized. That says a lot about you."
I watch as she glides over to my dresser and picked up a picture frame.
"Is this your mom? She's so beautiful, you look just like her."
"Yeah, it is, thanks."
She places the photo back where she found it and sighs.
"God my feet hurt, do you mind if I take them off?"
"No, not at all."
She lifts up her left leg and tries to untie the knot at the top by her calf and she fails miserably.
"Here let me help," I say as I walk over to her.
"Sit here," I say.
She obeys and I pick up her leg, placing it on my knee, and begin to take it off. I do the same with her right leg.
"There. All done."
"Thank you," she says as she gets up and sits on the edge of my bed, and dangles her feet.
"God, that champagne was really good, do you have more? You should have brought the bottle up."
"It's fine, I have some here in my mini-fridge," I say as I go grab one. I come back with an opened bottle and refill both of our glasses.
To my surprise, she drinks it all at once, places it down on the nightstand beside her, and plops backward onto my bed and her hair sprawls out behind her head. I don't know if it was just me but it suddenly got very hot very quickly. I slip off my suit jacket and walk into the closet to put it up. I roll up my sleeves and walk back into the room and lay on the bed beside her, putting a good amount of space between us. I look at her hair and gently pick up one of her bold curls and slipped my fingers through it.
"I hope this doesn't sound offensive or anything. I'm just curious, Is this your real hair color?"
"No it's fine, and yes it is. It was brighter when I was little but kind of faded as I grew up."
"Oh, just wondering. It's really unique though, it suits you."
"Thanks, I never really like it but I ended up loving it later on."
"Why didn't you like it?" I ask while propping myself up.
"I was teased for it and I was the only one who had red hair in grade school."
"Damn. They're just jealous that they don't have such beautiful hair."
"Haha yeah, I guess so," she says as she pulls herself up. I notice as she removes the bottom half of her dress and gently lays it on the chair that she sat on before.
"That's a two-piece dress? Who would have known?"
"Yeah it is, when I made it I had a feeling that by the end of the day I'd be tired of dragging it behind me."
She lays back down but she turns toward me and all I could do was stare. Her eyes were very captivating, hypnotizing even. Before I could force myself to stop, my hand finds its way to her cheek. Finally coming back into reality I blink and pull my hand away.
"Sorry" I mumble.
"Can I kiss you?" she blurts out.
"Can I kiss you."
"You're not in your right mind Gabriela."
"No more Gabriela, just Gabby or Gg, and yes I am in my right mind I only had two glasses I'm not a lightweight."
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yes, I am. I just want to know what it feels like."
"You've never been kissed?"
"Um, no," she whispers, suddenly embarrassed.
"I shouldn't be your first kiss, you should save it for someone else, like your future boyfriend."
"No, I want to kiss you."
She then grabs my face with both of her hands and kisses me harshly. Fuck. I should not be letting her do this to me. Not now. Not when I was saving mine for Kia. Hell like that will ever happen. Fuck it. She smelled so good and I can't lie and say that I haven't been wanting to kiss her too. To hell with my crush on Kia. I grab her face as well and began to kiss her back with the same force. She climbs on top of me, pinning me in between her legs. She then stops and looks down at me.
"I'm sorry, do you want me to stop?"
"No," I say as I grab her waist and pull her closer. We start kissing again and she suddenly moves lover to my neck. She begins to suck on it.
"For a woman who hasn't had their first kiss, you sure know how to," I mumble.
"There's something called reading and imagining." she giggles.
"Well, now I definitely wanna know what you're reading." I smile
"Well see."
She kisses my neck again but this time she tries to move lower. Her hands move all over me as she begins to unbutton my shirt.
"Wait, wait, wait Gabby, are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes, let me have my fun."
She rips off my shirt and then pulls off her dress to reveal matching racy red undergarments.
"Fuck. Wow." I say breathlessly.
"Like what you see Cole."
"Yes, I do in fact. You're so fucking beautiful."
"I can say the same for you, you're ripped."
"Military does that kind of thing."
"Just kiss me already."
"Yes ma'am."
I flip her so that I'm on top and continue to kiss her. I start to go lower and begin to nibble at her shoulder, neck, and just right above her breasts.
"You can take it off if you want." she groans.
"I don't think you're ready for that Gabby," I say seriously.
"You can't tell me what I'm ready or not ready for. Just this once can someone please let me have my way."
"Are you sure? Like really sure? I don't want to hurt you and I don't want you to wake up the next morning and regretting what you did. I'll never forgive myself."
"I don't care, Cole, I just want you. Right now."
"Since you haven't had your first kiss I'm guessing you're a virgin as well."
"Yes," she says in barely a whisper.
"I might be a virgin too but fuck Gabby I don't think I can do this. Not like this."
"I'm serious, I want this. So please just shut up and fuck me already."
She unhooks her bra, tosses it on the floor, and leans into the pillows, giving me a sexy and confident smile.
"Well?" she states.
"Fuck it, I'm already horny as is it now."
"Good. Come here."
She must've noticed my hesitation because she moves closer to me and grabs me by the edge of my pants. She starts to unbuckle them and pull them down.
"Fuck, you're huge."
"Why thank you. Wait, I'll be right back. Protection first."
I start to head to the bathroom but she pulls me back.
"No need, I'm on birth control. I wanna feel you bulge inside of me raw."
"Woah, someone has a dirty mouth."
"I'm telling you this is my confident side talking."
I smirk and pin her against the bed. I kiss her for a second before I pull one of her nipples into my mouth. She moans as I suck and bite on the nipple as my other hand slips into her panties.
"No need for this," I say, and with a tug of my hand, her now ripped panties are balled up and being thrown across the room. I cup her pussy and she moans loudly as I slip two fingers inside.
"Hush now, we don't want the residents wandering up here do we." I rasped.
"No, we don't." she breathes out as she arches her back as if silently pleading for more.
I continue to slip my fingers in and out for a few before I take them out and hold them up.
"Damn, you're so wet."
She just looks between my glistening fingers and me and blushes as she watches me slip them into my mouth.
I kiss her stomach and move down. As soon as my tongue touches her already throbbing clit she tightens her thighs around my head.
"Relax Gabby."
"I know."
I continue to suck on her clit, enjoying the sounds of her nonstop moans.
"Fuck me now Cole."
"Yes ma'am."
She moves away, pushes me down on the bed, and grabs my cock, and begins to suck on it deeply.
"Fuck Gabby! Slow down."
She just keeps going but she slows down a bit. I couldn't take it anymore. I pull her off, grab her by the waist, flip her back onto the bed, and plunge my cock deep inside her. She practically screams but it's muffled as she covers her mouth with her hand. I start pounding into her and she wraps her legs around me tightly.
"Harder Cole."
How much could this woman want? She was going to drive me crazy I just knew it. I already knew that after this, there was no going back. 122Please respect copyright.PENANAVPHBPpcAyj