Aurora made her way to the palace, she grabbed some grits in a bowl and made her way to her friends.
“Morning ladies.”
“Morning Aurora, “
She sat down and scooped some in her mouth.
“Grits are the best for days like these,” Ida added.
“I could not agree anymore.”
When they finished their breakfast, they all dispersed to their duties, she did not know why her heart was beating loudly.
She got to the chambers and he was not in the room when she was busy cleaning up his clothes his scent was alluring.
She cleaned his bed and folded rumpled clothes and took clothes that needed to be washed, she finished cleaning and took her daily walk.
Lunchtime and they all sat hurdled, “It’s such a pain to serve them.” Ida added.
“They eat like a bunch of pigs,” Agnes replied.
“It’s been a while since my elite also left any leftovers.
Aurora finished her lunch, she got up and knew that it was time for tea, Aurora took the tray and got to Caspian’s cabin.
She knocked lightly,
“Come in”
Aurora woke in and placed her tray down hoping he would not be upset with her, because of yesterday’s events.
She placed her tray down,
“Your tea My, Lord.”
Caspian got up and she stopped frozen at the spot. Why was her breath getting hitched at him approaching her?
“Why do you avoid me so much Aurora?”
“I do not My Lord, I have jurisdictions when it comes to the work that I can’t ignore. I am fulfilling any needs that you might have.”
“But you are not fulfilling the most important one.”
Aurora looked down and she knew she was blushing profusely and could not answer what he was asking of her.
He was very bold and firm in his words maybe that’s where his charm came from. That very charm was making her knees weak.
He stopped in front of her, “You are overthinking this Aurora.”
Caspian’s hands went around her waist and she clenched automatically when she knew what was coming next.
He pulled her full in his arms and his lips lowered to hers, he pulled her more firmly when she felt her light protests against him, he kissed her with all the pent-up passion that was gnawing at him for the past few weeks he had seen her.
When she finally stilled and stopped fighting him he pulled back from her, and Aurora did not know what had come over her as she slapped him.
When she had done that she was shocked at herself, and dropped to the ground immediately at his feet.
“Forgive me, My Lord, I don’t know what came over me, I will take any punishment.”
“Even death?”
Aurora, “Yes even death, what I did shouldn’t even earn me another day of seeing the sunlight.”
Aurora was surprised when Caspian crouched to her level on the ground,
“Look at me Aurora.”
Aurora tentatively looked at him but she didn’t see any anger in his eyes was he finding all this amusing?
He took her one hand and placed it on his cheek that she had slapped, “This is my first time having been slapped by someone.”
“I apologize, My Lord, I don’t know what came over me.”
“You may get up and go get me ice.”
Aurora nodded, “Yes My Lord.”
She retracted her hand from his cheek and dashed to the kitchen, and asked for some ice in a container.
When she was back in Caspian’s chambers she found him seated by the chair where he usually drank tea.
Aurora placed the container of ice on top of the table, “Your ice My Lord.”
Caspian motioned for Aurora and she followed his gaze and saw he was motioning for her to bring a handkerchief from the top of his dresser.
She rushed and did what she was told, and could see him motioning for her to carry on, as he sipped his tea lightly, and she presumed it was due to his burning cheek.
She put some ice in the handkerchief and he tilted his head. Aurora carefully placed the handkerchief wrapped around the ice and she placed it on his face carefully and lightly and she heard him groan.
His eyes were closed and she looked at his face, he was really beautiful up close, he did not have a bad angle.
Aurora nearly dropped the ice she was holding when Caspian looked at her, their eyes met and she panicked a bit as she looked away.
“Why do you fight yourself so much Aurora and deny yourself life’s smallest pleasures.”
Aurora did wonder what held her back truly? Was she really that afraid of receiving heartbreak, as she had seen what it could do to many.
She had experienced firsthand what falling for the wrong man that you couldn’t have could do to one.
Most importantly what would she mean to him? Just another girl to add to his list, he was already set to be with Nadia, so there was no room in his heart for any other woman.
“Overthinking again are we?”
“Yes, My Lord.” She felt a bit strained and so much was running through her head, the kiss and the slap there was so much for her to process.
“That’s enough, you may take your leave.”
“Thank you, My Lord, and I apologize once more for my actions.”
“You are dismissed.”
Aurora nodded and she left the room and felt as if her knees would give out anytime soon. She went to the forest where she usually walked.
She sunk by a huge tree and knew no one could see her as the trunk was very huge and covered her whole body.
Her heart was still beating very fast from the encounter that she had with Caspian, now that she was thinking about it on her own, her cheeks were getting hotter by the second.
She touched them and she could not believe she was reminiscing about the kiss, the way his arms were strong around her waist, the way he had pulled her flash against him.
She was embarrassed as she was lost for breath after the kiss and she dared to slap a prince that would earn her death and the lightest punishment would be having her arms cut off in front of everyone.
That made her worry some more and hoped that Caspian would not make this anymore bigger than it already was.
After some time she headed to dinner and when she got there her friends were already seated, she went to the front and got a portion and sat down.
“Strange you weren’t here first,” Ida remarked.
“Well, Lucy too is never here first.”
“True,” Evelyn replied.
Aurora ate her supper and kept on seeing flashes of Caspian,
“Where is your mind wandering Aurora?” Agnes asked.
“It wouldn’t be nowhere if you didn’t seem so spaced out.” Said Barbara.
Aurora could not take her friends in today, she had so many problems already and her headspace was not here.
She gulped down the remainder of her food and stood up,
“You are already leaving?” Ella asked
“Yes, I need to call it a night, I am tired.”
“You can talk to us you know.” Said Agnes.
“I know, I just need some rest and I will be back to my normal self, I haven’t been getting much rest lately.”
They all nodded but she could see that her friends weren’t buying her story one bit, she would explain to them on her own time and terms, and right now was not the time for her to.
She cycled back to her place and undressed and climbed into bed. She looked at the ceiling as she recalled the kiss once more.
Aurora wondered if she was being like this because it was her first kiss. It was almost out of a book, her first kiss was with a prince.
Essentially it was a stolen kiss, she rolled over sighing this was all too much for her to process. Now, what would happen if they were not on the same page.
Caspian definitely wanted sex from her and she couldn’t. Knowing her she would fall for him and end up with a broken heart.
Finally, after tossing and turning and her mind tormenting her, exhaustion was coming to her slowly but surely.
Could she manage to switch with another maid, she needed some space from Caspian, seeing him every day was definitely not working.
This was the first time that she had kept things from her friends and she didn’t like that as they told each other everything.
Yet her other side argued with her as she knew they would make this a huge deal and they would want details of what happens every day.
She would keep this little secret to herself as she would not be with Caspian again or allow this to happen unless she was not given a choice.
Aurora finally fell asleep.
Early access to chapters: