For 3 days kata continue mounting finally arriving at a big camp having flags in their camps with an emblem of a fox, surrounded by the shogun's army he takes big breathes and then a woman approach him saying 'mister you must get out of here this is a war zone" "I have an invitation from the shogun' '" can you show the invitation?" "yes' kata pull the invitation from his armor and hand it to the woman's hand'oh I see then come inside' kata goes inside the camp seeing soldiers training or dancing and a stable with horses the woman said " tie your horse here and then come with me" "alright" kata tie his horse and follows the woman inside a camp, when he entered his heart skips a beat seeing the shogun there sitting on a chair , the woman says 'my lady I brought you the man you we're asking for' 'thank you, Sara, now go, the army needs you' 'as you wish my lord' Sara leaves the camp and the shogun says ' is it really you?' 'what do you mean' 'you know what I mean the man who left the army, the man who left behind his friends to die without turning back again ' katas heart starts beating like crazy "I'm not the one you think I am "maybe, maybe not, but I can find who you really are" "how? '' " a face can change over the years but the scars on your body will never leave even if the time goes by , show me your back '' kata wore off his armor and turns his back on the shogun" this scar covering your hole back so you really are kata Yukimura" kata put his armor back and with his eyelids bludge says "what do you want from me?" "I want you to serve me in one last battle the battle you left the army, my father and your friends to die" katas vision start again becoming black with shadows appearing again, feeling like they are pulling him back "are you alright? you look a bit pale" kata control his breathe and says "its none of your business " seems like the past never leaves you, so hear me well kata if you help me and my men one last time I will leave you alone to forget this terrible past"fine but you have to agree on my demands first to help you '' '' tell me then'' ''I want you to help me and the divine warriors in an inner war in our nation '' ''inner war?'' ''there is a species called demons terroring the lands, i dont expect to believe me now but if you contact with them you will understand " a silence surrounds the room and after some minutes the shogun answers "fine after we take the island i will help you and the divine warriors in your war" "can i guarantee that?" the shofun puts her hand in her heart and says " i swear an oath to amaterasu omikami that i the current shogun of japan will help you and the divine warriors on your war '' alright then what do you want from me? '' i want you to lead with me an attack on hokkaido region ' 'to get rid of the cultist? " yes, seems like the past never really left you, we have nothing more to say, now go outside with the woman that brought you here earlier and be ready, soon we will launch our attack" kata leaves the camp and finds sara 'so you finally come" "lets just get going' 'you seem very upset," "its none of your business" "the shogun told me some things about you how her father treated you like an animal but she is different she sees her soldiers like actual people with feeling not like tools or means to an end' is this some lies she told you to tell me? '
'Just look around you do you remember the army so happy with so much enegry?' kata observes the soliders dancing and singing "no" "then just give her a chance' 'i will never give any chance to her or any other shogun" "i hope you change your mind, they continue walking arriving at the shores with men and women shouting inside the bulky and big ships the shogun arrives in one of the ships giving her hand to kata, he takes his look away and boards another ship on the left , the shogun steps on the bow and points forward with her sword, drums start playing and the soldiers paddle sailing towards the shores of hokkaido region accompanied by thick fog as they sail closer arrows launch fom the fog killing and wounding many soldiers, the shogun screams 'last a little longer my soldiers, our ships will be there soon' the ships finally touch the sand of the shores and the warriors depart running towards the fortress carrying ladders and placing them on the walls kata push his way climbing the walls , hearing everywhere cries of men and women , as he step foot on the walls his vision starts becoming all and more black seeing a shadow approaching him , out of nowhere three cultist wearing half white half black ropes push him in the ground, one of the cultists pludge with force his axe, down in katas throat but the shogun rush close to them deflecting it cutting the arms of the cultist and kicking the others down from the walls she then gives her hand to kata saying 'get up kata the fight is not over ' kata gets up on his own and sees a giant arrow piercing the soldiers, kata immediately took his look on the west seeing a tower with a giant crossbow attached to it the shogun yelled 'kata go on the tower and kill the cultists before more men die' ' kata take his look down on the soldiers who are fighting for their lives then he taked it back on the tower running towards it as the arrows continue to kill the soldiers, he then reach the door smashing it, going inside and choping the cultist limbs one by one reaching the crossbow he then takes the crossbow and shoots the cultist by himfelf the cultist slowly get outnumbered retreating and abandoning the fortress, the then shogun climbs up on the walls screaming 'my people thanks to all of you we took our land back and now one final obstacle remains and the sacrifices of everyone will not go in waste' the crowd shouts and the night fell, everyone stays inside the fortress or build camps outside but kata stays on a hill laying with his back on two trees, away from the army, staring the soldiers as they are buring and crying for the dead, the shognun then climbs the hill coming close to kata saying 'are you comfortable here?" "just leave me" the shogun took her look on the soldiers her eyes lower and grit her fist "havent you get sick of all this death? " "its an irony a woman says it while she sent her men to war" "I don't want to send them towards this hell but I have no other option, but one day I will end all this misery from the world" ''this sounds like a dream of a child, you cant change how humans and the world is" "you know kata everyone was born happy, with dreams and love, but as we got older we forget about all of this and we kneel to the misery of the world and we change so much towards worse while the world is still the same " "we can only change and improve ourselves and this is enough" "this will never be enough, this world needs a drastic and radical change" "and how are you gonna make this? It impossible " "I will show you tomorrow but for today good night" "kata watch the shogun leaving and then he leans his head on the other side falling asleep ,he then wakes up feeling a sensation in his body, like someone was with him, and looks up seeing the sun and the shogun sitting