Prologue-Friday, June 13, 1980-One year later...
This book is Mature 15+. It has horror violence, mild coarse language, sex references, drug references, supernatural themes, adult themes
The little girl, Mandy Harper, 8, sang: 'Itsy bitsy spider came up the water spout; down came the ran and washed poor itsy out....'.
'Mandy, dinner's ready!'.
'Okay, Mom'.
And she took her shoes off, then headed inside the house.
As she did so, Jason Voorhees walked in the pool of water. He went towards the Hardy house, where Alice was living.
Soon, she would die like the others.
Alice was asleep.
Then she came to.
The memories of the last Friday the 13th was terrifying.
'Who are you?'.
'I am Mrs. Voorhees. I was the camp cook. Today is Jason Voorhees' birthday. I was working when it happened. Those campers were making love while he drowned. He should've been watched; he wasn't a very good swimmer'. Alice shivered. She heard the sound of the window was open. She saw the cold wind blow from the north; she then gasped as she noticed her cat coming towards her. 'Oh, you', she said. The fridge was open. She fed the cat, and then she made a cup of coffee. Then she had forgotten to close the back door because it was 87 degrees. She had earlier had a shower, and was dressed in her nightgown. Her green skivvy was clean, and needed a wash.
Then the telephone rang.
'Mom. I am fine now. I don't need you to be worried; I just need to make sure I am moving on with my life'.
'Are you, really, Alice?'.
'Yes', she sad.
Then she hung up the telephone.
The telephone rang again.
All she heard was heavy breathing.
Alice hung up, and shivered.
Seconds later, Jason Voorhees stabbed her in the skull with a icepick.
Then the horror returned.
It was a late night in the town of Crystal Lake.
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