The dreadful Monday finally showed up. I am on my way to the last class of my day and it is currently 3:15 pm. I'd have to drive a little faster before I'm late. I press on the gas, barely making it past a yellow light before I drive for a few minutes and turn right to the second campus of the school. Thank God that this was my last year. I don't think could handle another month of staying late at both jobs just to scrape up enough money to pay for the semester. I try and find parking closest to the building where my class would be held and grab my bag as I get out of my car. I shoot off a quick text to the girl who was supposed to meet me in front of the classroom to tell her that I'm almost there and walk up to the building. She quickly spots me and waves me over the second I'm off of the elevator on the second floor.
"Hey, Celestia!"439Please respect copyright.PENANAkM2I9nXl2f
"Hi, Stephanie, right?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAtyXMDa2O4h
"Yeah, you ready to head in?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAH3fsxRVFj4
"Sure, where do you wanna sit?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAaj8iQfg6rd
"Anywhere really," she says as she heads through the second row of desks and sits at one, patting the desk next to her. I sit at the desk she patted and silently pull out a small notebook. This was an interesting class I suppose. I had tried to get all of the major classes that I needed to graduate out of the way so that I'd have all the fun during my senior year, which worked pretty well for me. I'm not sure what convinced me to pick this class, I guess part of me just found it interesting that they even had a class such as this, and the other part of me just wanted to see what was up. Soon the professor shows up as well as the other students. Looking around I notice that the majority of the class is male. And so is the professor. He looks very young. He's quite tall and wears glasses with thick red frames.
"Good Afternoon everyone, my name is Finn Lancaster. You may address me as professor Finn or professor Lanny. The choice is yours. Choice is given. Choice can also be taken away. Choice is the opportunity or power to decide between two or more possibilities. This is where we will start our lesson for today. Trust me it'll be more light next class."
I start to take notes to what I'm guessing is a reminder on sexual consent and making good choices. Towards the end of class, professor Finn passes out a sheet of paper. I skim the list. My eyes immediately stop at the near top of the page on the second word on that list.
"On the paper, I have just given you is a list of all the topics that you can choose from for your final project which will be used as your final grade. Throughout our classes, I will be bringing in special guests that have to do with each of them so I suggest that you choose a topic to research as soon as possible. That way when your topic-related person comes, you may ask them questions later and get their contact information. Class dismissed."
I grab my notebook, regretting that I even pulled it out, and stood up, following Stephanie out of the classroom.
"Well that was very interesting," she notes as I match her walking pace.439Please respect copyright.PENANAXBSKFDd6gA
"Ha, yeah, I've never been more confused yet so intrigued."439Please respect copyright.PENANAF4jD4kVL0J
"I think the teacher is cute don't you?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAaUXpnkJ6Wo
"He's cute I'll admit. I have a thing for glasses lol."439Please respect copyright.PENANA91IZ0haXS6
"No, for real like glasses have a hold on me."439Please respect copyright.PENANAxnmONyKiUu
"His height is kind of intimidating though."439Please respect copyright.PENANA4YjYHrmfXB
"Really? I kinda like it."439Please respect copyright.PENANAyRkvt7EDna
"Yea but imagine if-"439Please respect copyright.PENANAR4zOqjR8cr
"If what beautiful?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAl85V72rYUr
Stephanie and I both look at each other and slowly turn around to see two guys staring slightly down at us.439Please respect copyright.PENANAFBacQY68UW
"Sorry my friend here is a creep, I'm Ethan and this jackass here is Luke." said the one in the blue striped shirt.439Please respect copyright.PENANAF1wQES2UJ5
"Nice to meet y'all." perks up Stephanie. Her voice, going two octaves higher.439Please respect copyright.PENANABoTKnv5OXT
I give her a side look and she gives me a nervous one back. I look back towards the men and I quickly and mentally assess them in my head. They were sitting in the back of the class. Ethan has wavy salt and pepper hair, and a chiseled face that somehow made me want to touch it. Luke however has more of a smoother face hidden underneath a stubble and has short straight hair. They were pretty hot if I'm being honest. Luke sent a grin my way and it snapped me out of my assessments of them.
