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LIght unbearable. Heat impossible. Sound, which hammered not just at Maria's ears but at every square line of her body. In the focus of her field of consciousness, a multi-limbed figure moving, swimming, at home amidst the intense and brilliant hammering which was the heartbeat of a living star.
It spoke. "Acknowledgment, Maria Petrovka, Knowledge-Conveyor and Inheritor of the affiliance Sorokin on the planetary body known as Genrich, of mutual existence and psychological visibility. I am a pseudoresponsive communicable, within limits able to answer questions. My outer envelope is necessitated by differences between our environments. Without it, I would not survive exposure to your surroundings, nor would you survive exposure to me."
Maria heard herself speak. "Who....What are you?"
"My enfiler is Larahram, Genius-Questioneer to the Justifiers of the nation-state Ohenedaat, of the Scon. It is his voice and appearance that you are experiencing. He has enfiled me within the central regions of a medium yellow sun, not unlike the primary of your own stellar complex, to convey to you, personally, knowledge of his existence, and to propose a transaction of mutual benefit..."
A chill seemed to waft through Maria's body. "'Genius-Questioneer' I understand. Why do you call me Inheritor?"
The communicable appeared to ignore her question. "It is vital that you understand that I am more than a mere message enfiled in another place. I am also able to draw information from those I communicate with and, in a limited fashion, form my own conclusions."
Every moral fiber she had was called upon as Maria framed carefully her next question. "If so, then why do you draw a conclusion that leads you to call me Inheritor?"
"Ritual formula of regret, that my capabilities are finite and that additional limitations have been placed upon them by my enfiler. You, Maria Petrovka, Knowledge-Conveyor and Inheritor, much adjudge for yourself whether or not I have obtained correct data and make correct inferences. If so, I have come too late to be of use to anyone else of your affiliance."
"Is Zakh truly dead?"
"Ritual formula of regret, I possess no referent---yes: insufficient data regarding missing Zakh Sorokin, third of the affiliance. You have become the appropriate recipient because you are affiliated, under your people's customs, with Eugene Sorokin, first of the affiliance, Oligarch-Hereditary-In-Exile upon the planetary body known as Genrich. It is he who is dead."
Maria missed the next comments made by the communcale. Had she not been experiencing what seemed much like a dream, she might well have lost consciousness with the shock of hearing this, even from an unsure source.
"....Zaytseva, capable of any act in order to achieve what he wants. The daughter, Veronica, is strategically insignificant. Yet within her, at a tactical level, exists an unlimited potential for evil. You are to be warned in her presence. She has already helped subvert the moral well-being of the entity Adam Sorokin, second of the affiliance."
"You t-tell me nothing new. What of this proposition that you offer?
"I shall now proceed to tell you about it...."206Please respect copyright.PENANAEUQdaPgMcF
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A shadow fell across her. The first sound Maria heard as her eyes swam into focus was the voice of the Black Usurper. "It would seem that Mistress Petrovka has certain skills with locks we had no idea she possessed."
OUt of sight, Veronica tittered. Aware of her surroundings, Maria sat in the chair she had placed behind the desk---the communicale had vanished---head pillowed upon its surface by her arm, from which the quickblade had been removed. Lifting her head, she saw the weapon lying in Zaytseva's lap.
"Tell me, Maria, have you been enjoying my practical joke?"
"Joke?" She was so groggy that the word came in a croak.
"Why, yes. I am learning to program that contraption, and fear you are a victim of one of my little hoaxes. Pardon me, if what I ask is personal, but from your bruises, it seems you have enjoyed an energetic session with young Adam. Is this why you disdain the comfort of your apartment?"
"The message was false?" Maria slipped sideways and fell to the floor, unable to move, sobbing into the carpet despite herself. Zaytseva looked down at the disheveled mess she had become and back across the office, appreciating more than ever the angelic beauty of his daughter.
"Premier, what a fuss! Call the guard, if you wish, call two guards! Get her out. Send her back to the tower and have her better obstructed." Veronica left to obey. Zaytseva looked down at Maria, now weeping without noise. "I shall have a word with Adam, once he's through playing with his brother in the basement. He must learn to take better care of his toys."
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A bewildering complexity of feelings concerning his brother struggled within Adam as he climbed to the ground floor from the foundations of the Holdings. He dare not examine them now and more than likely he never would.
Passing through the outer office, he noted that although the staff had retired, the place still bore signs of attack. The door to the inner office was ajar. Having suffered the rebels' rude attentions, the hinges had sprung and the catch no longer mated. He paused before entering, distracted by a flashing light upon a receptionist's console which proved no more than a minor failure of the mechanism itself. Lifting a weary, shaking hand to push the door aside, he heard Zaytseva's wheeled chair whine for an instant. He stayed his hand, unsure of what to tell the Usurper of his brother's premature demise, knowing he would be held responsible. Thus, by accident, he overheard--and by chance did not interrupt---what went on within.
"Veronica..." The girl's assenting voice was to Adam's ear false-toned. He stepped to one side. Yellow-tinted light of late afternoon---the sun would set within the hour---flooded the inner office, shadowing the crack through which he peeked. Zaytseva was visible in the profile. Veronica stood before her father's chair, eyes cast downward, one small hand in each of his. As Adam watched, she lowered herself gracefully to her knees, gazing into his face, her slender forearms resting upon his thighs. "Relieve me."
