Siri, why don't you love me? "A stranger asks to borrow your cell phone. You agree. She turns away and talks on it for a moment, then faces you once more. "I'm sorry," she says, eyes red. "I'm so sorry." Then, she runs away."
It's because I'm human, isn't it Siri?
It was a partially cloudy day, and Stefan was waiting at the bus stop, goofing around on his phone. He didn't pay much attention to the world around him, and instead found himself enveloped in the game he was playing. He was so into it that he didn't hear a woman trying to get his attention.
"Excuse me...excuse me!" She waved her hand in front of his face. Stefan snapped out of it.
"Wha- oh, hi. Er...what do you want?" She was a total stranger.
"Can I use your phone quickly?" she asked. She seemed really antsy, so Stefan handed her the device. She thanked him quickly and turned away, chattering on it for a moment. Then, she turned around again, her eyes red and gleaming with tears.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm so sorry." Before Stefan could even utter a word, she dashed off. Cursing under his breath, he chased after her.
"Oi!" he yelled, his large steps slowly advancing to her small ones. The girl seemed to have given up. She hid most of her face in her hoodie, and avoided his eye.
"What's wrong? You just kind of...freaked." The girl wiped her eyes.
"I"m sorry," she said. "I got your phone all gross." She handed it back to him, wiping it as best she could. "My allergies are horrible. I just wanted to call my mom so that we could meet up, but maybe I'd better go home."
"Do you have any sort of allergy medicine or whatever? I don't have any so I don't know how it works."
"Nah, my emergency thing is at home. I didn't think everything would be pollinating already. Eugh." She grabbed a kleenex from her purse and blew her nose.
"You're not gonna die, are you?" Stefan raised an eyebrow.
"Psh, no. Thanks for coming to check on me though. Most people would just pass me over as some weird chick."
"Yeah, no problem." Stefan scratched his chin. "You turned out to be a pretty nice weird chick though." The girl smiled.
"Snot and all?"
"I consider it a bonus," he laughed. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to meet up again sometime. Er, maybe when you're less allergies."
"My, my, asking me out already?" The girl smirked. She pulled out a small piece of paper and wrote something on it. She tucked it in the palm of Stefan's hand. "Call me. The name's Hannah."
"Stefan," he breathed, watching her walk away. He put his phone in his pocket. He didn't think he'd need it as much anymore with someone like her by his side.
Okay, now the challenge is really over. Though it's been tough to write every day, I have to say it's great to get back into it and force myself to not goof off. Now maybe I can actually work on some of my other stories...