"Yeah, nice to meet you both," I say with a smile.439Please respect copyright.PENANAvy7ipuP7VA
"Where're you lovely ladies off to now?" says Luke.439Please respect copyright.PENANASwnCI4rcaG
"Uh, lunch, I guess?" Stephanie questions as she looks at me.439Please respect copyright.PENANA5JeJXbgUrD
I nod. "Yeah, we were gonna get something to eat.439Please respect copyright.PENANAHpv2wwf9v3
"Care if we join y'all. We have some free time to kill before our next class." perks up Ethan.439Please respect copyright.PENANAW9pTTapSmI
"S-sure that's fine."
I shrug, silently stating that I didn't care if they tagged along or not. We started walking to the parking lot and I looked for my car.
"We can all take mine if you guys want. There's room for the four of us."
I smile to myself because I know I'm only offering just to show my baby around. I've spent almost all of my savings on my dream car.
"Sure, does that sound good to y'all?"439Please respect copyright.PENANA3PAhlsg9d8
"As long as you two aren't kidnapping us I'm fine," replied Ethan.439Please respect copyright.PENANA1P0mJaXS97
"I'd be fine even if they did kidnap me." Luke laughed.439Please respect copyright.PENANAbOgWz0zaXH
I slightly shake my head and chuckle. I lead them to my bright red car and unlock the door. I get inside as the doors lift open and I don't need to turn to know that they're gawking.
"Are you guys coming or not?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAD06432Ktmv
"There's no way. That's gotta be a rental," says Stephanie as she got into the front seat.439Please respect copyright.PENANAJo4qnSCKdF
I shake my head. "Nah, I saved money for Lacy."439Please respect copyright.PENANAL93YS9oBSm
"Damn. She's a beauty."439Please respect copyright.PENANAWk5wLgY1yd
"Thanks. Now, where are we going for lunch?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAEr7QpzTzEc
"Ooh, I'm craving pasta. Y'all down?" declares Stephanie.439Please respect copyright.PENANAV5qFGgyjOB
"Totally," answers Ethan.439Please respect copyright.PENANAkzDDEncxpe
"Pasta it is then, Olive Garden sounds good?" I ask.439Please respect copyright.PENANAmuZn65wUbo
"Yep, let's go. I know the one that's nearby anyway," replies Luke.
I nod and start the car. As I'm driving, he gives me directions to the restaurant and we make it there in 3 minutes. We all head out of the car and go into the restaurant. Thankfully we didn't need to wait to be seated.
"So what made you both sign up for that class?" asked Luke as we all waited for our food.439Please respect copyright.PENANAv84MkbB0Ub
"It sounded interesting to me. I never knew schools had classes like this in the first place," said Stephanie.439Please respect copyright.PENANAZ2LBThB4EF
"Sheer boredom and interest," I say. "What about you guys?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAFk20VRN9pc
"Same here for me." perks up Ethan.439Please respect copyright.PENANAKXFRUTz0io
"Well, not gonna lie, I'm a ladies' man and I'm here to please." Smiles Luke as he places his hands behind his head. "I just wanted to see if there was anything else to know about making a woman come."439Please respect copyright.PENANARwBIXwpM2K
"My God Luke, why am I, friends, with you," says Ethan as he shakes his head.439Please respect copyright.PENANA56lku6rd38
"I'm just joking. Don't get your panties up in a knot." he laughs.
Ethan just rolls his eyes but he has a large smile plastered on his face.439Please respect copyright.PENANAXIrM163MQu
"Do y'all live on campus?"439Please respect copyright.PENANA12l5Mib1Hj
"I don't," I reply.439Please respect copyright.PENANAWV42XEO57Q
"I don't either. I do live nearby though." seconds Stephanie.439Please respect copyright.PENANA6589OSGqz7
"Oh, same here."439Please respect copyright.PENANAtgruj0jDSm
"Really?" brightens Stephanie. I watch as she leans a little closer across the table to him. If I didn't know better, I'd say she definitely has a thing for him.439Please respect copyright.PENANArNx2g5WHah
"Yeah, I-"
The conversation was stopped by the sound of Ethan's phone. He quickly looks at it, sends off a few texts, and then places it in his pocket.439Please respect copyright.PENANAxapJvUMyxI
"Sorry, that was work. They've been messing with my schedule for weeks."439Please respect copyright.PENANAgEBm3LwWC0
"Imagine. I'm still looking for one." sighs Stephanie.439Please respect copyright.PENANAJAPDfyzyCV
"You're looking? For what kind?" I ask.439Please respect copyright.PENANALmMGGrv4Iw
"Anything that's in a restaurant really, no one around here is needing anyone."439Please respect copyright.PENANAheuwDPgjQv
"Could being a waitress work for you?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAUBpig531QB
"Yeah, do you know a place that's hiring?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAuTo89RQEiM
"My job is, well one of them. But it isn't a restaurant though." I say quietly as I take a sip of my water.439Please respect copyright.PENANALtsqu7462y
"What is it then?"439Please respect copyright.PENANApmmk8RL92Z
"A club."439Please respect copyright.PENANAo2c657yNGS
"Oh like a dance club?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAHXWns8U4Zl
"Yeah kinda," I say, not wanting Anyway, I can totally get you a job there if you want.439Please respect copyright.PENANAOWXK6flJI3
"That would be great, thanks."439Please respect copyright.PENANAEnKk80CeXl
"Dance club sounds fun. We should totally party there some time," says Luke.
