Let me set one thing straight here – you do not need an altar, whether it be for your kitchen or in general for another room. Magick comes from you, not a specific item or an Altar. Depending on the space you have, there may not be room in your kitchen for an Altar and although its nice to have one, it is not a necessity. As an example, I use a window still for mine and all it consists of is a white candle, an incense burner, a Rosemary plant and a Basil plant, which are the two fresh herbs I use the most often. Before I had space to use a windowsill, my Altar consisted of my stove top and work surface. I just focused on my breathing, the intention and the task in hand and it helped with focusing my energy as well as having an Altar does. Any space where you are comfortable can become an Altar, you don’t need a fancy space filled with objects!
Here are just a few tips if you decide to have an Altar space and decide to keep live plants on it!
- Keep your plants on plates or in shallow bowls. This just helps to prevent the space from getting wet when you water your plants.
- Say “thank you” when you take a clipping from a live herb, it is just good manners.
- Talk to your plants! Build a connection with them, give them names and have fun with them. It might sound crazy but when you name something, you are more likely to take good care of them. As an example, I have never been able to successfully grown Basil, it didn’t like me and I just couldn’t keep it alive. Now, I have Betty Basil and Ruby Rosemary and since I named them, they have flourished and lasted many years.