The journey continues in fujiroyima a major trading city of japan, kata and the horror walk in the city center with strong lights up in the buildings hitting their eyes exotic food smelling from the tents with people full of life waiting in lines to get it as they walk kata notice the horror passing the locals without even raising an eye on him kata asks 'we are walking in a city full of people but yet nobody seem to notice you ' 'me and my spiec bodys lived in hell for so long that our physical appearance was almost vanished from this world however a piece of that is left here and we can only be seen when we interact with the living beings of this world or by people who wield a divine weapon the divine warriors because of the powers the divine give them' 'and what are the divine And this warriors? ' 'they are higher beings powerful enough to destroy hole countries but they chose to be peacefull granting powerful weapons to humans to protect themselves from us this people are called divine warriors ' 'so you meam they are like gods?' 'yes ' kata and the horror continue to walk in a moment kata hear some locals Whispering about a decipetated body kata approach them asksing 'sorry for the bother i have no right to ask but could you tell me where the man was killed?' ' in mount fuji but why do you care you dont seem to be from this place' katas lips were ready to open but a sound of tramps take katas and peoples notice lines of people enters the city men and women with shiny armor and weapons carrying flags on their back with a white fox for emblem their leader first in the line a woman with a slim figure and purple long hair and her face covered in armor she she turns around seeing the people and their soldiers she draws her blade pointing in the sky and screams 'people of japan after we take back our lands and unite our might nation again we the bakufo will rule for an eternity and i will restore our nation pride to its former glory once again ' the crowd start cheering her and her people while they march forward, at a moment their leader and kata stare at each other, out of nowhere katas vision became darker vague figures appear falling in the ground one after the other kata froze, his heart start beating like crazy he tried to control himself breathing in and out the figures slowly start to disappear and his vision came back to normal finally calming down the horror touch his shoulder saying 'kata we must move' 'i know' they start walking again passing the gate of fujiroyima. Getting closer and closer to the mountain as they get closer kata looks up in the sky seeing the clouds be one with the mountain murmured 'its so beautiful from down here' they start climbing it up at spme point kata turn his head seeing the city and the endless sea on the horizon he turn his head again a little bit noticing a flat rock, he decides to sit down on it with his look still on the scenery the horror goes close to him saying 'you hear the locals about the dead body we have to get the weapon and leave as soon as possible' 'just wait a bit the scene from here is not something you will see again in your life' 'your eyes are looking in the blue horizon but your mind is not here' 'what do you mean by that? 'you think of her dont you?' ' we were together for 10 years' 'im sorry kata' ' dont try to sympithize with me like you know how it feels to lose someone you love' 'i also lost people that i cared about' ' dont toy with me you are a demon you cant feel how it is ' the horror open his hand touching katas shoulder saying 'we have more things in common than you think you are not alone ' kata push him and starts walking again. Saying'the only thing we have in common is that we want the same man dead and after we kill him you will vanish from my life' the horror looked the ground saying 'okay' after a brief walk they finnaly reach the top seeing a temple surrounded by rocks and with a small lake beside it with the water so clean that the sky can reflect on it the horror said' now you will walk in the temple alone i cant progress further' 'why? ' the horror open his hand and move it forward but he cannot fully extent it'you understand now? '' yes' kata walks towards the temple seeing 5 people talking to an old man with white and gold ropes kata approach him asksing him ' old man what i have to do to give me a divine weapon? ' 'my boy if i could give you one i would already did, but i can only communicate with the divine to see if they believe you are worthy to grant you the weapons you so much wish for' 'the conversion gets interrupt by a gentle voice echoing from the woods the voice whispered 'look at you believing in your false gods' a tall skinny horror appear from the woods with his bones sticking out and two snakes attached in his back the figure takes a bow saying 'sorry where did my manners go my name is khorne, please for your own safety leave this place and no one would get hurt ' the priest teeth grint screaming'i dont know how you manage to pass the barrier but this grounds are holy not meant for your kind leave now or you will face the wrath of the gods' 'then i dont have other choice ' khorne rush to them with incredible speed but suddenly a ray of light hit the mountain and the time slowed down divine weapons fall down from the sky in the hands of kata and the other people the first person who weilds a divine weapon was a muscular woman with blonde long hair her clothes were