I'm sitting in my last class, listening to the teacher drone on when the phone rings. The teacher sets the expo marker down and goes over to the phone. She answers it and looks over at me.
"Yes, I understand. Okay, she's on her way. Mm-bye." She puts the phone back and points at me, mouthing the word "office."
I get up and walk out of the classroom, happy to get out of there, even if I'm going to the office because I'm in trouble. I get to the office and immediately see that girl wiping the spaghetti off her face. I sigh and lean against the wall.
"Ms. Phillipson?"
"Why did you throw spaghetti in the mayor's daughter's face?"
"Because she wouldn't leave me alone and get out of my face," I snarl and give her a dirty look.
"Well, the mayor will be here in a few minutes to talk to the both of you." He leaves and a few minutes later, a man walks in the door wearing a grey formal suit.
"Now, who put their hands on my precious little princess?"
"I did," I growl. "And she is not an effing princess. She's a brat who tried telling me what I can and can't wear and how to look. Well, screw the both of you. One day, you'll find out who this town really belongs to."
I shove passed him and out the office. I go back to class and grab my backpack. Then, I leave the school and go home. Once home, I go to my bedroom and throw my backpack on my bed. I go back downstairs and go to the door to the basement. I tear down the yellow caution tape and wiggle the doorknob. It's locked. I go back to the kitchen and grab a bread tie. I go back to the door, put the bread tie in the door, and wiggle it around. After five minutes, the door unlocks and I slam the door open. I storm down the stairs and go over to the well. I throw off the tarp and peer into it.
"Why?" I shout. "What is wrong with you? What happened to the you that shows people who the boss is? What the frick happened? I don't understand you! You rule this city, not them! This is your effing city! What happened to the old you? Before the Losers?" For some reason, tears are streaming down my face. "I don't care what happened in my past! I don't care if you were a part of the bad! You own this city! Not them!" I collapse on the floor. "I know how crazy this sounds, but I care about you. I miss the old you. The one who seemingly had limitless power. What happened to that? I'd do anything to have that back."
I look up and end up looking directly into his face. I nod, wiping away the tears. "Anything. Even if it's against the law."
He grins and jumps out of the well. He turns to me and holds out his hand. I watch as something shiny slices into the air and he hands it to me. I reach for it and gasp.
"My switchblade my mother gave me. How'd you get it?"
"The chest that has all of your belongings that your father was supposed to sell. You remember that?" He chuckles.
"Yes, what about it?"
"I took it and replaced it with another one full of coal." He giggles hysterically like it's the funniest thing ever.
I gasp. "My dolls and my boots and my outfit and drawings....You have them?"
"Yes." He kneels down and lifts my chin. "And if you want all of it back--" He lifts up my hand holding the switchblade. "--you're going to have to do my dirty work. First of all, Mike has some things I need in my possession. His pretty journal and the book called A History of Old Derry. I also need you to kill Richie, the weakest. I don't care how you do it. Switchblade, poison..." He chuckles. "I just want him dead. I also need you to find a way to lure the mayor's youngest daughter to me so I can get my hands on her."
"What are you going to do with her?"
"Kill her. Eat her. Whatever. I'm hungry. Very hungry. And the mayor has managed to starve me by putting grate bars in front of the storm drains and keeping children well protected. And now I believe I've found the perfect person to help me get back the power I had before. Oh, I also need you to take the grates out from in front of the storm drains." He smirks. "Could you do that for me?"
I nod.
Before I can register what he's doing, his lips are on mine and my eyes are as wide as saucers. He pulls away and chuckles at my facial expression.
"What was that for?"
"I guess I just wanted to try it to see what it's like."
I lean close to him and kiss him on his cheek. Then, I get up, grabbing my switchblade in the process, and go back upstairs.