River was resting on the warm grass. Her rose gold curly hair was spread out in all directions, and the little rays of sunshine left behind beamed, making her dark skin shimmer with pride.
She opened her amber eyes, and looked over at her cat. She smiled at the sight of him sleeping peacefully in the sun. She began to pet him. This was her only friend. Ever. Her parents had been worried about her, so they got her a nice little pet for her fifth birthday. It had been ten years since she got him, and he was around a year old when he was sent to her. She was wondering why he hadn't died yet. After all, a cat's life span is a bit short, around 10-15 years.
"wake up, kitty" she said playfully.
"It's treat time❤"
She got up and grabbed her cat. She went inside and opened the door to the treat cabinet and revealed what seemed like hundreds of yummy treats. The cat leaped onto the kitchen counter, and meowed a little meow.
"Nya~" She said in return
She grabbed his favorite treat bag and took one out. The treat was reddish brown and was shaped like a strawberry. The cat, Toru, Chowed it down in an instant. River petted him while he ate. His fur was so soft, like touching the finest wool, on the most clean sheep.
Toru jumped off of the counter and walked over to the door.
"Toru, Its too dark out..."
Toru cried a little and it made her heart melt.
"sigh... OK, Toru. Just don't stay out too late."
She opened the door, and Toru strolled out. He stole away, and found a nice secret place to go. He then transformed from a cat to a young man, at least sixteen. His hair was Short-ish and blonde, his skin was clear and pale, and his sleepy eyes shone a dark brown. He sighed and leaned on a tree. He was hopelessly in love, and he hated himself for it.