That night, once we'd made camp beside a quiet stream, Temara led me into the forest. The moon was full and bright, and the stars shone brightly, almost as if blessing our upcoming union. I walked barefoot on the grass, which was soft and cool under my feet, while Temara flitted on ahead. She was barefoot as always, but for some reason, her lack of footwear held special meaning tonight. Fireflies flitted all around us, almost as if they'd been summoned, and when I heard the melody coming from Temara's flute, I realised they were, in fact, following us. "Let's just say I want to mark the occasion," she said when I asked her about it.
We came at last to an ancient oak, hung with streamers of green-grey moss, with a softer, velvetly carpet of moss at its feet. The night wind was cool, but it wasn't cold, and as I sat down, the fireflies swung and swooped around us, creating delicate golden runes which formed a circle around where I sat. "I can't do magic, but the fireflies can act out my intent," Temara explained, as she perched herself on my knees. She was trembling, and I wondered if she'd ever made love to anyone before.
"No," she said, and I realised I'd spoken my musings aloud. "Not for lack of trying on Mother's part," she added sourly. "Mother is obsessed with keeping the bloodline pure, and she told me that even though I was without magic, I could still breed powerful children with her chosen mate, my own brother. I told her to shove it where the sun doesn't shine, and she told me to leave the hive until I saw sense. That's why she still has a hold on me."
"Is there no way to break it?" I asked.
Temara shook her head. "We're not like the dark elves," she said. "Mother is insane, in case you didn't get it from my earlier remarks. Years of inbreeding will do that, although in some cases, it's produced some brilliant leaders. Unfortunately, Mother got all the insane genes and none of the genius ones, which is why my people have fallen under her thralls. She's used blood magic, Fionn! No pixie has ever used blood magic before, but that's how Mother keeps control of the hive. Every pixie born into the hive is bound to her for life, and the bindings are so tight that to sunder them would bring insanity or death. Since I still remain the only sane pixie alive, I'd rather keep it that way, even if it means we can never be."
I nodded understanding. "Still, I'd love to take your mother and give her a damn good shaking," I said crossly, aching inside for the unpartnered fulfilment that could never be, not so long as Temara's mother remained in control of the hive. "Has no one thought of deposing her?"
"No one would dare," Temara said sadly. "I'm the only one who could, but the other pixies would kill me, and then put an even more insane ruler on the throne. I can't risk that either."
I sighed, angry at the fate that kept us from speaking the vows that would bind us as man and wife. "Then we'll just have to make the best of the situation," I said firmly.
Temara smiled. "That's why I love you," she said.
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The next morning, we set off again, and Paradox was the first to comment on Temara's more brilliant appearance. Her hair was now entirely gold, and she seemed to shimmer with a faint golden light, bright enough to outdo the sun. "Do all pixies have such a light show about them after they've, uh, well..."
"Do we all glow like this after we've had sex?" Temara smirked at the dark red blush that crept up Paradox's neck at her bold choice of words. "No. I've gained a loyal following in the local firefly population, and they've agreed to let me use their magic. I'm the only pixie who's ever shown them kindness, so they've sworn to me as their queen."
Khithran whistled in admiration. "Bold move," he said.
"It's also taken care of that problem," I said, correctly guessing what he was talking about. "Temara can't overthrow her mother, or else the rest of the hive will turn on her. So when the fireflies helped establish her circle last night, we realised there was a way to break the blood-geas Temara's mother places on all newborn pixies. Now that Temara is queen of the fireflies, she's now free of her mother's influence. We did test it thoroughly to be sure, but as of midnight, Temara and I became not only lovers, but husband and wife. The fireflies are very protective of us both, so they're ready to take any retaliation in Temara's stead."
"Ha!" Lanlanor grinned. "I like that very much."
"Told you it'd work out," Peyton said smugly, and I raised an eyebrow at him. "I didn't have anything to do with that coup," he added. "But I did hint to the fireflies that Temara is the only sane pixie in her hive, and she has a fondness for them that goes against the grain of her people. So the fireflies agreed that, if she asked for help, they'd lend it to her, and gladly. It's all about asking for assistance, rather than expecting it. That's how we unicorns got so much done. We asked for help, and we were most grateful for the help we recieved."
"Makes sense," I said.
"King Calimero will be very impressed," Ashton said. "I think that might win us a few more favours."
Peyton nodded. "We're likely to get a slighty warmer reception," he agreed. "Unicorns and fireflies are very good friends; fireflies were brought into being because Allena the Gentle wanted to bring light to even the darkest of places. The fireflies have been our loyal friends ever since, because, like Temara, we treated them as just as important a part of creation as the rest of the life we brought forth. King Calimero, I think, will see it as a slap in the face to Temara's former hive; he hates pixies, but Temara's newfound status should ease some of that hatred."
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see," Lanlanor predicted.