As soon as I walk in my bedroom, someone snatches me and takes me to the third flight of stairs. The person drags me up the stairs and opens a door. They drag me into the room and lay me on a bed. I glance around as the person shuts the door and walks over. I feel them lie beside me and I say,
"Who are you?"
I get answered by a soft light coming on beside the bed.
I gasp. "Daddy? What on earth are you doing?"
"The mayor said I could make you my wife and child-bearer."
"What?! Are you insane?!" I go to hit him, but suddenly the light goes out and I hear him hit the wall.
The light flickers back on, and I see Pennywise holding him in the air with his hands around dad's throat.
"Let--me--go," dad chokes out.
Pennywise drops him and looks over at me. He starts to come to me, but dad grabs his leg. Pennywise kicks dad away and comes over to me. Dad gets up and runs out, Pennywise watching him. The door slams shut and Pennywise looks at me with a glare in his eyes.
"Why did you kill Beverly Marsh?" he asks. "I told you to kill just Richie."
I look down, trying to hide my fury from the evil entity that's shown up after so many years. But I can't help it. I explode anyway.
"Why does it matter? Why on God's green earth does it matter? At least it's just one more Loser you don't have to worry about! Be happy I didn't kill them all! Because, my God, I so gladly would have!"
He just looks at me, wide-eyed.
I storm out of the room and go to the first floor. I leave the house and go out on a walk. And, for some reason, I end up in the barrens.
I just stand there, thinking to myself. Suddenly, I hear a scream from nearby and I perk up. I hide behind a tree and watch as some bigger kids tie a little kid to another tree. The bigger kids laugh and run away. I walk over to the little kid and stroke his tear-streaked cheek. I can smell his fear. And for some reason, it's making me hungry. He whimpers and I can feel my flesh stretch farther than it usually should as I grin. He screams and I bite into his neck, ripping his larynx out. I spit it to the ground and back away, realizing that my face is covered in blood. I go to the river farther out in the barrens, near the sewers, and clean off my face. I stand up and look around. No one's here.
I sigh. "My gosh, what has gotten into me? I just killed a kid!" I turn around and about fall down. Right in front of me is a bright red balloon. I look around again. "Where on earth did that come from?" I lean forward and poke it. I pull on the string and it just floats there, suspended in the air. Suddenly, I realize what it's from. I gasp. "Oh, no wonder what it is. I'm an evil entity, how could I be so stupid?" I grab the balloon and smile. "My first balloon." I tap my chin thoughtfully. "I'll make a goal. I'll kill three kids a week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Maybe more. I guess it depends on my appetite. But only on those three days. And today is August 16th, which is a Wednesday. So, the next child I kill could be again today or on Friday." I smirk and go back home.