torn and have a scar on her shoulder she weilds a nagitana. The second person a short woman with very pale skin wearing white ropes with her back urging a bit forward and brown short hair she takes a kurasigama. The next person was a tall man with black hair, bandages covering his hands with his armor covered by dirt the divine bless him with two tantos . Next there are two identical young twins the one wearining a black karuta and the other a white one resembling their black long hair and short white hair their blue eyes shining under their helmet covered with fethers in the sides they both granted a bohiya and last kata weilds a katana the ray of lighting vanishes and the time begin again, the group attacks khorne blocking his attacks and pushing him back until his back back is facing the lake he then try to catch the boy with the white karuta but kata blocked his attack khorne then grabs kata instead pulling him inside the lake khorne then he throw katas katana in the bottom of the lake, holding him unable to do anything katas lungs starts slowly to run out of oxygen his eyes start to flicker but suddenly a lighting comes down from the sky hitting inside the lake stunning khorne making him unable to hold kata he then take his katana and cut khornes arm screaming from pain after that kata goes up steping on land and finally breathing again he look the others in their eyes and said 'get ready the fight its not over yet' khornes pain ease and starts to swimm on the surface when he place his feet on land again the group surround him slashing his body, cutting his snakes and knocking him on a tree almost ready to die kata goes clpse to khorne with his blade almost touching his throat 'you fought well' khorne smirk 'only a fool would be so sure about a victory with his enemy still breathing' the group notice a strong light shines the sky coming towards them the woman with the brown hair screamed 'take cover' and everyone hide behind the trees the flamimg arrows touch the ground spreading fire everywhere kata and the others run to the priest only to find him with his stomach open and khorne jumping away, the fire starts to become bigger and bigger almost covering the hole top of the mountain the dark hair man said 'we must leave now' everyone start to run climbing down the mountain when they finally left the mountain the black hair man ask the group 'now that we are safe we can finally talk first of all lets introduce ourselves my name is toyotomi its nice to meet all of you ' the blonde hair woman respond'my name is gozen' the brown hair woman said 'tomoe is my name' the twin with the black karuta respond 'my name is takeda shigen and this is my brother uesugi' kata said 'my name is kata its an honor to meet all of you' takeda said ' now that the priest is dead me and my brother are the only ones now that can guide you in the divine warriors palace ' kata respond'maybe together we have more chances of surviving that way'eveyone else shake their heads affirmative before they leave kata tell them 'wait for a while i would be back soon' he starts running to the woods searching for the demon after a while kata finally found him. Standing in a rock watching from down here the flames burning the temple to dust the horror then look kata in his eyes smiley saying ' im glad that you are alive' you still try to pretend the good guy? , now lets go to the others' 'are you crazy they are gonna kill me in the first sight' 'i will find a way to convince them' the horror hears footsteps from behind he turn back seeing gozen attacking him he quickly step back dodging the attack gozen takes a defending stance asking 'kata what is the meaning of this why are you talking with a horror? He is our enemy the reason people are dying' 'i can explain why but please lower your weapon ' ' tell me first and maybe i will lower it' 'the reason im with a him is because a demon killed my wife and i make a promise with him to help me find the man responsible for freeing them and seal them back to their dimension' 'why a demon wants to seal his own kind instead of killing us' the horror respond 'i am against my kind beliefs i believe human lives are as precious as every other life and no one should die so horribly' gozen lower her weapon saying' i will not attack you but if the others chose to kill you i will not hesitate' the horror respond 'thanks for giving me a chance' as they walk towards the group took a defense stance holding their weapons toyotomi said ' kata whats the meaning of this?' kata respond' hear me out first and then you can make your choices' tomoe respond then explain fast 'one day i was returning in my house i found it destroyed my wife dead by a demon and then this horror saved me and we make a truce to help me kill the man who free them and sealing them back in their world' tomeo responds 'he is a demon kata we cant make truce with them' takeda responds 'wait a minute, we have to think about this if he knows how to seal them then we have to let him live' ' are you crazy? We dont know if he will betray us' 'but still a chance like that cannot come again we can finnally put an end to this war' 'i disagree we dont need a demon ' 'then lets decide it fair however agrees that this horror should come with us raise your hand' everyone except tomoe and gozen raise their hand 'then its settled lets get moving, the group continues their way to the divine warriors palace in the kanto region