I follow Saffron and Pasilla into the house, looking around the house, unable to contain my admiration for the home's decor. Saffron's home is not as gauzy as the castle, with function wooden and stone items of minimal design. I glance at a stack of books. I don't notice the bundle being shoved into my hands. I tear my gaze away from the books, and Pasilla, the little mouse-like elf maiden, trembles, looking up at me with big, fearful brown eyes.
"M-Miss Saffron wants you to have these," She murmurs quietly. "Get dressed, and come back to the living room." She points a trembling finger towards the hall. "The b-bathroom's down there." I nod, turn away from her, and walk down the hallway. As I dress, I can hear Saffron and Pasilla talking quietly.
"He scares me." I hear Pasilla whisper, her voice trembling. "I don't like him. What if he-" She falls silent as Saffron starts to speak.
"Whatever you think of him, Pasilla," She replies sternly. "I assure you, Bergamot will not hurt you, in any way." I hear Pasilla scoff.
"He won't hurt me? Like he didn't hurt those knights? Yeah right." Her whisper grows fierce. "I'll bet he'll tear me to pieces the moment he's out of sight of you!"