I practically almost spit out my water.."439Please respect copyright.PENANATB9Ny0yeyc
"Um, I don't think that's the brightest idea."439Please respect copyright.PENANA60fB1LEZLK
"Awe why not," pouts Luke.439Please respect copyright.PENANA9JK8Ac9laN
"Because I'm working tonight."439Please respect copyright.PENANAFsn1Gc0jck
"And, we can just party by ourselves. We'll be sure to keep you company though." He winks.439Please respect copyright.PENANAetDnR5GfM1
My mouth forms a thin line. "Okay, okay, so it's not really a dance club per se, it's more of a cabaret-type strip club."439Please respect copyright.PENANAHgH3sfZ07d
"What?" whispers Stephanie as she turns to face me.439Please respect copyright.PENANAMYQNk0T6J5
"Yeah...Big surprise huh."439Please respect copyright.PENANAymSuoX1Rnj
"That's kinda badass," says Luke. "Still wanna go though, that ain't stopping me."439Please respect copyright.PENANAhz7pPR9pum
"Perv," I laugh. "Do you still want the job Steph?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAJLd7GcatKr
"Uh, I guess so,"439Please respect copyright.PENANAVairSBifIy
"Alright then, I can swing by with you tonight if you want?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAqPTVzhrC6j
"Sure. Um, there's no dress code, is there?"439Please respect copyright.PENANACId9dskAS0
"For you, no. You're good."439Please respect copyright.PENANAxmpu9M9sTf
"Okay then."439Please respect copyright.PENANAqNSbo0IRvk
"No fair, I still wanna go. I've got nothing to do tonight, let me have my fun," whines Luke.439Please respect copyright.PENANAg51TGyPlgS
Ethan playfully punches him in the arm just as our waiter comes by to give us our food. I dig into my shrimp alfredo and we continue to talk.439Please respect copyright.PENANAAneLDdTDBS
"I promise I'll be on my best behavior."439Please respect copyright.PENANAVyKTMxcDYc
"Yeah, yeah, fine but only this once," I say giving in as I give him a look.439Please respect copyright.PENANAe1bUScQswY
"Yes!"439Please respect copyright.PENANAz9SmG2csHN
Ethan and Stephanie both laugh and simply shake my head. Thankful for the conversation being over.
I'm waiting in my car for Steph to finish her last class of the day before we head off for The Cherry Club. A few minutes later I get a text from her saying that she is on her way out of the building. Once I spot her near I open the door for her and she slides in the passenger's seat.
"You ready?" I ask.439Please respect copyright.PENANAJMiI6KAhGn
"Yep."439Please respect copyright.PENANAuaj3shZS2K
"I have to stop by my apartment first to change. Since I might be late."439Please respect copyright.PENANAMkgYOTffxF
"Okay, do you want me to text the boys the address?"439Please respect copyright.PENANA0KEre4CxeM
"Yeah," I reply as I go past a green light.
We finally make it to my apartment and I fumble with the keys as I'm trying to open the door. When we're inside, I close the door behind us and slip off my shoes on the way to my closet.
"Make yourself at home!" I yell out to Steph as I change into a dark purple number. I take off my bra and replace it with the purple nipple covers then throw the fishnet top on. I change into the sparkly purple double strap g-string and finally put on my large coat over everything. I grab my heels from the bottom of my closet and put them on halfway before I walk out.
