I never thought I'd find myself here so soon. Sitting in a sea of long buried strangers and their identical memorials. Mine included. My corpse looked serene, but cold to the touch. That was something I was familiar with. Warmth evaded me no matter how desperately I grasped at it. And emptiness resided in its place. An ever present chill creeping along my entire being, swallowing me up until only my thoughts were left to plague me. I lifted my eyes to be greeted by my desolate funeral. Only my sister had come, and she was smiling a wicked smile. The rest of my family was no where in sight. I wasn't surprised, but it still hurt. Whoever said family was flesh and blood needed to go and rethink their life choices. Rain tapped rhythmically against my headstone.
"The clouds are weeping for you, love."
And there he was. The only person I had ever loved, my best friend. His dark hair dripping with water, and his demeaner matching the circumstances. The trees swaying softly in the wind and the dark green grass soggy with moisture.
"And you know I do to."
He...He was my only regret.