It was the first day of fall, the leaves on the ground were orange, some mixed with a bit of yellow. Everyone was excited for the season to begin thinking about halloween and what they're going to dress up as. Some more excited about decorating their houses and join in with the fun.
In a little town, almost 10 minutes drive to the mall and the school, is a house. Two stories high, traditionally built, with beige paint with white pillars holding the front overhang. beautifully cut grass and a few plants near the stairs leading up to the front of the home.
It was morning time and a lady with beautiful taken care of, naturally long just past her shoulders, brunette hair, walked inside a teenagers room. It was obviously a girl's room but a little let go. Some plates, cups and monster energy drinks laying around and the room was slightly shadowed but losing to the sun coming through the window blinds.
''Sweetheart, come on. You're gonna be late for school.'' The brunette lady said, while clapping her hands a few times and hurrily grabbing dirty clothes off the floor.
A small groan was heard ''I'm not going...'' the girl said, wrapping the blanket over her head before it was immediately tugged off her head, messing her dark brunette hair up even more than it already was.
Her mother sighed and held the laundry basket in her grasp, ''Gemma, you have to go. You've already had a week off school, come on, go get ready, you've got 10 minutes.'' She said before walking out and heading downstairs to do the laundry.
''You're going to have to get up some time, you'll just keep being a disappointment.'' Murmured something in a low tone.
Gemma rolled her eyes and sat up, looking over at the computer over on her desk. Breathing in deeply before exhaling long and hard, she finally decided to get up and put her favourite clothes on to get ready for school. Putting on her dark blue denim bootleg jeans, a nice black tight long-sleeved shirt that she had cut holes into so she could put her thumbs through, black converse shoes.
Grabbing her brush, she brushed her hair as much as she could until it was rid of knots, taking one quick sip of her energy drink from the night before that was sitting on her desk, before grabbing her school bag and running downstairs.
''Gemma, your lunch, it's on the counter!'' yelled out from the lundry was her mom, reminding her of her lunch for school.92Please respect copyright.PENANAwDpKFIRcuo
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Gemma rolled her eyes and took the paper bag with food inside it, walking quickly out of the house.
Finally getting to the front of the school, same as everyone else who was either talking to their friends or walking inside the school building.
She looked up at the building, taking a massive inhale in, preparing herself for the horrid day she's about to face.
''Wish we could just burn it to the ground.. No one would even care.'' Once again, something had murmured in a low tone. ''Or you could pussy out and go be a depressing slob again.''
Gemma shook her head, walking inside the front entrance, feeling some peoples stares, keeping her head down. Looking her up and down, what she's wearing, thinking, why she never speaks to anyone.
In History class, before everyone would rush to lunch. Gemma was doodling over the cover of her book, making little comics, completely zoned out of what the teacher was talking about.
A females low toned voice was getting louder around her. ''You can't even focus, you don't care, you're pathetic.. Look at you! Gemma! Gemma! GEMMA!'' Yelling at her before slamming her fists on the desk.
Gemma jumped in her seat, her eyes widened and her heart racing out of fear. Looking slightly up at the teacher over at the chalkboard, who was looking straight at her, waiting for an answer for his question.
Everyone looking at her and chuckling at how stunned she looked, wondering why she looked the way she did.
The teacher noticed how frightened she was, looking at his students who were laughing at her. ''Enough.'' He ordered the class to quiet down. Walking over to her, he whispered to her. ''Go to the nurses office. Relax for a bit, it's almost lunch anyway, Gemma.''
She blinked quickly and grabbed her books, shoving them in her bag, fast walking out of the classroom as everyone chuckled under their breath. The teacher shocked at how his students reacted to their fellow peer.
Later that night, at home. After having dinner on her own as her mother works night shifts as a nurse. Sitting at her desk, headphones blaring with music while tapping her foot to the rhythym, a question came to her mind.
Opening Google up, she typed in 'hearing voices'. The page finding 226 million results, the first few links were to mental illness, possesion and psychosis. Her eyes squinting and her eyebrows angled to a crease in her unibrow.
''Look, you're crazy or maybe you're possessed, ooooooh how exciting, freak.'' The female voice once again spoke up out of nowhere.
Gemma closed her eyes for a moment to grasp her sanity before opening her desk drawers and looking at the prescribed medication her mother has been getting her for years but hasn't taken them for almost a few months. Considering taking a few to block out the annoying voice, she hesitated her hand to grab the bottle of pills but slammed the drawer shut.
She stared at the computer screen and sighed out of annoyance, knowing something was wrong with her, wanting to shut out the voice she could hear. Looking at the time on her computer, reading '1:19am', she shut the computer down to sleep before turning the monitor off, about to get up she noticed something in the screen.
Looking closer, thinking it was a smudge and was about to rub the screen, she noticed it was a smiling face which looked like it was behind her. Too scared to look behind her, she breathed heavily and each time she took a breath it was shakey and full of fear. Not sure if someone was really behind her or if she was now seeing things, maybe even her mind playing tricks on her.
She turns the monitor back on to some safeness, lighting the room up with a bright computer screen light. She rolled her chair back toward her bed, taking a deep exhale out of relief. She rolled herself back to the desk and swivelled around to face her bed.
''BOO'' The female voice yelled in her face with an evil smile, followed with a chuckle. Gemma screamed blood curdling like while the female she was seeing, grabbing her face and screamed with her in her face.92Please respect copyright.PENANAlK0F7aDxuX