To Adam's horror, aloof and haughty Veronica, whom he desired above all women (yet who had, with infuriating consistency, evaded his grasp), loosened her father's clothing with swift, delicate fingers, dropping her head to his lap, demonstrating in the most unmistakable terms her subservience. Zaytseva sighed, eyes closed, hands rested upon her pale curls.
"Vindication," Zaytseva murmured a monologue, his daughter being unable to reply, "I swore to win so long ago at the expense of the presumptuous Sorokin and his peasant brood, is all but complete. You, my dear, are my angel of revenge. The token I imposed upon myself, of my determination in this affair is no longer necessary. I, whom it amuses others to call 'Usurper'---they dare not call me 'cripple'---am free to be a man again!" Repositioning himself, he muttered unintelligibles at the beautiful Veronica, who, judging from the noises she elicited, performed to his entire satisfaction. "It will please you to learn that I have started my treatment which will abolish my confinement and extend my life by an indefinite measure."
Adam felt bitterness stir inside him. Enough to witness Veronica's abject, incestuous compliance with Zaytseva's obscene demands, with what even Adam considered the man's disgusting appetites (although he shared a good deal of them, himself). Jealousy and disappointment filled him with unbearable pain. That he had been swindled, would not inherit the power and position which were his birthright from an elderly invalid who had rejected life and all it had to offer and would soon be dead----that was infinitely worse.
Zaytseva threw his head back and cried out, hands flattening the curls at the nape of his daughter's neck, crushing her to him as she gathered the fabric of his trousers into shaking, tight-clenched fists. Adam had seen enough. He turned upon his heel and strode from the office, making plans which would give him vengeance upon everybody. This, and his angry footsteps, took him to the stairway leading to the tower where vengeance would start.
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Placing a finger in a depression of the new lockplate, Adam fretted as its ulsic mechanism assayed traces of perspiration for immunity factors. From one hand a bundle swung heavily at his knee. The lock clicked; the door, built as it was from massive timbers, swung at his touch. As usual, hoping that Maria would cower into a corner from fear, he entered. The room, however, possessed a decided lack of corners, nor did she retreat. As much as she may have liked to, it had never been within the compass of her character.
Something clinked at her feet. Having had the freedom of Zakh's old room, she was, at Zaytseva's order, being punished for her escape (in a sense she was fortunate, the death of the guard having been attributed to the rebels), restrained by a collar fastened by a long chain to the wall. The sight of the metal band around her throat stirred him. Battered as she was, with dark circles under her eyes, she stood unbroken in the tattered gown she had once again assumed at the chain's limit. He shut the door behind him.
"They think that I fail to see," he was abrupt, "that you were given to me as a distraction, a consolation prize, taking pressure off Veronica who makes countless promises, implicit, and explicit, keeping none." Across the room, out of her reach, stood a cabinet. Here he placed his bundle---it clinked, not unlike her chain---items salvaged from the dungeons which he had earlier retrieved, sure he would discover uses for them. He had intended moving the cabinet to the landing outside. Now, given her collar, being unable to reach them, it pleased him to think she could look upon these items in his absence, anticipating his return. "You, because you despise me and make no pretense, because you fancy that you belong to my brother, believe I shall grow tired of you." He strode towards her. "Both parties to this hoax make a dreadful mistake, Maria, as you are about to learn to your discomfort and humiliation once more. As you shall learn as often in future as necessary. As they will learn to their ruin and dismay when the time comes!"
He stood close. She had learned better than to resist; at the first sign he would call guards---he relished Cossacks for the task---to wrestle her into a compliant posture. Taking her by her wrists, he pulled the gown from her shoulders, exposing a breast which he seized, rolling the nipple cruelly between thumb and forefinger where dark ovals, evidence of such treatment, were visible. She bit her lip, accepting his abuse in silence, although a single glistening tear, whether of pain or chagrin even she could not have sworn, squeezed from beneath the fronting of her eyelashes and rolled down her cheek.
Adam grinned. Releasing her wrists, he draped an arm over her shoulder, letting his hand trail down her back. He crushed his mouth to her breast, sucking, biting until he discerned a trace of blood. Leaning her back until he almost lifted her, he reached for her skirt hem, crumpling the fabric into rude folds until his free hand burrowed beneath it. The invading hand traveled up smooth flesh, fondling and pinching, prying her thighs apart. Despite herself, Maria whimpered, stiffening as he cupped the mound between her legs, thrusting his fingers into the warm, moist, and fragrant warmth.
Holding her thus, he released her shoulder and stretched for a pair of heavy bracelets from the bundle he had left upon the cabinet, beyond her reach but just inside his own. Locking her hands beside her, he released his intimate hold on her, turned, and shoved her face down, onto the unblanketed bed. Pushing the hem of her skirt up around her waist, he fumbled at the fastenings of his trousers, threw himself upon her, and seized her by both breasts. His weight bore upon her, bracelets slicing into the flesh, as without warning, he thrust himself into her as if she were a boy.
This being his favorite way with her, for no reason other than it caused her greatest suffering, pain, as much from previous such violations as this, seared her. Maria wept with destroyed pride, neither for the first time nor the last. Eugene was dead. Worse, s he had discovered a compelling reason to endure this, provided, of course, she could.
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