What?! There's more of this trash?! Yes, indeed there is. Calm your hormones. We have a couple bonus prompts, so obviously I'm going to tackle them down. The first bonus prompt is "You realize the boat is sinking, but that's not the worst thing that could happen. The worst thing happened last night."
Oh God.
"Men! Grab the sails, all hands on deck!" Looker cried out. There was a storm brewing - and they were right in the middle of it. Rain swirled around them like a tornado, rocking the sturdy ship to and fro. A great smash echoed through the madness, and the boat began to sink. They were far from any land, and in a storm like this, there couldn't be much hope. And yet, Looker knew that the worst thing that could have happened occurred last night.
It was a calm, peaceful night. Many of the other sailors were fast asleep, but Looker and his first mate, Malice, were taking a night walk across the ship.
"How long 'till we reach real pirates land?" Malice asked. Looker chuckled.
"Any day now," he said. "So long as we keep a straight course headed north, we'll be there in a week, tops."
"Aye, I can't wait to get some real business done." Malice punched his open hand.
"All in due time, my friend." Looker patted him on the back.
"I can't wait to have a sorry face at my mercy, than I'll reall-" he stopped, gazing out into the sea. "What's that?" He pointed to a spot beside the boat. Adrift in the sea seemed to be a sort of bump on a log. Upon closer inspection, however...
"Man overboard!" Looker bellowed, more than likely waking all who slept soundly. "Grab a rope! I'll go down there myself!" Malice darted off to the other side of the boat as Looker took a splendid dive in the sea. He swam to the figure on the log and hoisted it up. It was a little girl, unconscious and paler than the moon. Looker kept the majority of her body above water as the rope came down, and then held on tight as he was pulled up.
"Heave! Come on, lads, ya got more muscle than that!" Malice, as well as at least five other men, heaved until they pulled Looker and the girl back on the ship. As soon as they were safely aboard, Malice dropped the rope and came beside Looker.
"What's a sweet thing like her doin' out here?" he pondered.
"No idea." A cough. The girl awoke. Looker spoke first, "Aye, lass, are you alright?" She nodded slowly.
"How did I get here?" she asked.
"You were driftin' in the sea," Malice said. He jabbed a finger at Looker. "Then this sorry load o' muscle hopped in to save you. Do you know how you even ended up in such a place?" The girl shook her head.
"Well," Looker clapped his hands together. "I think we ought to ask the lass what she wants to do now. It's only polite."
Malice guffawed. "And is a lot like ourselves really one for manners?"
"She is a lady," Looker pointed out. Malice rolled his eyes.
"Fine then," he said. "What would the little lady have us do?"
"This isn't what I imagined," Looker felt himself sweating. The little girl had made a makeshift tea-party for them all to 'enjoy,' but the opposite was currently happening.
"Hush. Mr. Bear, would you like some tea?" She poured imaginary tea out of a kettle into Mr. Bear's cup.
"Now, this is just degrading for surly pirates like us!" Malice bellowed. "I refuse to be a part of this little cunt's shenanigans any longer!" He stood, banging against the table.
"Please, sir, don't leave yet," she said calmly. Malice spat on the ground, reaching for the door. Suddenly, a black chain appeared around the door, preventing any sort of exit. Malice turned around in horror as he saw the little girl's face strewn in anger, her face glowing with a demonic scowl, a dark aura circulating around her.
"Nobody. Leaves." None were brave enough to try and defy a force like that. The rest of the night was filled with terror in their hearts as a little girl with the power of a God controlled their fate.
By morning, she was gone. Looker and Malice awoke to nothing but the bear remaining. They both agreed to bury this event in the pastwhere it belonged, and set Mr. Bear to a fiery grave. As soon as his ashes were taken away by the wind, a storm began to brew.
And now the ship was sinking, being used as a toy for Mother Nature. As Looker's pride and joy came tumbling down around him, he gazed upwards to the sky - and immediately knew the source of his troubles. Floating in the air, energy swirling around her like a typhoon, was the little girl he had chosen to save from the depths of the ocean.
He wished he had let her drown.
Spooooky pirate things. Yay? Yay. Never trust what looks innocent, guys.
Also when writing pirate things, listening to the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack just makes everything better. Now I'm gonna go become Jack Sparrow, see ya.