in front of him wearing a cloak " finally you wake up'' "what is it this time?" the shogun throws a dark cloak on kata 'put this and follow me" kata wears the cloak and follow her up on a hill with a view on the cultist fortress "do you see this small opening in the walls?' ' so you want me to go inside ? " "you will not be alone, in the night we will go together , and before the moon reaches its highest point we will burn them with oil and torches " , the night falls and kata follows the shogun inside the opening crawling inside the walls, but they reach a dead end, blocked by a wooden wall 'now what? " "go back"the shogun kicks the wood and they continue, reaching inside a stable' put your hood and follow me inside the crowd" the shogun pour the stable with oil and puts her hood, blending inside the crowd, as they walk kata turn his head seeing cultists up in a glowing temple with the people, falling in their knees having their hands up, cutting their forearms and saying loud "oh you who watch us from afar your holy blood we desire inside us" kata asks "have they gone frenzy?" "this is supposed their pray to a god " " but we dont have any religion that persuades self harm so who are they believing " " we dont have time to bother for that the moon is almost at its peak we have to hurry" the shogun and kata continue their way to a lonely alley with no lights, the shogun puts out of her clock bottles with oil, she looks up in the moon saying "i want you to throw this bottles in the houses fast' kata and the shogun start pour the buildings with the oil and out of nowhere a cultist pass by screaming kata immediately kills the cultist" thanks kata" "i kill him only for my own good dont think i will ever help you , out of nowhere more cultists spotted them pulling out axes and sprears, kata and the shogun pull their weapons and the cultist slowly advance towards them, suddenly arrows with fire launch from the sky burning everything, the cultist were looking on the burning buildings with their eyes wide open, without moving a muscle, the shogun finds the opportunity and runs towards them slashing everyone on her sight, she then points with her finger in a glowing temple with "kata i want you to follow me to this temple" "kata shake his head affirmative and burst inside seeing only torches and long , he then slowly walks forward but two cultists ambush him from behing shooting him with bows , as the arrows were getting closer the shogun goes in front of kata, taking the arrows in her stomach, kata then quickly take the shoguns sword from the ground charging and deflecting their arrows, slashing their bodies in half, kata then returns in the shogun giving his hand , the shogun takes it saying " kata help me go upstairs" "no, this wounds are deep you need a doctor" "kata please trust me" kata blew out saying "all right" and carry her upstairs arriving in a small room with a tomb in the center and with no light from the sun with only the torches lighting the place "why did you want me to bring you here in this tomb ?" " open the tomb and I will tell you everything" kata slowly let the shogun down and opens the tomb seeing a dead body" "I open it, now what are you intend to do with a corpse? " "help me get up and lend me my sword" ''kata gives his hand to the shogun and helps her get up, he then gives her katana and the shogun cuts the body, having her sword covered in blood, she then cuts her forearm and her wounds slowly vanish'' how is that possible? '' "kata you are a divine warrior right?" "yes'' " then you know about ashashi shigen" " yes" " and you remember what I told you about this world, that needs a drastic change" yes'' "this is his body, the body of ashashi shigen the first divine warrior and is the key to the drastic change of the world'' "you are mocking me right? this body is almost in perfect condition how can this be ashashi shigens body?" "I don't know exactly but it has to do with his blood, it is unique, equal even to the gods and because my family killed him" " why would your family kill a divine warrior?" " for redemption, and for a future " " what future can a dead body bring?"
"hear me well kata and you will understand everything , in his time after ashashi seal the horros he somehow found a truth that chabge his hole view on the world , that the horrors were once humans like us cursed by the divine because they rebel against them , ashashi regreted, hated himself for what he done and filled his mind and soul with a single purpose, killing the divine, so he contact the emperor and went to his palace for help, the emperor at first was ready to kill him but ashashi explain him everything about the horrors and the divine, after that ashashi and the emperor made a promise, that the emperor will kill ashashi and when the right heir comes to the throne she will broke the seal that keeps the horrors trapped and she will infuse her blade and her body with his blood and she will take down the heavens freeing making a better future for the humans and the horrors " the shogun lay her hand at kata and says" so kata please help me kill the divine and we will free humanity from them " '' so you were the one who let the horrors free?'' "yes we need their help as they need ours" '' you let my wifes killers free, and then you make a promise with them? '' "kata im really sorry, but this is bigger than you or me its for the future of all humans " ''kata push the shogun and draw his blade pointing at her''you are helping the horrors that killed my wife and then you lied to me, using me, and now you want me to help you?, you remind me so much of your father'' " im really sorry i didnt know, some horros are out of control , i couldnt do anything'' "kata teary screams " just shut up, i dont give a damm for all of this i just want to avenge her , the only person that made me forget about all of this war, that in the darkest of hours she made me smile back " "kata please listen i dont want to fight you, im not your enemy the real enemies are the divine, and they will not show no humanity on us" "i said i dont care" that moment shogun soldiers burst inside pointing their bohiyas at kata "please dont make us shoot one of our own" kata grit his teeth , his eyes are pulled together and with his blade runs to the shogun,the soldiers draw fire and the arrows were close to pierce kata but a ray of light suddenly appears teleporting him in his horse running away from the shogun, kata pulll the reins and screams "saku stop i have to go back" but saku kept running , at that moment kata hears an explosion behind him and turns his head, his heart skips a beat and his eyes open wide with his hole body tremnling, seeing a beam from Hokkaido region going up in the sky creating a giant purple dome extending from everywhere, covering the hole earth with the starts lighiting brighter and brighter, falling towards earth like rain hitting the dome again and again trying to pass through but failing , except one, falling close to the divine warriors palace with the light of the star vanishing slowly .
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