"Aren't you going to be hot in that coat?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAZkhjGKFvLx
"I'm not keeping it on, I had to change here so I can focus on doing my hair there."439Please respect copyright.PENANAUyJoe1YiXp
"Ah, gotcha. By the way, the boys said that they're waiting at the front for us so we better get going."439Please respect copyright.PENANAHB2XOwGRa6
"Yep," I say as I bend down to finish strapping up my shoes. Once I'm finished I grab my keys and Stephanie follows me out the door. We spot Ethan and Luke at the front of the club before I head to the back of the building. I park closer to the back door but we walk in the front to meet them.
"Hey, Ethan. Luke." smiles Steph, shyly I'll admit.439Please respect copyright.PENANAtZmVKkqPsn
"Hey, wow you look nice," replies Ethan. 439Please respect copyright.PENANAzMbeOWMZ58
Luke waves at us and pulls up his jacket.439Please respect copyright.PENANA7VGFzXOH98
"Let's go in guys," I say as I wave them to follow me in.439Please respect copyright.PENANAAJk1TgQNim
James gives me a wink as he opens the doors for me439Please respect copyright.PENANA9l2ohhL5dg
"New friends?" he asks.439Please respect copyright.PENANAc2xxxgsVTR
I nod and smile and we enter inside.439Please respect copyright.PENANAu0ltpqX0w6
"I have to go in the back but feel free to sit in the VIP section if y'all want. And if anyone asks just mention me. James already saw you three so if anyone gets touchy or whiny just find him."439Please respect copyright.PENANAmjJDH13XgH
"Yes, ma'am." laughs Luke.439Please respect copyright.PENANADfZ28Tfldz
I smile and give him a wink as I head towards the back room. I turn around to face forward and bump into a tall figure. I look up to see Ramon. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Hoping they were playing tricks on me. I open them and he's still in front of me.439Please respect copyright.PENANA103dPGqben
"What're you doing here," I say through my gritted teeth.439Please respect copyright.PENANAXOZYxmngY3
"This is my club remember? I see you brought friends tonight." He says as he tilts his head toward where they were.439Please respect copyright.PENANAO6uJrZYBY5
"And?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAMwvS8uVjvH
"Don't get so defensive I just made an observation. Why're you wearing that huge coat inside anyway?"439Please respect copyright.PENANA8kNoiHT9Lr
"Because I'm not wearing anything underneath." I smile and bat my eyes in the fakest way possible.439Please respect copyright.PENANAKEWdESjiHK
"Are you serious?" he whispers.439Please respect copyright.PENANAvWgBIDJ98d
"Yes I am, now please move so I can get to the door behind you."439Please respect copyright.PENANAhaFW6nlTAi
"Don't tempt me, Celestia."439Please respect copyright.PENANAbQzb11qDug
"You should know by now that I'm not one of the women who willingly melt into a puddle of desire at the sound of your voice," I say I roll my eyes at him."439Please respect copyright.PENANAHBCnM55Knh
"Well, you sure as hell did last week."439Please respect copyright.PENANAQjz7jz8RMT
I close my eyes and clench my teeth as he says those words. I nearly forgot about that day in his office.439Please respect copyright.PENANAkk7iludI9x
"I-"439Please respect copyright.PENANAID2kF4F0jy
"I nothing, You don't know how much I-"439Please respect copyright.PENANAGieR75iAcy
"C! There you are! Kevin was looking for you! I know you're not supposed to go on yet but he bumped you up to like now, Kitty sprained her ankle." rushes 439Please respect copyright.PENANATQFHrwiFaK
"Oh, I'll be right there. I didn't even have time to do my hair or face." I say as I struggle to take the tie out of my hair and comb my fingers through it.439Please respect copyright.PENANATcc6gjwfAG
"This conversation isn't over, I'll be in room number 2 after you're done," whispers Ramon in my ear as he holds onto my hip.
I move away and follow Lucy to the back room. I quickly take off my coat and throw it on my chair. I look into the mirror one last time to fix my hair and apply lipstick on before I go to the other side door near the pit. I can hear Kevin calling out my name and once he's finished I climb up the few stairs and get on the stage.
