I always like to encourage people to create their own list of correspondences for the items that they use on a regular basis. I just feel like we get more out of the energy created when we have a personal link to the item for that specific purpose.
Think of a family food tradition that you have for any time of the year. How does it make you feel, knowing that the time is almost here for you to have a feast that resonates with you so deeply? As an example, my husband and I tend to have a spicy curry with all the extras on Christmas Day if we are alone for it. We get so excited for that meal, and it means that I now associate that specific curry with the intimacy of our relationship.
Creating your own correspondences might seem like a daunting task to begin with. Just how many things do you have in your kitchen at any one time? It does not need to be a daunting task and I am not telling you to go and raid your pantry, armed with a note book and a headache, I am simply going to give you a few pointers for those times when you are in a situation where you don’t have access to your Book of Shadows (or any other Correspondence books) and may not have the time to spend hours looking correspondences up on the internet. In these situations, I want you to ask yourself these questions:
- What does the smell remind me of?
- What does the taste remind me of?
- What was going on when I last ate this?
- How does this food/drink item make me feel?
The answers to these questions can become your correspondences when you are in a pinch. They are not meant to be build all at once and recorded down instantly but act more of a list of “emergency” correspondences. It could be as simple as a friend shows up who is upset, and you want to help them feel better, maybe give them a cup of tea, and realise you are all out of your comfort go-to tea flavour, so you pluck out your favourite one simply because you love it and it helps you feel comforted. Magick, right?
These questions are just a handy way of making sure you can make anything you do in your kitchen just that little bit more magickal. This is pretty much how I came up with the correspondences in this book, although it took a long time to put the list together through tasting, smelling and reliving memories of each item.
Remember, there is always a way of creating your own correspondences when you don’t have access to things that can tell you what the well-known correspondences are!
Energy, concentration, focus, productivity, stress, anxiety, enjoyment, power, grounding
Satisfaction, fulfilment, health, intuition, instinct, cleansing, blockage removal, negativity removal
Positive emotions/energy, growth, fulfilment, satisfaction, beauty, relationships, raising energy, physical healing, new projects
Fruit & Vegetables
Health, healing, energy, balance, joy, happiness, vitality, harvest, sharing, nourishment, patience, growth
Physical strength, divination, clairvoyance 3rd eye, energy, stress, anxiety, purity, spirituality, nourishment, innocence
Safety, protection, comfort, reward, balance, matters of the heart, energy