The rest of the school year and summer passes by and next thing I know, my senior year is here. As soon as I walk in the front doors of the high school, I get a sneer from Jennifer Henderson, the mayor's daughter. Her little sister is dead, she became Pennywise's food, as did so many other kids. I ended up managing to trick Richie that a water bottle full of cyanide and ammonia was water. It killed him instantly. I also killed Beverly Marsh even though Pennywise didn't want me too. He hasn't talked to me since. I think he's mad at me. I still get him children though.
Suddenly, the first bell rings, jerking me out of my thoughts. I head to first block with a smirk on my face as my plans for the day roll out.
Later, at lunch, I walk into the auditorium to show off my new and improved Pennywise outfit. I'm wearing a tight, long black cloak, black tear apart gloves and black garbage bags over my outfit to hide it. I give the lunch lady a dirty look and snatch an apple, flipping her off. She gasps and storms off. I take a bite of the apple and put it on someone's tray as they pass by. Oh, and I'm wearing a wig to cover my real hair. My real hair is now in the same design Pennywise's hair is. I found out over the summer that I was never human. And that my real name is Penny Rose Phillipson. Not Beverly. I found out that I'm really an almost 8 trillion year old entity from space, like Pennywise. I stop by a trash can and rip the garbage bags off my shoes. I throw them in the garbage and peel the black gloves off of the white ones I'm wearing. I throw the black gloves away and continue walking. Oh, and I'm also wearing sunglasses to cover up my originally yellow eyes.
I walk up to a table, taking my sunglasses off. I throw them to the floor and twirl my loose strands of hair right in front of my ears as I watch Jennifer get a bunch of attention from the boys. And if you're wondering, no, Pennywise does not know about the fact of me actually being the evil entity that I am. I yank on a boy's overgrown hair and he shrieks. I laugh. He looks at me and I grin like Pennywise, curling my bottom lip. He gets up, knocking his chair over, and runs away. I kick the chair out of the way and step up on the table. I push a boy sitting in front of me back, causing his chair to fall back onto the floor. The clatter arouses everyone's attention and Jennifer looks over in my direction. She gasps.
"Get down from that table!" she says.
She jumps up. "What did you just tell me? You effing slut!"
I glare at her. "I said, 'no'," I snarl.
"Do you know who you're messing with? I'm going to be crowned the mayor/queen of this city on October 31st of this year!"
"Not as long as I'm here, you won't. I'm queen of this city, not you. I'm the one who's going to rule this city as queen in the end."
"You wish, slut."
"Oh, I will. And Pennywise the Dancing Clown is going to be King. Heck, he already is! He just needs a queen to be by his side. And I'm the perfect person for that role. And last time I checked, you're the one who sleeps with your father, and honey, that's incest. So who's the slut now?"
She's got a look of terror on her face. Everyone's staring at her with their mouths ajar.
"Yes, I said it!" I pull open my black cloak and take it off, throwing it aside. Everyone gasps. I smirk at the look on Jennifer's face. I pull off the wig and throw it aside too. "Now you want to tell me I'm a loser? And I only deserve to wear homeless people's clothes and hand-me-downs? Puh-lease!"
"This is MY city, you know!"
"Well, actually, sorry to hurt your 'precious feelings,' " I say, doing air quotes when I say the last two words, "but this is not your city. This city actually belongs to Pennywise the Dancing Clown, or if you want, IT. And it will never belong to anyone else."
She glares at me. "You little--"
I smirk and step down from the table. I approach her table and lean forward with my hands resting on the table. "You do not want to mess with me, young lady," I say in a stern voice. "I am the very nightmare you wish you never had. So, I wise you watch how you talk to me and treat me. Is that understood?"
She just backs away slowly, looking around. Then, once she's about four feet away, she turns and runs out of the lunch room, letting the door slam shut behind her.