I spend the whole night in Derry having so much fun. I run my bare fingers through my long, Pennywise-hair-color orange, hair and smile to myself.
"Wait, what? Bare?" I look at my hands. I gasp. "My gloves."
I look for my gloves and end up in the sewers. Then, there, I spot them right in front of the sewer opening. I bend down to pick them up and they slide out of my reach. I try three more times but the same thing happens every time. Then I notice a string attached to them. I groan and go after my gloves. I end up in Pennywise's home with the pile of children and trinkets with his stage at the bottom. I look around for my gloves and find them. I walk over to where they are and pick them up. I put them on and turn around just as a voice starts saying,
"Step right up, everybody, step right up! Come change, come cold! You'll laugh, you'll cry! You'll cheer, you'll die! Introducing Pennywise the Dancing Clown!" Then the voice laughs and I realize what it's from.
"Oh, crap." I glance up and look over to where I came in as an explosion happens on the stage and Pennywise does his dance. I pull on my gloves and glance at Pennywise. Running is going to be so idiotic, but, whatever. I get up every last drop of courage I have and race for the door. And, of course, I don't make it.
Pennywise jumps off his stage and grabs me, lifting me into the air.
"Let me go! Let me go!" I kick him in his stomach, but it doesn't do anything. He just grins at me. "Maybe if you hadn't stole my gloves, I wouldn't be down here!"
"Oh, but maybe you shouldn't have come down here in the first place!"
"Let me go!"
"No, I'll keep you!"
"I know this is going to upset you, but I'm not afraid of you at all! You're just a normal clown to me! Let! Me! GO!!" I kick him again and he tightens his grip, almost choking me. I gag.
Then, he opens his mouth and I see the deadlights. I feel myself start to rise in the air and then I fall, hit my head, and go unconscious.
"Beverly? Beverly?"
I open my eyes slowly, trying to get used to the brightness.
I moan and try to sit up.
Someone gasps. "Beverly!"
Someone helps me sit up and I look around.
"Why is everything so blurry? Where am I?" I moan and rub my head. "My head hurts."
"Hey, Beverly. Are you okay?"
I look up as my vision clears. "Rosaline? What...? Where am I?"
"You're back at home. In Bangor." She smiles briefly. "You okay?"
"I guess. How'd you find me?"
"It took us over twenty-four hours to find you. What were you doing in Derry? In the sewers of all places? Why did you even go there anyway?"
"You said we weren't going and I decided to go by myself. So when you went to the bathroom, I took your keys and left. I spent the whole night in Derry going to parties and drinking. I forgot about the time and realized my gloves were gone. I found them and they led me into the sewer, or Pennywise's home. He showed me the deadlights. I saw the deadlights."
"Stop, just stop. Pennywise is dead."
"Then how do you explain the creepy clown from last year? How do you explain that? I swear to you, I saw the deadlights. And instead of floating like a normal person, I floated for a fragment of a second and fell, going unconscious. He lured me down there just so he could show me the deadlights."
"Well, just forget this even happened, okay? And you might want to stay very far away from your dad because he is pissed with you. He......he's not happy. At all. So just stay away from him. And I won't be visiting for the next month because I'm going on a trip to Pennsylvania. Okay?"
"Yeah, sure," I mumble and turn away. "Just go away, please. I want to be alone."
I hear her receding footsteps and the door shut. As soon as I can't hear her footsteps anymore, I let the tears out that have been threatening to come out the whole time she was talking to me.
How could Rosaline, my friend, betray me? How?
I just sit and sob into my hands, the tears staining my hands and face black from the mascara.
First my mother gets killed before my very eyes, then my dad betrays me, then my friend......I scream and pound my fists against the walls.
"Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why," I scream at the top of my lungs. I fall back on my bed and sob silently into my pillow.