I looked at the clock on the wall opposite of me for the second time. She was only gonna be up there for two songs. It should last more than ten minutes top. Maybe she wasn't coming. I mean I didn't expect her to in the first place. But I really can't stay away from her. Her type of energy is new to me. Her boldness, her character, the way she holds herself, everything about her, everything she does just makes me want her even more than I already do. I sigh and take my jacket from the seat beside me and get up to walk out of the room. No point in staying anymore. I don't wait for anyone. It's always the other way around. Especially when it comes to women. I open the door to leave but then I see her. And she's wearing that thick coat again.
"Were you about to leave? You said you wanted to talk."439Please respect copyright.PENANAqdw5GL6kib
"I was. But you're here now so." I say as I step aside for her to come in.439Please respect copyright.PENANAFlA15y25nu
She walks in and sits down in the seat that is left to the one I was sitting in before. She doesn't take off her coat but instead, she tightens it around her.439Please respect copyright.PENANAS6WGrWIxA3
"Are you cold?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAQA22SfnjiH
"No, I just don't like walking around in my outfits here."439Please respect copyright.PENANAVxjUPlEUcV
"Makes sense."439Please respect copyright.PENANAXldo6NoneJ
"I can't be here for long. What did you want to talk about?"439Please respect copyright.PENANA9zHtJz0DI1
"Why can't you? Aren't you done anyways?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAUrxsIty3Ba
"I am but my friends, I can't leave them out there by themselves and I have to talk to Kevin about hiring Stephanie."439Please respect copyright.PENANAHzHb7YL7o0
"Consider her hired. I'll talk to Kevin."439Please respect copyright.PENANAYttUl70w14
"Thank you."439Please respect copyright.PENANAefjf4gZITo
"Now, let me be serious with you."439Please respect copyright.PENANAa43Uyix1XT
She looks at me with her siren eyes which makes me lose my sense of control for a second.439Please respect copyright.PENANA5wDTcRLatw
"I can't seem to keep away from you Celestia, I need to but I can't."439Please respect copyright.PENANA4YNKBMy9fW
"So you can't find the will to stay away? Well, I can. Goodbye." she replies as she starts to get up.439Please respect copyright.PENANAC4VRhjYXar
"Wait," I say as I grab her hand. 439Please respect copyright.PENANA0GkN037DkR
"What?"439Please respect copyright.PENANAiISlx2ph0y
"I told you I don't date but, I do want-"439Please respect copyright.PENANAulbyS7KiR3
"You want sex, is that what this is? You want to throw me around for a couple of nights or however long until you get bored of me or find a new girl. No thank you." 439Please respect copyright.PENANAbyvPsMi5n5
"Please, negotiate with me. I want you, Celestia."439Please respect copyright.PENANAsQIQBHm2SS
"But I don't want you."439Please respect copyright.PENANA7xXitUA9Xc
"You respond to my touches so well though. I think we could make this work."439Please respect copyright.PENANAOXQK7pUICG
"Yeah and so what, I was horny, everyone has those days."439Please respect copyright.PENANAKIxgyOvoWE
"I know, I'm just saying I want those days with you."439Please respect copyright.PENANAklMRvZmktn
"Why? Why me?"439Please respect copyright.PENANA7eUleG8EOG
"Because I find you very interesting."439Please respect copyright.PENANASovZNHTsRg
"Sexy. Interesting and sexy are two different things. What you feel for me is pure lust."439Please respect copyright.PENANAobZ1o5mTM2
I thought about it. Was it truly just lust?439Please respect copyright.PENANA2JrrCDSPMc
"No. If it was I would've found some other woman to fuck and thought about you in the process."439Please respect copyright.PENANA5Q1jO3TNky
Something seemed to ignite in her as I spoke and I could see her eyes glisten with desire. I know deep down she wants me as well. I yank her close and she stumbles onto me. Damn coat.439Please respect copyright.PENANAFNhZIX4LZT
"I want this off. I want to see you, Celestia." I say as I start to pull off the coat.439Please respect copyright.PENANAgynOcNsqaE
She looks at me once I fully take it off and right then I grab her face with my hands and gently kiss her. Just like before, she doesn't respond for a few seconds then she starts to kiss me back slowly, ever so slowly it drives me insane. I drag the rest of her petite body onto my lap and toy with the band of her thong. I have an aching desire to snap it off in one move and leave no part of her untouched. Soon, I told myself. For now, I can be patient. I have to be. 439Please respect copyright.PENANAY8gafQlE4h